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Artillery strikes on Pakistan will only bring good PR. For impact, India needs more Balakots

We fought against Pakistan on two fronts, with relatively twice as many resources, as Pakistan has now.( since your country has been halved).

I thought you wanted troll with old videos ?

You had quite a large army even then and on eastern front, PA was much smaller in size. And since its always easy to engage an already engaged army which is also much smaller than you, and the fact that you are a coward opportunistic nation, you grabbed that opportunity.

But lets enjoy one to one ship encounter in the Arabian sea.. how the Indian sailors were shocked...

You had quite a large army even then and on eastern front, PA was much smaller in size. And since its always easy to engage an already engaged army which is also much smaller than you, and the fact that you are a coward opportunistic nation, you grabbed that opportunity.

But lets enjoy one to one ship encounter in the Arabian sea.. how the Indian sailors were shocked...

You had a large army on western front, there also you lost, almost all your battles. It wasn't our theory " that defence of East, lies in the West"
We do have capacity to change our neighbours into vedic dust in 15 minutes.

Why don't u try some thing real for a change like actually hitting a target
So does India, by the way!- lol- Why try at all, you guys are doing just fine-by yourself.
We are unofficially happy with the status quo- So make you move and achieve your objective and then we can talk- India has already started achieving theirs- 1st stage complete 370 abolish- 2nd stage- Re-education and economic prosperity-3rd stage political stability in Kashmir-and final stage- Competently seal borders like the Korean peninsula.
So does India, by the way!- lol- Why try at all, you guys are doing just fine-by yourself.
We are unofficially happy with the status quo- So make you move and achieve your objective and then we can talk- India has already started achieving theirs- 1st stage complete 370 abolish- 2nd stage- Re-education and economic prosperity-3rd stage political stability.

We will see what is achieved.. No issues at all
You had a large army on western front, there also you lost, almost all your battles. It wasn't our theory " that defence of East, lies in the West"
As I said, it is easier to engage an enemy (that too much smaller, divided with huge hostile land in between) when it is busy in internal affairs.. and as a coward opportunistic nation, you grabbed the opportunity (again, after getting help of 175000 armed mukti force despite having huge numerical advantage) .. I give full marks for living up to the expectations.

Let enjoy the video now.. :-)
As I said, it is easier to engage an enemy (that too much smaller, divided with huge hostile land in between) when it is busy in internal affairs.. and as a coward opportunistic nation, you grabbed the opportunity (again, after getting help of 175000 armed mukti force despite having huge numerical advantage) .. I give full marks for living up to the expectations.

Let enjoy the video now.. :-)

Umm... but you lost on western front also. There was no Mukti Bahini there, no strife in west Pakistan, our forces were evenly matched.
Realistically East Pakistan was never half of Pakistan but then since you are a pajeet and like every pajeet you are allergic to facts

So we would give you a pass
Next balakot needs an disproportionate response.

I will go after the whole western a'd Northern aircommands

This fantasy needs to translated into strategic advantage

There are several ways where we excel. We need to use them

Totally agree. But there are too many Cowards sitting in too many positions in the Military and the Government and hence this won't happen.
Who cares about the population

I am talking about area


The low class filthy race that exists in India

matlab neech aur ghatya zaat k log hotai hain

How does area matter, even with lesser area, and higher population, starting far behind you, they have overtaken you economically.
How does area matter, even with lesser area, and higher population, starting far behind you, they have overtaken you economically.

Still doesn't matter

They were not half. End of story

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