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Aryan invasion theory denial

@RazPaK I would even marry the fat aryan Pakistani girl which no one wants to marry. Even these Delhi Indian girls reject me bro.

Why do girls hate us dark dravidians?

I think it's because you dark dravidians are always self victimizing yourselves. Women can smell desperation a mile away, and it's not attractive at all my friend.
So you are telling me that Darjeeling in India has no Nepalis? India has the largest amount of Nepalis outside of Nepal.

Darjeeling does have Nepalis, but you're not one. I believe the ethnic Nepalese in darjeeling call themselves "Pahari" rather than nepali. I'm not sure though. You're most probably that freeradical guy.
So you are telling me that Darjeeling in India has no Nepalis? India has the largest amount of Nepalis outside of Nepal.

As expected you turned out to be ugly hindu indian, please next time don't post on behalf of Nepalis.
Lol, please don't tell me about Darjeeling. We call ourselves "Gorkha" and have been advocating a separate Gorkhaland state

You are shameless creature who deny Nepal is east asian country, instead post pictures ofNorth indian looking nepalis.

I doubt you are Nepali but some low class hindu pretending to be Nepali.
I think it's because you dark dravidians are always self victimizing yourselves. Women can smell desperation a mile away, and it's not attractive at all my friend.
And do they hate us for being dark and not having sharp features like Aryan Pakistanis?
Lol, please don't tell me about Darjeeling. We call ourselves "Gorkha" and have been advocating a separate Gorkhaland state

Lose the man boobs and then post

I'm ethnic Nepali Gorkha, the same kind that helped the British subjugate you people


this an old pic
Nepal is South Asia. Nepalis are Hindu retardo

Retarded, the reason we have great relation with Nepal is because they are east asians. You on the hand is hindu indian pretending to be Nepali. Shame on you, what you said you are on other forum?
Nepali people hate Muslims. Only communist government likes Pakistan.

Stop crying fatso, do some comfort eating and you might lose weight

go cry to your mama for producing an diseased ugly midget... or better yet take it up with God.. :lol:
Nepali people hate Muslims. Only communist government likes Pakistan.

Can you name the forum and your id? I really doubt you are Nepali, we have nothing against Nepal. Nepal and Pak are basically in same boat trying to live peacefully while indian hindus always get their lungi twisted.
Nepali people hate Muslims. Only communist government likes Pakistan.

Stop crying fatso, do some comfort eating and you might lose weight

Back with his tenth ID......:o:

By the way I have met many Nepalese folk and they hold no such feeling.
Any tips to get an Aryan Pakistani girl?

Well, you are not Muslim, so that hurts your chances. But there are minority chicks that are Christian and Hindu.

What you need to do is start showering regularly. Brush teeth, and use deodorant. I'd say use cologne, but if you're tight on money deodorant should work.

Next thing is dressing. You have to realize what looks good on others may not look good on you. Wear a watch, unless you have really skinny arms, then don't wear a watch.

Always keep aviator sunglasses on you, like the kid in my avatar has.

Those are just the starting steps. Then you have to build your personality, and stop victimizing yourself as an ugly short dark dravidian. Confidence is the key.
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