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Will give no relief to those who abuse Pak Army: PM Shehbaz Sharif

The establishment can't let go of this royal Godfather family, its no wonder Pakistan goes one step forward and two steps backwards, that has been the story for good 50 years or more.
Who made the godfather. It was military during Gen Zia';s time that Sharifs were made what the y are. The have had nearly four decades now to sink their roots deep within the Pakistan political and administrative ecosystem. To get rid of them would take a decade to weed out their roots in the system which you saw recently bend backwards to get them back in the driving seat.

I want to hear from somebody who is pro Sharif's what exactly they see in them? I have heard Nawaz talking and he comes across as medicre mumbling fool. They say SS is good administrator - a PM does not need to be good adminstrator. He can hire and appoint good adminstrators. What swe need is a PM who can inspire people and mobilize the masses.
We needed to be fair with Maryam Nawaz.
Now is the time that political engineering by Generals be brought to light in a pragmatic and professional manner.
PMIK, PTI, and social media citizenry asking pertinent question why ISI did not stop Regime Change?. How disparate PDM was brought together?
Asking all these present and past questions be asked in a professional manner so that Army could be sent back to barracks to justify its role.
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So Maryam and NS will also be brought in front of FIA for a peshi? What they said isn't any different to what PTM and BLA say. Both of them named specific generals in their remarks as well. Don't remember any PTI leader or any journalist for that matter calling out generals by name.

The guy who called the army dehshatgard is getting protocol on a PAF G-IV.

Najam Sethi has taken control of MS branch and is transferring generals and issuing posting orders. This is the biggest joke. Sami Ibrahim ki peshi ho gayi aik general baat par, but Najam Sethi is spreading inside and confidential information based on sources and nothing happens on that?

Then the DG ISPR shot on his own foot by commenting on the economy and dollar rate, and also by the statements of N league themselves.

You can't just say keh ham nay to kuch nhn kia.
Don't know who watches this sethi!
And now Hamid Mir 2.0. Mysteriously returned just before NCM.
All declared unofficial traitors , Dawar, Ali Wazir strutting around.
Where is Manzoor Pishteen? There could be a Sitar-E-Basalt for him waiting somewhere.

He was specifically talking about recent speech in Abbott Abad, action against speeches of Maryam Nawaz or Nawaz Sharif were responsibility was IK government, they did not fulfill their responsibility.

He was specifically talking about recent speech in Abbott Abad, action against speeches of Maryam Nawaz or Nawaz Sharif were responsibility was IK government, they did not fulfill their responsibility.

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Spoken like a true hypocrite Patwari slave :lol:
Ex PM Imran Khan could not take action on similar or worse speeches against army leadership because media and courts called it fascism and thus illegal. Now it's all perfectly legal and good with the change in govt.
@Patriot forever @Riz @Clutch @koolio @ziaulislam @Verve @ghazi52 @AZ1

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