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Army mulls legal action over BBC report

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Will somebody please show the ISI uniform?

damn it I have lived next to an ISI office and seen ISI men but failed to notice their uniforms, maybe they were hiding their uniforms under their civilian clothes.

but they decided to go in all its glory in the tribal areas where the drones were flying and made sure that everyone in the camp recognised them who they were so that if anyone of them is captured and then interviewed by the BBC then they can say who trained them.
should we make a program about the "hidden agencies" that are funding and training the TTP? and their camps in Afghanistan?
I understand we cant blame the NATO and Afghans for not stopping the TTP from using Afghan soil to plan attacks on Pakistan because only they have the right to make a complaint but we cant say the same thing about our specific enemies and also they themselves have admitted that they are hopeless and useless to control the Afghan Taliban, expecting them to confront TT will be a folly.

on a side note, if anything in the report about the ISI is true then its impressive work that NATO is admitting that its thick skull, that is inept to control the taliban an oaf to be constantly fooled by the Pakistan.
They were not fooled by pakistan.They knew all along ISI support to afgan taliban even after so called u-turn. They wanted to go after AQ and were happy with the support.
Now AQ is near finished, they are digging all these to bring pakistan/taliban to negotiation table.
al qaeda, alas, is a "mindset"....a decentralized organization with no real head or figure. In the post soviet period, their raison d'etre was ridding "Western" influence and military presence in the Persian Gulf. That later changed and became a global movement.

Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism from this organization......for example, they are blamed for the attack on the Danish embassy. That attack (one of many others) killed only Pakistani civilian bystanders.
al qaeda, alas, is a "mindset"....a decentralized organization with no real head or figure. In the post soviet period, their raison d'etre was ridding "Western" influence and military presence in the Persian Gulf. That later changed and became a global movement.

Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism from this organization......for example, they are blamed for the attack on the Danish embassy. That attack (one of many others) killed only Pakistani civilian bystanders.
Pakistani govt went against AQ(or at least helped) as already accepted in the same documentary.
Pakistani govt is also fighting againt TTP(pakistani taliban).
Pakistan is a victim of terrorism orchestrated by above two entities.

The documentary asserts pakistan is supporting afgan taliban while showing that it is victim of terrorism.
where is the proof?

it's truly astounding.....go public then, with the evidence! Empty claims for thick-headed guinea pigs would not suffice

more pertinently --- having 'contact' with Afghan taleban is not analagous to "supporting" them....the Americans themselves have contact with the EXACT same people; so why aren't they being accused of duplicity and double-games?

truly absurd allegations which are worthy only for the cheap sensationalist tabloids
where is the proof?

it's truly astounding.....go public then, with the evidence! Empty claims for thick-headed guinea pigs would not suffice

more pertinently --- having 'contact' with Afghan taleban is not analagous to "supporting" them....the Americans themselves have contact with the EXACT same people; so why aren't they being accused of duplicity and double-games?

truly absurd allegations which are worthy only for the cheap sensationalist tabloids
The second part actually claims that ISI is prodding taliban to step up attacks, and threatening them against any deal with afgan govt/americans. (not mere contacts, you see)
About proof, I did not expect any clear proof of involvement of an intelligence agency being shown on tv, when the conflict is ongoing. May be we will see after few years via wikileaks or else after declassification.
There is no proof of Mr 10 percent being corrupt, or Mr N Modi's criminal apathy towards riots.
It could as well be a western propaganda to force pakistan, you may be right.

Anyway, I watched it out of curiosity and found it quite explosive. Considering it is BBC, not a right wing american news, it will do quite a bit of damage.
well until the proof is actually presented (which they never will) it's mere heresay; the US makes the claims and the Pakistanis reject them and dismiss them as useless rubbish.....so it's our word against theirs.

while previously credible outlets like BBC used to report objectively on Pakistan ---seemingly they are starting to join the anti-Pakistan bandwagon, in the interests of spicy headlines and viewership. Remember, media in the end is a lucrative business and nothing else really.

at the end of the day, they know that they need the ISI more than anyone else to help them devise a dignified exit strategy from the war-tattered Afghanistan.......so consistently, Pakistan would have the last and final laugh as the end-game looms in the horizon
well until the proof is actually presented (which they never will) it's mere heresay; the US makes the claims and the Pakistanis reject them and dismiss them as useless rubbish.....so it's our word against theirs.

while previously credible outlets like BBC used to report objectively on Pakistan ---seemingly they are starting to join the anti-Pakistan bandwagon, in the interests of spicy headlines and viewership. Remember, media in the end is a lucrative business and nothing else really.

at the end of the day, they know that they need the ISI more than anyone else to help them devise a dignified exit strategy from the war-tattered Afghanistan.......so consistently, Pakistan would have the last and final laugh as the end-game looms in the horizon
If end game is near, why wont they do a secret deal with afgan taliban and pakistan and quitely leave afganistan. Why kick dirt and make sure that you stay on for few more years, because you cant leave afganistan by just blaming pakistan.

Or may be they want to stay on, and in election year, it makes sense for Obama to tell voters why he cant meet his deadline(reason: pakistan)

And no, It is too early to say pakistan will have last laugh. Indians and iranians and russians are as eagerly waiting endgame as pakistanis. It will be more interesting.
the other classic bit was where that fat American dude says, so we went to the President and pressed him to attack Pakistan,

(read the logic this joker is putting across)

well we have already attacked two Muslim countries and nothing has happened so why not Pakistan?... (whaaaat???)

(god help the world if that’s the logic and attitude of the people who have a say in the American foreign policy and its war doctrine)

(the fat dude is cut and the FATA badlands are shown) and the narrator speaks in a sombre voice, but Pakistan is a country has the fastest growing nuclear weapons stockpile (ahhh what a shame , here have a tissue).

The program also puts the blame on ISI … (wait for it) for stirring up the killings done by Raymond Davis case “over the board”

The program successfully chopped off whatever ISPR director Athar Abbas was saying but re Raymond Davis the editors failed to cut what the former ISI chief Ehsan who said that “when the American president comes on the air and lies to the whole world about Raymond Davis about his diplomatic immunity then what else is there to believe?”

The program it self was very well done no doubt, the bass and drum beat as the narrator explains the dual game and treachery of Pakistan (while showing the face of a poor chap that has the skin condition called vitiligo (or phulbeheri in Pakistan).

All in all it was a good dark hummer in it. If ISI is continuing to allegedly “fool” the Americans then very good, but I think it should try not to get attacked and loose its personal to the Taliban that it is allegedly supporting.

While the program mentions the capture of Mullah Baradr by ISI and terms it as a double game too because he was trying to cut a deal without involving ISI (haha) in Karachi? (hahaha whaaat?) … I could sense the stress and diffculty of the British dude who was so ashamed and struggling to admit that there was some direct and some “indirect links” with Taliban by the British government (he decided not to elaborate who was facilitating the “indirect” links or maybe he did but that bit was chopped off by the BBC).

Wana guess who is the facilitator? Uganda? No think harder. Chilli? No forget it.
If end game is near, why wont they do a secret deal with afgan taliban and pakistan and quitely leave afganistan. Why kick dirt and make sure that you stay on for few more years, because you cant leave afganistan by just blaming pakistan.

they blame Pakistan due to its policy of non-cooperation on Haqqani ''network'' (first the name Quetta Shura was being thrown out and we never hear that anymore)

they blame Pakistan because they have no other means of leaving Afghanistan in a dignified fashion ----which honestly is no fault of our own. Afghanistan has NEVER in its history taken kindly to invaders. The Afghan resistance has the ability to exhaust (and divide) their enemy --Pakistan deserves no credit for it. However, since we have more leverage over this (the ''aid'' factor no longer exists b/c Pakistan hasn't received any) they are trying to ''soften'' Pakistan by waging unabated psy-ops on the country.

it's a failed strategy, but that's what they are doing......

Or may be they want to stay on, and in election year, it makes sense for Obama to tell voters why he cant meet his deadline(reason: pakistan)

could be...

it would be naiive to think that after the hundreds of billions they squandered, attacking a war-torn country, that it would be an all-out withdrawal. . .but knowing by now the mindset of the taleban, they wont have the heart for any foreign military boots in their country. Even when it goes from a ''NATO-led war campaign'' to a ''peacekeeping forces campaign'' ---they will continue to be in eachother's cross-hairs; unless some radical solution is met. It's my impression that the talebs (based on what their commanders say) will not halt attacks against the ISAF/NATOs until they have left the country.

the taleban are an Afghan phenomenon. They are Afghan citizens. Pakistan never had control over them. They are not remote controlled toy cars. They are fundamentalists (orthodox and some semi-moderates) with their own world view. To think that Pakistan has or ever had anything more than some influence over them is ludicrous and far from the truth.

And no, It is too early to say pakistan will have last laugh. Indians and iranians and russians are as eagerly waiting endgame as pakistanis. It will be more interesting.

of course! Survival of the fittest.

Iran and Pakistan are both neighbours of Afghanistan however, so their concerns matter MUCH more than what any indian or fur-hatted rusky have to say. A huge cost has already been incurred on Pakistani nation (economic and social); until the indians and russians man-up and also pocket the bill of housing millions of refugees ---i think Pakistan would darn care less about what they opine.

in Russia's case, it would be unfair to single them out......a good % of Afghan heroin makes its way to Russia (at the behest of NATO). Russia is having serious problems with an aging population and a generation of youth addicted to drugs. It's unfortunate that despite a HUGE pool of resources, the NATO occupation forces were never able to eradicate (or at least drastically reduce) the poppy cultivation

those poppies are going on to fund more covert wars
Today i watched its second episode Secret Pakistan: Backlash. :enjoy:
BBC propoganda sometimes makes no sense..why would we arm and train Al-Q against the wishes of our best friends aka Saudi Arabia. Taliban once in power were high on their own power grab agenda and barely respected Pakistan or even its sovereignty. Had it been other way around, Pakistan will not have any problem taming the Talibans and bringing about a peaceful capture of OBL.

Given the concentration of Indians working at BBC, i will not discount the possibility of it slowly turning into a platform of Indian obession with Pakistan. Anyone recalls the shallow documentry with Indian actor playing the role of AQ Khan released by BBC?
BBC propoganda sometimes makes no sense..why would we arm and train Al-Q against the wishes of our best friends aka Saudi Arabia. Taliban once in power were high on their own power grab agenda and barely respected Pakistan or even its sovereignty. Had it been other way around, Pakistan will not have any problem taming the Talibans and bringing about a peaceful capture of OBL.

It's not supposed to make sense; It's just to exploit the naive! It was moulded towards specific audience to formulate an opinion in accordance to the current political turbulence(Agenda).
Meanwhile, talking a private TV channel, Abbas said the Army reserved the right to take legal action over the report.
I wonder what 'legal' action can the Army take? I wish Athar Abbas had elucidated a little on this. If he thinks he can drag the BBC to the hallowed precincts of the Pakistan Supreme Court, he is climbing up the wrong gum tree. The BBC doesn't care two hoots about what Abbas says anyway! All Pakistan can do is threaten the BBC of cutting the channel out in Pakistan. And that may not be a good idea at all!

Or does Abbas plan to take the BBC to the International Court of Justice in the Hague? Lol!
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