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Artillery strikes on Pakistan will only bring good PR. For impact, India needs more Balakots

5th generation warfare is just a misnomer by cowards and weaklings to justify their inability. We traditionally called such people as "frog in a well" or "koopa mandooka" where koopa means well and mandooka means frog.

Why don't you change your user ID to Koopa Mandooka?:lol::lol::lol:
In Punjabi, it is called "Khoo da Daddu".
Haha haha! India matters more than EU for all practical purposes. EU is a useless entity that has nothing to offer- no natural resource, no technology. Russia is important because it is a major oil and gas producer, China is Maggie manufacturer while USA is a major oil producer and technology base. India is important because it hold geopolitical strength and host 20 crore Muslims. EU is simply useless by all means

Europe and the EU nations were involved in the innovation and inventions of computers, the internet, space technology, tanks, cars, submarines, trains, aeroplanes, jet engines, fighter jets, satellites, communication technology, industrialisation etc, to name just a FEW. What have 1.4 billion indians EVER invented or created 100% by themselves?
The only countries that matter to the rest of the world are your own nation plus America, China, Russia and the EU. india is NOWHERE near and will NEVER be at that level.
Your children may have a different opinion from you when they grow up.

India is a growing power. Pakistan is a declining power. Regarding evidence, the record and history speaks for itself.






What growing power? What declining power? Please provide actual GENUINE and CREDIBLE evidence to support your claims. Opinion pieces are irrelevant and mean nothing.
Indian artillery is deadly.... during kargil war India fired 5.5 lacs artillery shells.... nobody wants to take a bath in such a deadly fire shower.....
What growing power? What declining power? Please provide actual GENUINE and CREDIBLE evidence to support your claims. Opinion pieces are irrelevant and mean nothing.
What I posted are actual indicators of a rising power, events that really happened. What you want is a certificate from Westerners. Western certificate is not an evidence for anything in international politics.

More so because West is very anti-Indian. West has a tradition of subversive activities in independent India.

What I posted are actual indicators of a rising power, events that really happened. What you want is a certificate from Westerners. Western certificate is not an evidence for anything in international politics.

More so because West is very anti-Indian. West has a tradition of subversive activities in independent India.


In other words, you don't have ANY evidence, as usual............:disagree:..........just fairy tales and obscure opinions...........:disagree:

Indian artillery is deadly.... during kargil war India fired 5.5 lacs artillery shells.... nobody wants to take a bath in such a deadly fire shower.....

Sure it. In the retarded low IQ Bollywood film you were watching.
TBH Everyone knows but nobody cares or gives a damn about it. The only countries that matter to the rest of the world are your own nation plus America, China, Russia and the EU. india is NOWHERE near and will NEVER be at that level.
I disagree and you are underestimating India too much, they are rather effective at promoting their narrative across the globe. And most common people even in those countries do not know and that is where Indian propaganda needs to be exposed.
TBH Everyone knows but nobody cares or gives a damn about it. The only countries that matter to the rest of the world are your own nation plus America, China, Russia and the EU. india is NOWHERE near and will NEVER be at that level.
But why do your countrymen and women appeal for Indian medical visas on social media?
In other words, you don't have ANY evidence, as usual............:disagree:..........just fairy tales and obscure opinions...........:disagree:
If you don't have ability to differentiate between opinion and OPEN facts, that's your problem. Tell your people to focus on defending Pakistan. So far they have done a terrible job.

But why do your countrymen and women appeal for Indian medical visas on social media?

That doesn't mean nothing. Appealing for indian medical visas doesn't make india as powerful or as advanced as China or the White European nations. Their appeals won't make india a significant country. It's like the millions of indians who work in the Muslim Middle Eastern nations. They hate Muslims and Islam with a burning passion and obsessive ferocity yet they still yearn for the wealth of those same Muslims. That doesn't make those Muslim Arab nations powerful and advanced though.

If you don't have ability to differentiate between opinion and OPEN facts, that's your problem. Tell your people to focus on defending Pakistan. So far they have done a terrible job.


What facts? Where is the genuine and credible evidence that backs them up or confirms them?
That doesn't mean nothing. Appealing for indian medical visas doesn't make india as powerful or as advanced as China or the White European nations. Their appeals won't make india a significant country. It's like the millions of indians who work in the Muslim Middle Eastern nations. They hate Muslims and Islam with a burning passion and obsessive ferocity yet they still yearn for the wealth of those same Muslims. That doesn't make those Muslim Arab nations powerful and advanced though.

What facts? Where is the genuine and credible evidence that backs them up or confirms them?
Indians have not gone to war with Middle Eastern nations or have territorial disputes with them. But Pak hates Hinduism and Indians and covets Indian controlled territory. Yet the Pak citizens keep asking for Indian visas. They are upset when Indians did not let them play in IPL. Why?
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