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Army to banish Bofors bogey, adopt indigenous, US routes


Jul 6, 2009
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Army to banish Bofors bogey, adopt indigenous, US routes | idrw.org


With defence minister AK Antony pushing for greater indigenization in the defence production sector to avoid scams, the Army is now pinning its hopes on two “prototypes” of artillery guns developed by the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) to boost its long-range, high-volume firepower.

Even as the force eagerly awaits the “user-trials” of these 155mm/45-calibre field guns in June, it’s also pushing for inking of the $647 million contract for acquisition of 145 M-777 ultra-light howitzers (ULH) from the US by April-May to “exorcise” its recurring Bofors ghost.

The series of scandals in the artillery arena — beginning with the Swedish Bofors one in the mid-1980s and followed by South African Denel, Israeli Soltam and Singapore Technology Kinetic’s (STK) in later years — has left the Army grappling with huge operational gaps since not even a single new 155mm howitzer has been inducted for the past 27 years.

Interestingly, both the new projects on the horizon — part of the long-delayed over Rs 30,000 crore artillery modernization plan — have a strong “Bofors angle”. While the ULH deal will be a direct government-to-government contract, which is said to preclude kickbacks, the 155mm/39-calibre M-777s are manufactured by BAE Systems, which now owns the original Bofors company.

The two OFB prototypes are also based on the designs obtained under the transfer of technology (ToT) provisions in the infamous Rs 1,437-crore Bofors contract for 410 155mm howitzers in 1986.

MoD sources said the “letter of acceptance” for the ULH deal should be ready by March-end or so. The air-mobile howitzers, capable of being swiftly deployed in forward areas by helicopters and aircraft, are primarily meant for the high-altitude areas of Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh to counter China.

“An Indian `maintainability evaluation team’ visited the US from February 8 to 25 to inspect the howitzers. The guns will be delivered to India within a year of the deal being closed,” said a source.

On the other front, the OFB prototypes were “satisfactorily tested” in Pokhran on February 4. The Army wants to induct 414 of these field guns, which have a range of 38-km as compared to the 30-km of the original Bofors gun, in the first stage.

“The prototypes, one with 68% indigenous parts and the other with 46%, will undergo validation firing in March-April before the final user trials in June,” said the source.

The other 155mm/52-calibre artillery projects include purchase of 100 self-propelled tracked guns from a foreign vendor and the development of 814 mounted gun systems through a joint venture with the private sector.

But the biggest one is the over Rs 12,000-crore project to buy 400 155mm/52-calibre towed artillery guns, followed by indigenous manufacture of another 1,180 such guns after transfer of technology from the foreign vendor. This project has been derailed at least a couple of times in the past, the last time after STK was blacklisted due to the corruption scandal against former OFB chairman Sudipto Ghosh.
India operates these???never saw any mention of them..apparently nobody knows how many of them India bought.. :hitwall:
India operates these???never saw any mention of them..apparently nobody knows how many of them India bought.. :hitwall:

Maybe they were purchased under secrecy clause so as CAG and BJP dont start crying Bofors 2.0
I do remember Gen Deepak Kapoor speaking in 2008 about India looking to procure 300-350 Second Hand Howitzers from Russia to shore up its depleting stock of 155mm guns which had fallen to 380 Working units out of 594 units in service
maybe they went for these
but who knows
Wrong again. India has 105mm SPGs on Vijayanta Chassis (a local design called Catapult), 130 mm M-46 on T-72 Chassis (a local mod), and a few M-46 upgunned to 155mm on T-72 chassis. That is what scarcry is referring to.

All of those are obsolete...
All of those are obsolete...

Not really.
They can still fire and they make an "Almighty Bang" when they do. And make a "Big Hole" where the shells fall !! ;)

The rate of fire is not as much as the Indian Army's FH77 Howitzers as well as the range is less. Thats all. Which is the reason why the IA is seeking to replace them.
But for Area Saturation artillery bombardment, the IA has taken the MBRL route.
More expensive but far more devastating than Arty guns. :)
Not really.
They can still fire and they make an "Almighty Bang" when they do. And make a "Big Hole" where the shells fall !! ;)

The rate of fire is not as much as the Indian Army's FH77 Howitzers as well as the range is less. Thats all. Which is the reason why the IA is seeking to replace them.
But for Area Saturation artillery bombardment, the IA has taken the MBRL route.
More expensive but far more devastating than Arty guns. :)

Good point, where the IA may (currently) lack on the SPH/G front it more than makes up for with its MBRLs which it has invested in heavily.
Good point, where the IA may (currently) lack on the SPH/G front it more than makes up for with its MBRLs which it has invested in heavily.

Actually @Abingdonboy; the IA has a rather differing doctrine than some other forces regarding arty. For point arty bombardment it still relies on Field Guns and Howitzers; bur for Area Saturation bombardment, it has found MBRLs to be more effective. They cause far more devastation than guns, and are extremely mobile with very low "set-up time". It is more expensive in principle. But with Pinaka Systems coming in larger numbers, the IA prefers that.

While the PA whose doctrine is more based on the US Army relies much more on guns. It is cheaper too. Check out how many MBRLs are used by the US Army? Their doctrines depend less on Area Saturation bombardments.
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Actually @Abingdonboy; the IA has a rather differing doctrine than some other forces regarding arty. For point arty bombardment it still relies on Field Guns and Howitzers; bur for Area Saturation bombardment, it has found MBRLs to be more effective. They cause far more devastation than guns, and are extremely mobile with very low "set-up time". It is more expensive in principle. But with Pinaka Systems coming in larger numbers, the IA prefers that.

While the PA whose doctrine is more based on the US Army relies much more on guns. It is cheaper too. Check out how many MBRLs are used by the US Army? Their doctrines depend less on Area Saturation bombardments.

And how is that a big deal..... Pakistan produces KRL-122MM MBRLS or AZAR with a range of 45KM and digital fire control system provided by GIDS and rocket guidence systems from France.....

Type-83 OR Chinese version of BM-21 GRADs.

Plus we build the latest version of A-100...A-100E(PHL-03).... with a range of more than 120 km vs 60km ranged smerch....Which are now produced in Pak.....
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And how is that a big deal..... Pakistan produces KRL-122MM MBRLS or AZAR with a range of 45KM and digital fire control system provided by GIDS and rocket guidence systems from France.....

Type-83 OR Chinese version of BM-21 GRADs.

Plus we build the latest version of A-100...A-100E(PHL-03).... with a range of more than 120 km vs 60km ranged smerch....Which are now produced in Pak.....
Who are you trying to impress? No one has even mentioned Pakistan or said you have rubbish arty.

When you compare India and Pakistan, through sheer spending power, India is always going to win, the case of arty is now no different.
We need them ASAP. Our defence budget for this year, gives primary importance to the modernisation of the artilleries and the army as a whole.

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