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Army was ready to give NRO but PM Imran Khan struck it down: Miftah Ishmael Claims

It's upto us Pakistani

Elections come, we must wholesale throw our support behind Imran Khan

We MUST at all costs give him.the mandate to transform Pakistan without the need for anyone else

Imran Khan is just a man, he has a short life eventually he will die or just get too old to fight for Pakistan

Until that happens we must empower him

We MUST give him victory, we must vote for him
Former finance minister Miftah Ismael admit live on TV today that army was ready to give NRO to opposition by amending 34 NAB laws. Even members of cabinet were pressuring PM Imran Khan but he refused to do it.

Once again PM Imran Khan stuck to his words: I will not give NRO!

@koolio @Imran Khan @Zibago @Morpheus @PakSword @Tameem @muhammadhafeezmalik @ejaz007 @Indus Pakistan @Alternatiiv @Mav3rick @Indus Pakistan

Oh wait this is all false...imran khan is just a selected puppet...

This is all lies
if you were Pakistani and understood Urdu comprehensively then you would have heard Faisal say : ye inko wehm he.
This is not a denial. Faisal Vawda is member of cabinet. He knows which members wanted to ammed NAB laws but PM Imran Khan refused.
I have been observing the pattern of behavior the pml-n has taken. Same goes for some characters on this forum.

For starters, the person making the claim about Pakistan Army "ready to give NRO," is part of pml-n. So from the get go, we know he is using tactics which are meant to sow the seeds of discord and confusion amongst Pakistanis. In other words, what anyone from pml-n (or ppp, diesel-mullah) says, is of zero credibility. A party led by a convicted thief and liar, consists of members who are also thieves, liars and murderers. As such, anything that pml-n claims is false, in order to save their own skin. A criminal would do or say anything to escape punishment.

Let me remind my fellow countrymen what is actually going on here. Imran Khan is one, who once has made up his mind about something, will go after it like a Bull sees red. Since Imran Khan is an honest leader (Pakistan hasn't had an honest leader in decades), and since he has nothing to hide in the political realm as a citizen of the state. It is inevitable that Prime Minister of Pakistan - Imran Khan will pursue the prosecution of criminal politicians until they are convicted of their crimes, the stolen money is returned and the criminals are either put behind bars or hanged to death. And here is an even more important part of the equation, Pakistan Military and Pakistan Government are working as one, toward the goal of establishing the State's writ, economically, politically, socially and judicially.

Pakistanis, understand this, the enemy is within. They seek to keep us divided, bickering over pity things. They use lies, intimidation, thuggery and deception. This is the time where your enemies are attacking from the outside and internally. So heed my call, UNITE against them and back your Prime Minister. Always stand with a leader, who has character, integrity, honor and is truthful in his conduct. The stronger you unite with one another, the more powerful would the stranglehold will tighten around the necks of these criminals.
I have been observing the pattern of behavior the pml-n has taken. Same goes for some characters on this forum.

For starters, the person making the claim about Pakistan Army "ready to give NRO," is part of pml-n. So from the get go, we know he is using tactics which are meant to sow the seeds of discord and confusion amongst Pakistanis. In other words, what anyone from pml-n (or ppp, diesel-mullah) says, is of zero credibility. A party led by a convicted thief and liar, consists of members who are also thieves, liars and murderers. As such, anything that pml-n claims is false, in order to save their own skin. A criminal would do or say anything to escape punishment.

Let me remind my fellow countrymen what is actually going on here. Imran Khan is one, who once has made up his mind about something, will go after it like a Bull sees red. Since Imran Khan is an honest leader (Pakistan hasn't had an honest leader in decades), and since he has nothing to hide in the political realm as a citizen of the state. It is inevitable that Prime Minister of Pakistan - Imran Khan will pursue the prosecution of criminal politicians until they are convicted of their crimes, the stolen money is returned and the criminals are either put behind bars or hanged to death. And here is an even more important part of the equation, Pakistan Military and Pakistan Government are working as one, toward the goal of establishing the State's writ, economically, politically, socially and judicially.

Pakistanis, understand this, the enemy is within. They seek to keep us divided, bickering over pity things. They use lies, intimidation, thuggery and deception. This is the time where your enemies are attacking from the outside and internally. So heed my call, UNITE against them and back your Prime Minister. Always stand with a leader, who has character, integrity, honor and is truthful in his conduct. The stronger you unite with one another, the more powerful would the stranglehold will tighten around the necks of these criminals.

Good Post. Let me add here something from another angle.

Miftah's revelations are indeed look like to sow the discord between One Page Govt but all is not too rosy as well on part of PTI Govt specially PM. We all know this govt is standing on a thin majority and just on a slight indicator from "---", PMLQ, MQM and others part ways in no time and PTI govt collapse in minutes. The argument that there is no other choice better than PTI is loosing steam not bcz of better alternatives but only bcz of worst political, economical and governance examples PTI/IK displays in past two and a half year leaving behinds all previous govts. Further, rather arrogantly, IK tends to remain oblivion on important political compromises necessary to make a Govt running by all previous PMs, instead hiding behinds establishment wall consistently and putting establishment interests on the fire while taking popcorns on the couch. As a result, our establishment saw the worst open retaliation on the Pakistani streets specially in Punjab against them, Never in Past 75 years they are that much humiliated in open in/by the general public at large. Therefore, although PTI/IK is unharmful but becomes a dud completely in a political sense (Nadan Dost say; Dana Dushman Behtar hay). These state of affairs will not go for long, Establishment needs alternatives immediately.

Because, Middle East situation is turning towards worst and establishment have in plan some decision as soon as hostilities starts in ....as usual without taking in civilian govt on board (Neither a dud PM have a capacity or intent to learn anything in this regards). However, The fall out will be plans to put on IK/PTI govt, while they will remains "Dudh kay Dhulay" as always.

All eyes on PDM, how they play their cards well and didn't just becomes pawns once again.

@Irfan Baloch
Good Post. Let me add here something from another angle.

Miftah's revelations are indeed look like to sow the discord between One Page Govt but all is not too rosy as well on part of PTI Govt specially PM. We all know this govt is standing on a thin majority and just on a slight indicator from "---", PMLQ, MQM and others part ways in no time and PTI govt collapse in minutes. The argument that there is no other choice better than PTI is loosing steam not bcz of better alternatives but only bcz of worst political, economical and governance examples PTI/IK displays in past two and a half year leaving behinds all previous govts. Further, rather arrogantly, IK tends to remain oblivion on important political compromises necessary to make a Govt running by all previous PMs, instead hiding behinds establishment wall consistently and putting establishment interests on the fire while taking popcorns on the couch. As a result, our establishment saw the worst open retaliation on the Pakistani streets specially in Punjab against them, Never in Past 75 years they are that much humiliated in open in/by the general public at large. Therefore, although PTI/IK is unharmful but becomes a dud completely in a political sense (Nadan Dost say; Dana Dushman Behtar hay). These state of affairs will not go for long, Establishment needs alternatives immediately.

Because, Middle East situation is turning towards worst and establishment have in plan some decision as soon as hostilities starts in ....as usual without taking in civilian govt on board (Neither a dud PM have a capacity or intent to learn anything in this regards). However, The fall out will be plans to put on IK/PTI govt, while they will remains "Dudh kay Dhulay" as always.

All eyes on PDM, how they play their cards well and didn't just becomes pawns once again.

@Irfan Baloch

Stand firm in your Imaan and Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah shall open the way for Pakistan.

For every Muslim Nation or Individual, it is a test, what Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah wants you to prove is that you stand firm in your Imaan. If you give in, that means you succumbed to adversity which was your test.

Disillusionment is something which makes individuals and nations swerve away from Siraut-al-Mustaqeem. When you stand firm in your Imaan, then watch how Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah sends help.

We as Pakistanis have been stuck in this rut. Corruption begets corruption, and the Pakistani mindset has come to live with it, instead of fighting it. And even when Pakistanis have fought, it has been devoid of Hikmah. Reason for that? Well, instead putting the Holy Qur'an on some pedestal, high up in your homes. Pick up the Holy Qur'an and start reading it.

Pakistanis must understand that our true power comes from the Holy Qur'an, not from wadayra'ism, not from firkabandi, not from political party loyalty or anything else. All of these things just mentioned, are traps that your enemy would exploit to further weaken you.

You do not make deals with Firaun. And there is not even a shred of doubt that Nawaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Shabaz Sharif, Bilawal Zardari, Disiel-Mullah and etc are all Firauns.

So I say again, to all my fellow countrymen, stand firm in your Imaan and please, please, please ... go to the Holy Qur'an and read, again and again, again and again, every day, relentlessly. When you seek Hikmah from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, this is how you do it. And remember the kuffar tremble at the "Firaasah" of a Mu'min.

Pakistanis, be who you are destined to be. Empower your Imaan with the Holy Qur'an and unite amongst yourselves. This life, is but our test of faith, for a Mu'min doesn't care for luxury cars, big mansions or anything else. What a Mu'min cares for, is to die in a state of Imaan and whilst alive, to conduct the Jihad for your Ruh!

The moment in history is on the horizon, and the time is near ..... ready yourselves!!
Now army must come clean or punish Miftah Ismael for making insane claims on live TV

There's nothing to explain since a lie in the form of such a claim is coming from the most corrupt company at once. What makes you think that Military is sitting free, enjoying perks & has a lot of time to be dragged into mudslinging as such. Army has no blame to come clean but in-fact, there will be a response to expose Miftah's lies. Choose proper words.
Armed forces should either throw him in jail, or court martial those responsible for this.
There's nothing to explain since a lie in the form of such a claim is coming from the most corrupt company at once. What makes you think that Military is sitting free, enjoying perks & has a lot of time to be dragged into mudslinging as such. Army has no blame to come clean but in-fact, there will be a response to expose Miftah's lies. Choose proper words.

This is exactly what DG-ISPR should be doing.

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