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Arrest of 8 Hindu men accused of gang rape & murder of a 8-yr girl in Kashmir sparks Hindu outcry

1/ So according to this detailed investigation, #Asifa was repeatedly sedated as she was raped over 7 days. And for some reason, the strip of tablets she was drugged with was, as per police report, "kept under a heap of garbage near an electric pole outside the Devisthan." What?

2/n Report says accused "washed the clothes worn by" #Asifa at the time of her death "to remove the clay and blood stains/sperm" before forensic tests. Did they put it back on her? Do forensics confirm this? And what about forensic report on fluid, hair & evidence on & in her?

3/n J&K police say "one of the hair strands recovered from the Devisthan matched with the DNA profile of Victim #Asifa which confirmed that the victim was kept in captivity at Devisthan." She was gangraped & tortured for 7 days in this place & they got ONE hair strand?

4/n The police says it has DNA & physical evidence. But the only thing I read in the chargesheet is they got one strand of #Asifa's hair from the temple where she was kept, raped & tortured for days, & NOTHING from forensics & autopsy! How's that possible?

5/n There is a picture of #Asifa's mother weeping before her supposed school uniform. Yet NYT reports her father as saying she was not sent to school but her brothers were. The TRUTH is : an 8yr-old girl was brutally killed regardless of what she was.

6/n #TriggerWarning for these next tweets. They are pictures of #Asifa after her body was found, and they contradict the police report on her. The media has jumped on the communal bandwagon & when it needs to totally SCRUTINIZE the police investigation here!

7/n 1. Who took these pictures of Asifa when she was found in Jan, weeks before any police action? Not her grieving parents. The angles & framing of these pictures indicate a professional photographer. Who made the poor mother sit away while they clicked these pictures?

8/n The pictures show #Asifa's face, body & hair dusty and covered with mud. But police report says she was kept & abused INSIDE the temple premise, carried outside, kept on an accused's lap & strangled & then her body dumped in the forest. So where did all the mud come from?

9/n Most importantly, the police report clearly states that #Asifa was strangled and "in order to make sure that the victim is dead, hit her twice on head with stone..." The media's been repeatedly saying her head was smashed in but the pictures clearly show that it was not.

10/n What really is crucial forensics evidence is found in her father's statement below on the condition the family found #Asifa's body in. But oddly no mention in the police & assumedly forensics report of bite marks on her lip (DNA source!), electrocution, her legs broken.

11/n This news report says #Asifa's "blood-soaked clothes were washed before they were sent to a forensic lab." The pictures don't show her clothes as blood-soaked. But what's critical is what the autopsy shows which the police report says nothing about!

12/n Some Other things that are unclear. Why no media mentioned that #Asifa was adopted? Or why most media drop Poojwala from her adoptive father's last name? Or if #Asifa's own parents have been informed? Or how Pujwalas own two daughters died?

13/n Police behaved strangely in this case from the start. Not taking action when #Asifa was reported missing however is normal for Indian police all over. What was strange is the police put a look out notice in the newspaper four days after her family found and buried her!

14/n I will continue with my analysis of the police mess up of #Asifa's case later. But here is the thread to my analysis of how the Delhi police & power corridor messed up investigation of the Delhi Bus Gang rape case.

15/n Why should #Asifa's adobtive parents be investigated & eliminated as suspects in her disappearance & murder? Because it's standard procedure for all competent & professional police forces to first check people closest to the victim. It's how any blind investigation begins.

16/n As head of @50millionmissin & having worked on mass Femicide (female genocide) in India, we know that most of the 7million girls killed in the age group 1-6yrs in India, are killed by their own family.Yet police rarely even investigate these crimes!

Looks like her own ADOPTIVE parents killed her for property and the Kashmiri awam is once again fixing Hindus.
This little girl was brutally murdered by her own ADOPTIVE parents and now these scum are blaming others to hide their dastardly acts.

Why are you so protective against these 8 men.. you want to say, they are innocent just because of religious lines... strange, rape may happened in lot of places.. but the way she was tortured and murdered is gruesome.. let the trial go on, instead of being self proclaimed investigator... No one do crimes in front of cams... they do try to wash out all possible witnesses.. Why you are taking sides.. Nirbaya rape happened in moving bus, yet no one able to help her... let fair trial take place..
Why are you so protective against these 8 men.. you want to say, they are innocent just because of religious lines... strange, rape may happened in lot of places.. but the way she was tortured and murdered is gruesome.. let the trial go on, instead of being self proclaimed investigator... No one do crimes in front of cams... they do try to wash out all possible witnesses.. Why you are taking sides.. Nirbaya rape happened in moving bus, yet no one able to help her... let fair trial take place..

Why are you so afraid of answering the questions?
Looks like you don't care about justice for Asifa as long as your agenda is met.

The only ones demanding CBI enquiry are the perpetrators but strangely the ADOPTIVE family of the girl who killed her for property are against it.

Oh she was definitely tortured but by whom?

You know the strange thing in all this, the juvenile who was supposed to have raped her was taking exams in Bihar on that day.

Her ADOPTIVE parents send their own 2 older boys to school but send a 8 year old little girl to tend horses in wild. Did they say they loved her?

Why is everyone so afraid of CBI investigation and answering tough questions?

Do you what sounds most strange in all this. Why did the police take out a look out advertisement in paper for her, 4 days after she was found buried by her ADOPTIVE parents.
Even stranger, The only physical proof the police have is a strand of the girls hair in temple and NOTHING ELSE.
Why are you so afraid of answering the questions?
Looks like you don't care about justice for Asifa as long as your agenda is met.

The only ones demanding CBI enquiry are the perpetrators but strangely the ADOPTIVE family of the girl who killed her for property are against it.

Oh she was definitely tortured but by whom?

You know the strange thing in all this, the juvenile who was supposed to have raped her was taking exams in Bihar on that day.

Her ADOPTIVE parents send their own 2 older boys to school but send a 8 year old little girl to tend horses in wild. Did they say they loved her?

Why is everyone so afraid of CBI investigation and answering tough questions?

Do you what sounds most strange in all this. Why did the police take out a look out advertisement in paper for her, 4 days after she was found buried by her ADOPTIVE parents.
Even stranger, The only physical proof the police have is a strand of the girls hair in temple and NOTHING ELSE.

Unlike you am not coming to conclusion... Am no investigator.. you are taking sides just because of religious lines.. strand of hair found on her body...clues team usually search for available evidence, hair does matter.. no one leaves Id proof... Stop twisting everything... give break...
thank god its kerala not a Hindu cow belt state

"Good She Was Killed": Banker Loses Job After Comment On Kathua Rape Case
The banker, Vishnu Nandakumar, comes from a family of local RSS and BJP leaders in Kerala


Vishnu, referring to the 8-year-old girl had said on Facebook that it was "good that she was killed at this age itself. Else, she would have grown up and returned throwing bombs in India". It's not clear when the comment was posted, however, the post was widely shared and the bank's Facebook page was flooded with demands for the manger to be sacked.

Twitter was also flooded with demands for dismissing the manager with hashtag #Dismiss_your_manager trending.

Unlike you am not coming to conclusion... Am no investigator.. you are taking sides just because of religious lines.. strand of hair found on her body...clues team usually search for available evidence, hair does matter.. no one leaves Id proof... Stop twisting everything... give break...

Appreciate that since everyone is shouting it as Hindutva rapists.
After all only in India Rapists have religion, especially if they are Hindus.

Anyway, you got it wrong.

There was nothing found on her. Read the police report.
the only hair strand found was in the temple. A single strand.

No residue of the rapists on the body of the girl. not a single strand of hair, not semen, no skin under her finger nails, nothing.

While I appreciate your position, I would also appreciate if the "adoptive" parents are also questioned. After all they were direct beneficiaries of her death, inheriting her property.
Appreciate that since everyone is shouting it as Hindutva rapists.
After all only in India Rapists have religion, especially if they are Hindus.

Anyway, you got it wrong.

There was nothing found on her. Read the police report.
the only hair strand found was in the temple. A single strand.

No residue of the rapists on the body of the girl. not a single strand of hair, not semen, no skin under her finger nails, nothing.

While I appreciate your position, I would also appreciate if the "adoptive" parents are also questioned. After all they were direct beneficiaries of her death, inheriting her property.

BJP is the part of govt in JK... It is close to impossible to submit fake report... Forensic evidence is crucial ... May be the criminals are from particular religion... But religion got nothing to do with criminal minds.. the degree of crime is very high, let's hope fair trial takes place.. criminals become more intelligent, they try everything to get out of it... She was a 8year old kid..
BJP is the part of govt in JK... It is close to impossible to submit fake report... Forensic evidence is crucial ... May be the criminals are from particular religion... But religion got nothing to do with criminal minds.. the degree of crime is very high, let's hope fair trial takes place.. criminals become more intelligent, they try everything to get out of it... She was a 8year old kid..

yes sir.
She was 8 year old and from my POV it looks like her murderers are getting away literally with murder.

Another strange thing is that the perpetrators are begging for CBI investigation where as the victims adopted family is against it.

Sir, the supposed criminals are just that criminals, not some master minds.
If they had raped that girls, how is it possible that not a single iota of forensic evidence is found on her body or her clothes?
not semen, no hair, no skin under nails. just tell me, does it sound kosher to you?

Like you said, she was 8 year old child. She was murdered & the whole investigation seemed botched up.

Let me tell you, if the J&K police are going to take this case to court with that forensic evidence, it won't even make it past first week.
yes sir.
She was 8 year old and from my POV it looks like her murderers are getting away literally with murder.

Another strange thing is that the perpetrators are begging for CBI investigation where as the victims adopted family is against it.

Sir, the supposed criminals are just that criminals, not some master minds.
If they had raped that girls, how is it possible that not a single iota of forensic evidence is found on her body or her clothes?
not semen, no hair, no skin under nails. just tell me, does it sound kosher to you?

Like you said, she was 8 year old child. She was murdered & the whole investigation seemed botched up.

Let me tell you, if the J&K police are going to take this case to court with that forensic evidence, it won't even make it past first week.

Criminals are masterminds bro... It's disgusting to tag religion with such activities... Let's hope fair trial without political involvements.. I can't take sides.. culprits must be punished..
Criminals are masterminds bro... It's disgusting to tag religion with such activities... Let's hope fair trial without political involvements.. I can't take sides.. culprits must be punished..

You really buy that these criminals are so great at forensics that they cleared any trace of forensic evidence from the Temple, from the clothes of the girl and from her body?

I agree with you that the culprits should be punished.

This whole murder seems very fishy.

You are one piece of shit.

Your crooked mind is busy defending a heinous crime, you started with posting pictures of young girls as your defense, and then you went on to successfully come up with useless questions ignoring many factors and tried twisting the whole brutality (like your twisted mind) and came to conclusion that little child was killed by her own relatives .......... bravo you piece of sh*t.

I always wondered how a normal human can become a low life insensitive scumbag .... who wouldn't spare a young child, but after reading your comments ....... I realise now how ......
You really buy that these criminals are so great at forensics that they cleared any trace of forensic evidence from the Temple, from the clothes of the girl and from her body?

I agree with you that the culprits should be punished.

This whole murder seems very fishy.

Did you forget months old baby head mutilated in Hyderabad.. he washed the good strains .. used chilli powder to misled dogs!...



You are one piece of shit.

Your crooked mind is busy defending a heinous crime, you started with posting pictures of young girls as your defense, and then you went on to successfully come up with useless questions ignoring many factors and tried twisting the whole brutality (like your twisted mind) and came to conclusion that little child was killed by her own relatives .......... bravo you piece of sh*t.

I always wondered how a normal human can become a low life insensitive scumbag .... who wouldn't spare a young child, but after reading your comments ....... I realise now how ......

Why you are getting personal and abusing him?.

You are one piece of shit.

Your crooked mind is busy defending a heinous crime, you started with posting pictures of young girls as your defense, and then you went on to successfully come up with useless questions ignoring many factors and tried twisting the whole brutality (like your twisted mind) and came to conclusion that little child was killed by her own relatives .......... bravo you piece of sh*t.

I always wondered how a normal human can become a low life insensitive scumbag .... who wouldn't spare a young child, but after reading your comments ....... I realise now how ......

From my view, it looks like you are the one who is defending a heinous crime against a 8 year old by her Adoptive family.

Piece of Shit like you need to read the post and answer.

Did you forget months old baby head mutilated in Hyderabad.. he washed the good strains .. used chilli powder to misled dogs!...

And they got caught.
They tried to do it but forensic evidence is not just one aspect. It's amalgamation of a lot of things.

If a girl is raped, unless you use some chemicals on the girl, it's impossible to get rid off semen, even if condoms are used. It's elementary.

Look, these b@stards might for all purposes have done it and you could be right.
At this point though, it seems the narrative is being squeezed as evidence. The adopted parents are not even questioned once.
From my view, it looks like you are the one who is defending a heinous crime against a 8 year old by her Adoptive family.

Piece of Shit like you need to read the post and answer.

Your view can go up your rear ......... and try keeping it their. A retard like you shouldn't only be banned on forums but should be paid a visit in real life.

If your lowlife self has never heard of a thing called condom, it will keep dreaming semen in everything.

And if your insensitive soul cannot see the helplessness an eight year old would face when sedated and raped repeatedly by eight men ...... a sh*thole like you would keep posting the idiot senseless questions like what about hair, what about no skin under finger nails .....

Why you are getting personal and abusing him?.

Because I have grown calling sh*t ..... a sh*t and he is a sh*thead ..... you can play bro bro with him.
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