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Artillery strikes on Pakistan will only bring good PR. For impact, India needs more Balakots

Please excuse me,from this political garbage.Don't blame two families,it's a collective effort Pakistan saw a decade of military rule,what it gave to economy?
i won't waste my time on numbers..but anyone can go and check what happened in military leadership on the front of economy ..it happened simply because any logical economist will tell whats the problem with pakistan economy and what direction it needs

so go and google the trends in GDP, GDP per capita and exports and CAD between 2001 to 2007..
2007-8 was a year of global financial crisis just like this year so it will be a anomaly
The above is all irrelevant. If india went to war with Pakistan, China or anyone else would they all be backing india in some form of another?

The terrorist bomb blasts in Pakistan are virtually non-existent. If you are talking about between 2001 to 2016 then most of them were carried out by Blackwater and the CIA in the neo-con plot to turn Pakistan into Iraq or Afghanistan. They failed.

i won't waste my time on numbers..but anyone can go and check what happened in military leadership on the front of economy ..it happened simply because any logical economist will tell whats the problem with pakistan economy and what direction it needs

so go and google the trends in GDP, GDP per capita and exports and CAD between 2001 to 2007..
2007-8 was a year of global financial crisis just like this year so it will be a anomaly
Well if they did something solid,it won't have gone that easily.Mush left Media,TTP and NRO as his legacy and these things still haunt us.
Only military ruler which did something very good was Ayub,but all his work was reversed, courtesy PPP and ZAB.
Well if they did something solid,it won't have gone that easily.Mush left Media,TTP and NRO as his legacy and these things still haunt us.
Only military ruler which did something very good was Ayub,but all his work was reversed, courtesy PPP and ZAB.


Pakistan seeks rollover of half of $28b debt
By shahbaz rana

Amount includes $23b principal loans, another $4.6b on account of interest payments


Pakistan plans to seek rollover of half of nearly $28 billion external public debt that is maturing over the next three years, as the Bretton Woods Institutions begin their meetings that will also review possibility of writing off loans of member nations.

The country seeks the fiscal space to help out its citizens affected by the coronavirus pandemic, as an independent assessment puts the fiscal needs of reaching out to all the households with bare minimum monies at Rs678 billion per month during the lockdown period.

However, the federal government’s response remains disjointed and it has not been able to put its act together to respond to the biggest crisis of its time. The provinces and the federal government remain poles apart on the lockdown issue.

What Pakistan owes?

From July 2020 to June 2023, Pakistan is required to make $27.8 billion worth of public debt-related payments to its international creditors on account of principal and interests, showed official record of the government. That includes $23 billion principal loans and another $4.6 billion on account of interest payments.

Of the total $27.8 billion, around $19 billion will be made to only four major creditors of Pakistan – the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and China.

The amount of $27.8 billion is equal to 35% of Pakistan’s external public debt, including that of the IMF. All of the repayment figures are based on Pakistan’s public external debt stock as of end December 2019.

The officials of the Ministry of Economic Affairs said that roughly $14 billion relief in principal amount can be requested, subject to approval by the highest forum and the multilateral creditors’ willingness.

Pakistan is scheduled to return $9.8 billion in fiscal year 2020-21, $8.8 billion in FY 2021-22 and $8.3 billion in FY 2022-23, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ statistics.

The amount is exclusive of balance of payment support obtained from Saudi Arabia ($3 billion), United Arab Emirates ($2 billion), China (safe deposit principal $3 billion) and Qatar $500 million. Prime Minister Imran Khan has made an appeal to the world powers and multilateral institutions to write off loans of the developing nations. The Bretton Woods Institutions -the World Bank and the IMF – begin their four-day virtual Spring Meetings today (Tuesday). One of the agenda is to consider the possibility of debt relief for the developing countries, said the World Bank vice president for South Asia on Friday during an audio-conference.

Newly appointed Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Khusro Bakhtiar on Monday took his first meeting to review various possibilities of rescheduling the external public debt-related repayments.

One of the questions that bothered Bakhtiar was how Pakistan would strike a balance between seeking new loans and requesting debt relief.

Sources in the Ministry of Economic Affairs told The Express Tribune that Pakistan was considering two options – seeking deferment of principal loans for five years on same terms or renegotiating the significant amount of outstanding external debt.

The decision as to which option Pakistan would choose and the quantum of debt relief that it will request to bilateral and multilateral creditors has yet to be taken.

Pakistan had got its loans rescheduled from Paris Club members in 2001 as a reward for becoming an ally in the US’ war against terrorism. However, the 2001 relief was country specific and now Pakistan cannot get any concession alone and it has to come as a policy matter from major lenders, including the G-20 countries.

Good luck this time with 30+ b$ laons...

I always say NRO was give to mr bhutto and mr sharif by people of pakistan. The third NRO will happen in 2023 when maryum or bilawal will be back in power ..again by people of pakistan
always say NRO was give to mr bhutto and mr sharif by people of pakistan. The third NRO will happen in 2023 when maryum or bilawal will be back in power ..again by people of pakistan
Everyone has served his own agenda,half of public is pure illiterate,half of leftover is mentally handicapped when it comes to politics and 25% of 220 million won't make difference for Pakistan.Only solution is mass purge.
Actually It was More of 2,50,000 shells but still Its Much for a Particular low intensity war

"Indian Army artillery fired over 2, 50, 000 shells, bombs and rockets during the Kargil conflict. Approximately 5,000 artillery shells, mortar bombs and rockets were fired daily from 300 guns, mortars and MBRLs (multi-barrel rocket launchers). Around 9,000 shells were fired the day Tiger Hill was regained," said Colonel SD Goswami, defence spokesman at Northern Command Headquarters.


I think 5.5 lacs will be along with munitions fired by MIG27 and Mirages..... but overall deadly fire power.... India had such a beast Boforse back in 1998.... don't understand why people believe Pakistan has edge in artillery....
Because minus the bollywood movies you grew up watching that is actually true
I don’t know why Pakistanis are against Bollywood ... it’s of course crappy but is largely funded by Dawood the Underworld don and promotes Muslim actors and put Pakistan positively only few movies are funded by Indian patriots but that’s minuscule... in India mostly now its web series/you tubes or Indian cultural series and some Southern movies that are popular ...

yup in Delhi most of younger generation avoid these Bambaiya movies few exceptions of course and we call Bollywood as Daodwood :)

infact Delhi has now its own multimedia scene and might rival Daoodwood in a decade or so... specially online
yup in Delhi most of younger generation avoid these Bambaiya movies few exceptions of course and we call Bollywood as Daodwood :)

infact Delhi has now its own multimedia scene and might rival Daoodwood in a decade or so... specially online
I guess Daowood had a made a good impression...!!
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