Ookaay....where to begin....
Right,well #1 is from waaay back in 2016 and frankly sounds more than a little bit dubious [to put it mildly],as it claims to use solid fuel and a liquid oxidiser,which would seem to give it many of the same sorts of problems as the original htp powered rocket belts,ie short duration of flight time and potential risks when it comes to handling and storage of the fuel elements.
#2.This is an advert for a supplier of
packing machines......[I`ll assume thats just a little joke.

#3.I`d hardly call this a "jet pack",this is really just a one man vtol aircraft using ducted fans,also that was written way waaay back in around 2012ish(?).The martin company itself went into liquidation back in 2019 with some of the prototypes plus other stuff eventually being sold off on Trade Me,new zealands local version of ebay.
As for the robotic mules,well I guess that would depend on ones definition of a "robotic mule",but I got the feeling they were talking about quadrupedal machines,otherwise you could simply just take an off the shelf four wheel atv and stick a remote operating system on it,which is what gridbots appears to have done with the zeus
Jay robotix dont make mules but they do make a rather cute robot snake
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It actually reminds me a little of the Micronauts toys from when I was a kid.
And I had no luck finding out what if anything Kaaya Virtualization Tech Pvt Ltd made.....
Sooo yeeah...,all in all not exactly very encouraging,
I strongly suspect that india will be buying its jet packs and robotic mules from abroad..........like so much else.Still no surprises there,right?