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Army's Modernization to be Completed by this Govt's Tenure: PM

The MBT is usefull in terrain such as chittagong and sylhet. Anyway, they did buy and are still buying new ships from china

You obviously don’t have clue about Bangladesh landscape. Most of Sylhet and chittagong are hilly region and have large water bodies. Only place tanks can be useful would be some parts of North Bengal and part of Maymenshing plain. Even with limited usability given threat perception from north and west these tanks are useless. Instead there are other things Bangladesh needs for its army urgently. But Awami regime would not go for it because of obvious reason. And for navy boats, go and check what is actually planned to purchase from confirmed source when was the plan made for these purchase.

---------- Post added at 07:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------

A sqaudron of JFT with BVR capability would have been of much use for BAF than those Migs.

You got it.
MIG29 destroyed backbone of our air force.... yes it looks cool when you see at it, it feels good when you take pride of those in forums... But those procurements were unplanned and destroyed bangladesh air force.... Only 6 mig 29 + with 2 trainer + no bvr was just waste of money..... There is doubt whether all 6 are operational or not..... Again to repair They were sent to ukraine again most probably.... I read an assessment about this.... BAF spent money 4 times more to operate 6 Mig29(200 crore ) than operating BVR capable 40 f-7(50 crore)..... Because of wasting money on Mig29, our air force is silent now for a decade....do not blame BNP. most of Their leaders are ex army man and they know what is better for our country and military...

These procurements didnt destroy BAF. We needed 4th generation aircraft for our air force to mordernise it. AL did make a mistake by buying those jets without much future planning, however at that time, there werent much choices. Anyway, it is very expensive to run a 4th gen aircraft, whether it is mig 29 or not.
We take pride on our army which is in far better position comparing to our BAF and BN.. Now who turned it into a modern force??? What about 3rd generation upgradation of our all Tanks? What about Those armoured cars?? Who added lethal baktar shikhen to Army?? Which govt was involved in Establishment of automatic chinese rifles manufacturing infrastructure ?? What about multiple rocket launches system krl 122 from Pakistan?

Nobody is taking a dig at BNP here, and they did a good job in mordernising the army. However, i am just giving credit to AL for trying to mordernise the military and i do hope they mordernise the army even further.

---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 PM ----------

A sqaudron of JFT with BVR capability would have been of much use for BAF than those Migs.

They werent available during that time. However, it is still a good idea for the BAF to have them now:)
You obviously don’t have clue about Bangladesh landscape. Most of Sylhet and chittagong are hilly region and have large water bodies. Only place tanks can be useful would be some parts of North Bengal and part of Maymenshing plain. Even with limited usability given threat perception from north and west these tanks are useless. Instead there are other things Bangladesh needs for its army urgently. But Awami regime would not go for it because of obvious reason. And for navy boats, go and check what is actually planned to purchase from confirmed source when was the plan made for these purchase.

---------- Post added at 07:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------

You got it.

Hilly region does not mean steep region. Hills can also mean gentle hills like the ones in used to grow teas. I mentioned chittagong and sylhet, because of the soil, the soil is ingenious not sedimentary like the rest of bangladesh
. Anyway in ww2 japanese tanks went through jungles and mountains of malaya. What makes you think that 3rd gen tanks of bd cant go through the hills of bd

The navy bought 2 frigates, 2 large patrol crafts 3 herbin helis. These news are confirmed. And 2 recon planes
I don't care how much their family members benefit from the deals. I try to look at it objectively. Military hardware purchased by AL, on average, has been better in terms of quality compared to those purchased by BNP.

It could be that SH wants to impress nationalists and fetch more votes, or maybe it's just the family corruption thing. Whatever it is, if it delivers, I'm happy!

during last tenure AL purchased only few migs and a frigate....nothing more.

but they were busy with lot of constructions where relatives of ex CAS became contractor.

during BNP tenure tareq rahman brought some APC for police and army with huge commission.

seikh rehana also did some corruption while purchasing some tank transporter.
Hilly region does not mean steep region. Hills can also mean gentle hills like the ones in used to grow teas. I mentioned chittagong and sylhet, because of the soil, the soil is ingenious not sedimentary like the rest of bangladesh
. Anyway in ww2 japanese tanks went through jungles and mountains of malaya. What makes you think that 3rd gen tanks of bd cant go through the hills of bd

This is not time of second world war, we are living in different century. Its laughable (more so for defense professional) that you want to operate tank in hills for warfare.

The navy bought 2 frigates

Show the confirmation 2 frigate were bought?

2 large patrol crafts

Which large petrol craft? You mean those bought from UK to guard fishing boat and check smuggling?

3 herbin helis

Again show the proof.

And 2 recon planes

Those 2 plane will have hardly any impact on defense as those have major indian components and india will have influence on control over its operation.

These news are confirmed

Show the confirmation. BMF and some dime a dozen sites are not source of confrmation.
These procurements didnt destroy BAF. We needed 4th generation aircraft for our air force to mordernise it. AL did make a mistake by buying those jets without much future planning, however at that time, there werent much choices. Anyway, it is very expensive to run a 4th gen aircraft, whether it is mig 29 or not.

What would you do with 4th or even 5th generation fighter when there is virtually no chance of getting even airborne during the time of conflict? India very much can dominate Bangladesh airspace that is without layered and effective SAM coverage like S300 or better systems and integrated command and control. To build effective SAM coverage, primary requirements is to have effective radar coverage. I recall BD did not have that previously until there were few that went into commission during last BNP govt.
This is not time of second world war, we are living in different century. Its laughable (more so for defense professional) that you want to operate tank in hills for warfare.

actually we dont want any white elephant like mig 29 which doesnot have any good armament.we need to purchase separate missile to make it battle worthy. at the same time those tech is costly.

it is not BNP or AL ( as both r corrupt ) who can purchase good equipment for our armed forces. both r same.
They werent available during that time. However, it is still a good idea for the BAF to have them now:)

Yeah I know. But still buying just 8 mig29 looks purely stupid to me. It would make sense if BAF would have bought around 2 squadrons of mig 29. Now sine BAF don't have a big budget like IAF they should have used there resources carefully unlike spending money just to buy some good looking aircraft. The fact is we buy aircraft or weapons to fight a war not because they look super cool. If some weapon can't help you effectively in a war it is purely useless. Now thanks to buying these mig 29's, precious resources are spent on them to keep them operational. These resources could have been spent on something which could have helped BAF during a war.
At least she is not stealing money like Begum Zia, hersons, her brothers and the BNP cronies did last time. I will prefer an AL re-elected (may not be possible) than those BNP thieves ruling again. BNP was worst abuser of national security matters. It was responsible for weakening the armed forces during her terms. Only General Moeen initiated the processing of strengthening our military.

It is good to see SH is following Army's modernization plan initiated by the last caretaker govt. That uneducated Begum Zia would have scrapped all these things if she had been elected.

I mean to ask you. Do you by any chance consume alcohol? You seem to be off track time to time.

I understand you dislike BNP but in what sense and logic, you are praising AL and la-hasina. I mean what else she needs to do for you to comprehend that she is actually trying to make Bangladesh a vassal state of Bharat.

I am glad people of Bd realizing her Dalai plan and soon she will be shown door, Insh'Allah.
A sqaudron of JFT with BVR capability would have been of much use for BAF than those Migs.

Good option for Bangladesh well yes but not anytime soon.

I don’t think Pakistan nor china will sell JF17 to Bangladesh because it’s a recent aircraft 09 that had been in making for more than 15 years.

Besides both pak-china wouldn’t want to sell technology to a country that has close relations to India. As it contains sensitive and new technology which in the wrong hands can be devastating.

JF17 is also now the main fighter jet for PAF and they have only inducted about 40 out of 250 aircraft so far. While china is making some more tests for different version of JF17 and inducting in PLAAF .

So it could be in the least 10-15 years if and when BAF gets JF17 or Bangladesh can always try and ask the Chinese for the purchase of thunders sooner then expectation.

But I doubt BAF will get thunders anytime soon even if the price is agreed.

Though there are always other options such Mirage III ,Mirage 5 and F-7 Skybolt.

This is not time of second world war, we are living in different century. Its laughable (more so for defense professional) that you want to operate tank in hills for warfare.

Show the confirmation 2 frigate were bought?

Which large petrol craft? You mean those bought from UK to guard fishing boat and check smuggling?

Again show the proof.

Those 2 plane will have hardly any impact on defense as those have major indian components and india will have influence on control over its operation.


Show the confirmation. BMF and some dime a dozen sites are not source of confrmation.

So what if we live in a different century? The risk, even though lower, is still there. What is so laughable about it? It worked in the past, it will work again especially when our country's sovereignty is not respected. Futhermore bangladesh hills are very small and not that steep, tanks will work fine there.

Hasina already disclosed that asked the chinese government for the frigates and the chinese government gave a nod for the project. The harbin helis are a part of the deal.

Yup the ones from UK. What do you expect them to do now(in these time of peace) apart from carrying out these activities? Fight wars is it?

The air arm is expanding slowly, we cant expect bangladesh to buy a lot in one year. We bought it from germany, it is only assembled in india. Btw, assembled in india does not mean that they will be able to Remote control this craft to do their bidding.
What would you do with 4th or even 5th generation fighter when there is virtually no chance of getting even airborne during the time of conflict? India very much can dominate Bangladesh airspace that is without layered and effective SAM coverage like S300 or better systems and integrated command and control. To build effective SAM coverage, primary requirements is to have effective radar coverage. I recall BD did not have that previously until there were few that went into commission during last BNP govt.

Who told you that the mig 29s are not airborne or will not be airborne in times of war??? And do you think that f7 or A5 can last long against the indian mirage, sukhoi or migs compared to mig 29s. Again, nobody is picking on BNP here. They mordernised the military very well. They brought about drastic changes to our military. However this thread is about the modernisation of the military by AL.
Yeah I know. But still buying just 8 mig29 looks purely stupid to me. It would make sense if BAF would have bought around 2 squadrons of mig 29. Now sine BAF don't have a big budget like IAF they should have used there resources carefully unlike spending money just to buy some good looking aircraft. The fact is we buy aircraft or weapons to fight a war not because they look super cool. If some weapon can't help you effectively in a war it is purely useless. Now thanks to buying these mig 29's, precious resources are spent on them to keep them operational. These resources could have been spent on something which could have helped BAF during a war.

Well bd placed an order of 16 migs, Which could have formed into two squadrons. However they cancelled it after getting 8. At that time, there were not much choices for fourth generation jets. However there was lack of knowledge about the maintenence cost during the time of purchase of the migs as they were the first fourth generation jets bd ever had. If they knew about the maintenence cost bd would have never ordered it
Actually we don't have any chance in front of indian air force honestly unless we have effective SAM network all over Bangladesh along with modern aircraft in good number 8~16 mig will not do nay significant change unless new more modern fighter like J-10B / sukhoi etc brought .

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