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Army now holding 30 dominating heights, earlier unoccupied, on southern bank of Pangong Tso

I think you don't get it. Chinese are holding the plains so indian army have to fight them if they don't go back.

So they are doing next best thing, occupy the strategic heights around them. When the fight broke out , this will help IA a lot as we don't have that much good infra there to tackle China at minutes notice.
Of course long drawn war is different ball game.
You do realize that holding the heights is of limited utility in a long term engagement without logistical support lines. If the Chinese cut off Indian support lines to the heights through additional gains in the plains, those soldiers on the heights can just be starved out.
Yes congrats you opened one more front in Kashmir and ladakh region. New LOC on Chinese border.
Now it looks like the new front you opened will be like hot India pakistan LOC.
But I doubt Chinese are used to India pakistan usual killings and bombings on each other's disputed border. They will react very differently.
I doubt the Chinese thought the Indians would push back. Do you think China did this at Pakistan's behest? Chinese products have found a great market in India - it defies logic as to why they would rock the boat.
" India triggered the latest clash with China on their Himalayan border by executing a stealth night-time operation to claim strategic outposts offering a clear view of troop movements in disputed territory, according to Indian officials with knowledge of the matter. "

So it is the position of the US that India is on the offensive, and that China is therefore justified in any action taken to repel the Indian invasion?
Ok i tell a lie. I couldn't resist reading the stand-out parts of this inevitable inferiority complex trip...

Here we are....

"The decision to capture high ground that was previously unoccupied along the 3,488 kilometer (2,162 mile) Line of Actual Control revived a conflict that had been largely dormant since June. "

(Sigh). It's sad what Indian media has reduced itself to.

If I stand at the bottom of my garden and announce to my neighbours that I've conducted a daring stealth manoeuvre to outfox their designs, they'll be like "do whatever you want in your garden, just shut up about it please".
"While India denied that troops crossed the Line of Control, "

Naturally they would say this, because it's true. India went and stood at the end of its own garden, nothing more.

Hence earlier commentary in this same article of India "claiming" or "capturing" anything is patently nonsensical.


Why post this article without stating the author's name?

Do you think we're stupid?

Yes I'm sure you thought.....Bloomberg said it so it has credibility. My arse it does. Put the name of the freelancer from Bangalore who wrote this desperate rubbish so the threadwatchers know the score.
India triggered the latest clash with China on their Himalayan border by executing a stealth night-time operation to claim strategic outposts offering a clear view of troop movements in disputed territory, according to Indian officials with knowledge of the matter.

In what they called India’s first offensive move since the conflict began in May, thousands of soldiers climbed up mountain peaks for about six hours to claim the vantage points along the south bank of Pangong Tso -- a glacial lake roughly the size of Singapore. The action was taken to counter what India saw an intrusion by Chinese forces, the officials said, asking not to be identified due to rules on speaking to the media.

The decision to capture high ground that was previously unoccupied along the 3,488 kilometer (2,162 mile) Line of Actual Control revived a conflict that had been largely dormant since June. Back then, India and China’s worst dispute in four decades culminated in the death of 20 Indian soldiers and an unknown number of Chinese soldiers in an ugly battle.

The conflict has prompted economic ties to deteriorate, with India limiting Chinese investments, tightening scrutiny on visas and moving to keep Huawei Technologies Co. out of 5G networks. India on late Wednesday banned 118 Chinese apps including Tencent Holdings Ltd.’s wildly-popular game PUBG Mobile Lite and payments service Alipay, following up on its June ban of several applications including ByteDance Ltd.’s viral short-video service TikTok.

China on Wednesday accused India of breaching agreements between the two sides and unilaterally changing the status quo. An Indian Army spokesman wasn’t immediately available for a comment.

“In China, we have a saying about a guilty man protesting conspicuously his innocence,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing. “That’s just what India did.”

Two meetings between senior Indian and Chinese military personnel since the weekend have ended in a deadlock, but commanders from both sides continued to engage each other on Wednesday. While India denied that troops crossed the Line of Control, the move will prevent China from easily monitoring an Indian road that’s crucial for transporting supplies, soldiers and heavy artillery to forward posts along the disputed border.

Both India and China have moved thousands of troops, tanks, artillery guns and fighter jets close to the border since their standoff began in May. But India’s move over the weekend escalated the conflict, said Jayadeva Ranade, a member of the National Security Advisory Board.

“The Indian military move on along the border is defensive but has element of deterrence as well,” said Ranade, who also heads the New Delhi-based think tank China Analysis and Strategy. India is now waiting to see how China reacts, including any moves to counter the deployment that could result in hostilities, he said.

Within China, the appetite for more aggressive moves appears to be growing. A joint survey launched by the Communist Party-run Global Times and the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, a research group affiliated with the Ministry of State Security, found more than 70% of the nearly 2,000 people surveyed believed India was being too hostile against China. Nearly 90% supported the government in retaliating strongly against Indian provocations.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi “faces a damaging loss of face” if he doesn’t react strongly to Chinese moves on the border particularly after investing so much political capital in boosting ties with President Xi Jinping, according to Brahma Chellaney, a former adviser to India’s National Security Council and professor of strategic studies at the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi.“The latest skirmishes underscore the growing risks of a Himalayan military conflict,” he said.


I always knew you were an indian, thanks for confirming
You do realize that holding the heights is of limited utility in a long term engagement without logistical support lines. If the Chinese cut off Indian support lines to the heights through additional gains in the plains, those soldiers on the heights can just be starved out.
Thats exactly what I said. Limited skirmish holding heights is very useful.

Long war , holding plains (china) or heights(india) doesn't make much difference. It would be a bloody affair for both countries.
I knew already that its gonna happen. But I was waiting for the winter . But ya.. real thing still yet to come in the winter. PLA will beg for mercy.

Looks like India is making the Chinese kneel down to them. India has our support here in Australia.

Well done to India make the Chinese lick the Indian boots and free Tibet.
Sounds a lot like the exaggerated Bolloywood scripts that came out of India around the 'surgical strikes', Balakot attacks and F-16 down.

Were it not for clear cut evidence and Pakistan openly taking local and foreign media to the locations and satellite imagery analysis by independent analysts, the Indian narrative would have stuck.

The Chinese need to learn from Pakistan's experience and find ways to provide their narrative and information to an international audience. Given that the US led West is already against China and hoping to build up India against China, India's narrative, no matter how exaggerated or flawed, will find plenty of amplification in the West, especially given the lack of a quality Chinese narrative.

I still believe that China banning defence.pk in China was an extremely bad move. Whilst not the only platform, it would have played a role (with Chinese posters that can communicate and contribute well in English) in helping counter anti-China narratives.
Three years ago, PDF management allowed Turk members to turn PDF into an anti-China platform for "East Turkistan" propaganda. An anti-China moderator moderated the Chinese sections. Now PDF management changed its course but Beijing already pulled the plug.
Three years ago, PDF management allowed Turk members to turn PDF into an anti-China platform for "East Turkistan" propaganda. An anti-China moderator moderated the Chinese sections. Now PDF management changed its course but Beijing already pulled the plug.
No anti-Chinese moderators have moderated the Chinese Defence Forum. It has always been @Deino, @TaiShang, @cnleio for a very long time ... I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Looks like India is making the Chinese kneel down to them. India has our support here in Australia.

Well done to India make the Chinese lick the Indian boots and free Tibet.
There is a difference though. The Chinese have been capturing occupied or previously occupied Indian hills/territories/patrol points. India, OTOH, has been capturing hills that the Chinese have never even occupied. It looks like to me that India has learned the mistakes at Galwan (at least partially) and avoided trying to eject the PLA from occupied positions directly. Well done India.
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