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Army's Modernization to be Completed by this Govt's Tenure: PM

Seems like you don't stay in bangladesh... I don't know how she is doing well with electricity!! I even can't watch a full movie in HBO.. 1 hour current following 1 hour loadshedding!! And its keep repeating..... Even the IPS of our house goes out of charge every day!! It has become a living hell.... I have never experienced such load Shedding during Zia regime to be honest.... And yes load shedding rarely occurs in Dhaka, Go to any other 64 district and you will change your decision about electricity revolution done by hasina

Yup, i came over to singapore last month. However, before i came over, it was quite okay. It was also okay in khulna. If you want electricity in 64 districts, you have to decentralise dhaka first. However she is making progress in sector. BTW loadshedding is the worst when watching cricket or ittadi:)
She helped mordernise the military and trying to meet the electricity needs of the country. IMO, she is doing quite well in this sector

She has taken some decision about electricity but all are very naive decision . we will have to give huge subsidies for the fuel of this private company . they are selling the electricity in high price too . so some BAL supporter will make huge profit out of this crisis . important to note most of the electric company may fail to complete their project in due time for lack of experience .
She has taken some decision about electricity but all are very naive decision . we will have to give huge subsidies for the fuel of this private company . they are selling the electricity in high price too . so some BAL supporter will make huge profit out of this crisis . important to note most of the electric company may fail to complete their project in due time for lack of experience .

All this could be solved easily if the state had a nuclear power plants. Power companies will engage in price wars and eventually bring down the prices.
With mounting evidence on destruction of national economy, infrastructure and institutions by Awami regime, its hard for eastwatch gang to hold off Hasina's praise. It tough time..

But those who think army modernised by Awami regime, could you list what Awami regime actually did for army? Buying few tanks, which has virtually next to no combat value for terrain in and around Bangladesh, actually waste of money NOT morderization. What else you have got?
With mounting evidence on destruction of national economy, infrastructure and institutions by Awami regime, its hard for eastwatch gang to hold off Hasina's praise. It tough time..

But those who think army modernised by Awami regime, could you list what Awami regime actually did for army? Buying few tanks, which has virtually next to no combat value for terrain in and around Bangladesh, actually waste of money NOT morderization. What else you have got?

The MBT is usefull in terrain such as chittagong and sylhet. Anyway, they did buy and are still buying new ships from china
For all the vile allegations and insinuations , Sheikh Hasina seems to be actually making a lot of progress with the Bangladesh military . Army mordernization ( impressive army recruitment programs) , Chinese frigates , trying to acquire Migs . This is way more than what BNP accomplished .

That's true though. ALs military modernization is always more ambitious than BNP's clueless purchases of vintage hardware.
That's true though. ALs military modernization is always more ambitious than BNP's clueless purchases of vintage hardware.

family members of various politicians generally become agent of foreign company and become very eager to supply military hardware for their %.

The MBT is usefull in terrain such as chittagong and sylhet. Anyway, they did buy and are still buying new ships from china

@ You cannot expect modernization of our army by the AL's govt. They are only interested about their commission. It is just wastage of our defense budget. I just give you some example how they destroyed our defense budget :

1. Earlier during the time of Ershad he bought three second hand Frigates from China on a long term loan. He also bought 2/3 squadron of fighter ac like A-6 and F-7. Once AL came to power in 1996-2001 they at once bought one new Frigate from South Korea in cash. This Frigate was basically civil pattern where later on some armament were installed. There were lot of corruption in this defense purchase and Sh Hasina herself was involved. Soon once BNP came to power they decommissioned it.

2. There was no need of buying Mig-29 from Russia at that time but still it was bought in cash. We cannot effort to buy defense purchase in cash. But AL' govt bought it only for the commission. The then AL govt raised one Brigade which was placed at Jammuna bridge. This Brigade was raised only for political purpose so that in time of political crisis or military coup the Divisions which are stationed at Bogra and Rangpur does not come to Dhaka straight way. It was made only to counter these Divisions. The only Brigade which they raised was at Sylhet. This was stragically very important and useful. The most blunder steps they took was the induction of lady officers in the army though it is debatable.
With mounting evidence on destruction of national economy, infrastructure and institutions by Awami regime, its hard for eastwatch gang to hold off Hasina's praise. It tough time..

But those who think army modernised by Awami regime, could you list what Awami regime actually did for army? Buying few tanks, which has virtually next to no combat value for terrain in and around Bangladesh, actually waste of money NOT morderization. What else you have got?

At least she is not stealing money like Begum Zia, hersons, her brothers and the BNP cronies did last time. I will prefer an AL re-elected (may not be possible) than those BNP thieves ruling again. BNP was worst abuser of national security matters. It was responsible for weakening the armed forces during her terms. Only General Moeen initiated the processing of strengthening our military.

It is good to see SH is following Army's modernization plan initiated by the last caretaker govt. That uneducated Begum Zia would have scrapped all these things if she had been elected.
family members of various politicians generally become agent of foreign company and become very eager to supply military hardware for their %.


I don't care how much their family members benefit from the deals. I try to look at it objectively. Military hardware purchased by AL, on average, has been better in terms of quality compared to those purchased by BNP.

It could be that SH wants to impress nationalists and fetch more votes, or maybe it's just the family corruption thing. Whatever it is, if it delivers, I'm happy!
@ You cannot expect modernization of our army by the AL's govt. They are only interested about their commission. It is just wastage of our defense budget. I just give you some example how they destroyed our defense budget :

1. Earlier during the time of Ershad he bought three second hand Frigates from China on a long term loan. He also bought 2/3 squadron of fighter ac like A-6 and F-7. Once AL came to power in 1996-2001 they at once bought one new Frigate from South Korea in cash. This Frigate was basically civil pattern where later on some armament were installed. There were lot of corruption in this defense purchase and Sh Hasina herself was involved. Soon once BNP came to power they decommissioned it.

2. There was no need of buying Mig-29 from Russia at that time but still it was bought in cash. We cannot effort to buy defense purchase in cash. But AL' govt bought it only for the commission. The then AL govt raised one Brigade which was placed at Jammuna bridge. This Brigade was raised only for political purpose so that in time of political crisis or military coup the Divisions which are stationed at Bogra and Rangpur does not come to Dhaka straight way. It was made only to counter these Divisions. The only Brigade which they raised was at Sylhet. This was stragically very important and useful. The most blunder steps they took was the induction of lady officers in the army though it is debatable.

Isnt buying new and mordern weapons mordernise the military. They bought new toys for our military so it does mordernise our armed forces

Why there wasnt any need for bd to buy the frigate and the mig 29s at that time? To me The purchase of the frigate and mig was important, they added fangs to our military.You do know that if we borrow the crafts, we must pay back to china if it is damaged during conflict. We might as well buy them. Furthermore, they also bring a sense of national pride to our people
MIG29 destroyed backbone of our air force.... yes it looks cool when you see at it, it feels good when you take pride of those in forums... But those procurements were unplanned and destroyed bangladesh air force.... Only 6 mig 29 + with 2 trainer + no bvr was just waste of money..... There is doubt whether all 6 are operational or not..... Again to repair They were sent to ukraine again most probably.... I read an assessment about this.... BAF spent money 4 times more to operate 6 Mig29(200 crore ) than operating BVR capable 40 f-7(50 crore)..... Because of wasting money on Mig29, our air force is silent now for a decade....do not blame BNP. most of Their leaders are ex army man and they know what is better for our country and military...
We take pride on our army which is in far better position comparing to our BAF and BN.. Now who turned it into a modern force??? What about 3rd generation upgradation of our all Tanks? What about Those armoured cars?? Who added lethal baktar shikhen to Army?? Which govt was involved in Establishment of automatic chinese rifles manufacturing infrastructure ?? What about multiple rocket launches system krl 122 from Pakistan?
I don't care how much their family members benefit from the deals. I try to look at it objectively. Military hardware purchased by AL, on average, has been better in terms of quality compared to those purchased by BNP.

It could be that SH wants to impress nationalists and fetch more votes, or maybe it's just the family corruption thing. Whatever it is, if it delivers, I'm happy!

I am afraid this type of naive view on defense items hurts national interest more than it helps. Awami regime go for big ticket items so commission is bigger. And guess who and how commission gets through in Awami regime - through Tarique Ahmed Siddique Hasina's defense advisor. Tarique Ahmed Siddique is brother-in-law of Shekih Rehana, who is Hasina's sister and happens to pocketed big amount when mig 29 was purchased. We all know how much money Hasina-Rehana team looted using mig purchase. Hasina-Rehana-Joy team employed people like Tarique Ahmed Siddique, communication minister Syed Abul Hossain, commerce minister Farooq Khan to loot money.

These migs are so expansive to maintain that cost of it eats up big chunk of tiny airforce budget. So not much money left for airforce development. So shiny bits may be eye candy but works against strategic interest and combat readiness. Same went on with recent purchase of MPA.
MIG29 destroyed backbone of our air force.... yes it looks cool when you see at it, it feels good when you take pride of those in forums... But those procurements were unplanned and destroyed bangladesh air force.... Only 6 mig 29 + with 2 trainer + no bvr was just waste of money..... There is doubt whether all 6 are operational or not..... Again to repair They were sent to ukraine again most probably.... I read an assessment about this.... BAF spent money 4 times more to operate 6 Mig29(200 crore ) than operating BVR capable 40 f-7(50 crore)..... Because of wasting money on Mig29, our air force is silent now for a decade....do not blame BNP. most of Their leaders are ex army man and they know what is better for our country and military...

A sqaudron of JFT with BVR capability would have been of much use for BAF than those Migs.
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