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Aryan invasion theory denial

no wonder u lost half u country with such mentality, most of fair skinned north pakistani & Indians don't belong to aryan group they have migrated in recent history like white huns, sycnthians etc

Even if it is true still it matters because they have got numbers in this region so this region belongs to them not to musallis or doms who are descendants of south indians :cool:
Khatris/Sheikh is indigenous tribe of Pakistan and not really like Kashtriya which is title given to Indians by ancient Pakistanis.

I was wondering when you'd come up with the ancient Pakistani theory. :lol: Show me a peer-reviewed source which says Khatris are an indigenous tribe of Pakistan.
I'm Dravidian ? U must be an aboriginal or Pygmy... You moron brohis have some South Indian in them but not even visible .. Baluch moved to the region afte conflict with Persian king noushervan .. Some Baluch tribes married Dravidians (as most had were killed when Persians armies committed genocide).. Other tribes .. Disowned that particular ppl .. And the so called brohis don't even look like you ppl .. Google the pics of raisani,mengal or bizenjo tribes .. :lol:
so where ur nordic ancestors come from saudi arabia :lol:
so where ur nordic ancestors come from saudi arabia :lol:

Forget my ancestors take a good look in the mirror before claiming to be an "aryan"... N calling others Dravidians .. Even the ugliest Baluch will break your face if you called him indian.
They look Arabs. :eek::eek::eek:

Please don't insult them, spare them at least. Pictures are just to increase knowledge...

Thats why i avoided posting **** punjabi pictures. But seem like even hindu/sikh punjabis/sindhis are not indigenous but invaders.
Yes, every Pakistani here want to abuse or deny the dark skinned Pakistani.

Yes we are dark inferior ppl .. Now move your white aryan behind to Punjab or Haryana or himachal to see your worth or just scroll back a few pages n see the indian posters comment abt your "aryanness".
Yes, every Pakistani here want to abuse or deny the dark skinned Pakistani.

Must say, you're the best troll on this forum. Your posts make me laugh considering how cheesy most of them are lol.
Yes we are dark inferior ppl .. Now move your white aryan behind to Punjab or Haryana or himachal to see your worth or just scroll back a few pages n see the indian posters comment abt your "aryanness".

Aryanness is about Hinduism for people any skin tone. Any random fair skin tom, dick and harry can't call himself as Aryans, it only belongs to Hindus and Zoroastrians. ;) And Pakistanis have obsession to deny that they have dark people in their countries. :o::o:
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