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Army mulls legal action over BBC report

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Source-Dawn Newspaper. 19 september 2009

ISLAMABAD/PESHAWAR: The arrested commanders of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan have confessed that secret departments of India, including RAW, and Afghanistan have been providing them weapons and funds to fight against the Pakistan Army.

A report here on Saturday submitted to high officials by a joint investigation team said that 23 most wanted militant commanders including Sim Khan, Mahmood Khan and Maulvi Umer who were captured during operation Rah-e-Rast have confessed that they had been provided financial aid, weapons and special training by secret agencies from India and Afghanistan to fight against Pakistan’s security forces.

The report also divulged that some militants received special war training from Afghanistan and secret agencies of two other neighbouring countries also supported them in the plan.

It was said in the report that secret agencies from India were in contact with militants in Jalalabad, Kandahar and Mazar Sharif and the militants went to their collaborators via secret ways where they were invited to feasts and they were provided weapons and money earned by the narcotics trade.

Many arrested militant commanders have reportedly been shifted to secret locations for further investigations.—Online
old conspiracy theory go on there are no taxes on it...................

do you think pakistan military is much more supine then iranian forces???? if it is not the case then why don't our army just bring those criminal before camera and made them confess just like abdul malik regi so this conspiracy theory can be proven and if they fail then please post no more trash like that
old conspiracy theory go on there are no taxes on it...................

do you think pakistan military is much more supine then iranian forces???? if it is not the case then why don't our army just bring those criminal before camera and made them confess just like abdul malik regi so this conspiracy theory can be proven and if they fail then please post no more trash like that

Please don't try to compare mullah thugs of Iran to anything in Pakistan. Unlike Pakistan, Iran has a controlled media and is a police state where very little true information can escape. There is no comparison here. Pakistan dos not play cheap tricks, unlike Iran.
I guess BBC is loosing its credibility thats why is using cheap tactics to gain popularity again by blaming Pakistan in the Afghan war...its the old old tactics of the British propoganda media against the innocent countries/pplz to coverup their crimes and then they claim that we do justice in the world.We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, race or religion..What a dupliticity/hypocrisy.:smokin:
Good piece of journalism there by BBC.

Of course it changes nothing much. Much of it is public knowledge for a long time.
Please don't try to compare mullah thugs of Iran to anything in Pakistan. Unlike Pakistan, Iran has a controlled media and is a police state where very little true information can escape. There is no comparison here. Pakistan dos not play cheap tricks, unlike Iran.

you didn't get my point if a person confesses himself then his confession has nothing to do with controlled media or free media remember lal masjid when mullah was captured and produced on the national tv bieng interrogated similarly if terrorist have confessed of foreign agencies aid as purported in the report why not make it public so our point is proved iran did it but on our part it is just a weird and wild conspiracy theory
you didn't get my point if a person confesses himself then his confession has nothing to do with controlled media or free media remember lal masjid when mullah was captured and produced on the national tv bieng interrogated similarly if terrorist have confessed of foreign agencies aid as purported in the report why not make it public so our point is proved iran did it but on our part it is just a weird and wild conspiracy theory

You should change your name to naivefighter. Let's leave cheap propaganda tactics to the Indians and Afghan NDS. Confession on camera is meaningless and we could produce 100s of terrorists (real or fake) and have them confess to being Indian, American or Martian agents, it doesn't matter as the other side can simply deny it and move on and continue doing what they have been doing.

Plus, there is likely no direct assistance to the TTP, neither the Indians or NATO is that stupid. Assistance can come in many forms, and in many cases TTP may not even know that they are pawns of foreign agencies.
you didn't get my point if a person confesses himself then his confession has nothing to do with controlled media -
In the U.S. you can't be compelled to testify against yourself. In Jewish Law the restriction is even stronger: no one may be convicted of a crime solely on the basis of his own words for it. Even two thousand years ago people suspected confessions could be utterly worthless.
al qaeda, alas, is a "mindset"....a decentralized organization with no real head or figure. In the post soviet period, their raison d'etre was ridding "Western" influence and military presence in the Persian Gulf. That later changed and became a global movement.

Pakistan itself is a victim of terrorism from this organization......for example, they are blamed for the attack on the Danish embassy. That attack (one of many others) killed only Pakistani civilian bystanders.

I agree,I believe that as of now terrorism and corruption will not be completely eradicated from society
I agree,I believe that as of now terrorism and corruption will not be completely eradicated from society

if we had success in Swat and in many areas of FATA, we can accomplish it elsewhere

corruption --well, that requires a mindset change (of the leaders and even the people)
if we had success in Swat and in many areas of FATA, we can accomplish it elsewhere

corruption --well, that requires a mindset change (of the leaders and even the people)

I am talking worldwide sir,terrorism has made some naive youth think that if they want to mess for some injustice then take up arms,blow up people this is a dangerous ideology and they believe they are doing jihad now after all this mess I think there arent many muslims left in the world who truly know what jihad is.
As I have always said pakistans terrorism problems are all due to those saudi wahhabs.
if we had success in Swat and in many areas of FATA, we can accomplish it elsewhere

corruption --well, that requires a mindset change (of the leaders and even the people)

I would hardly call the operation in Swat a success..yes the land was reclaimed,,but the fighters and the warlords are all safe and sound causing trouble from resorts in Kunar and Nuristan.
I would hardly call the operation in Swat a success..yes the land was reclaimed,,but the fighters and the warlords are all safe and sound causing trouble from resorts in Kunar and Nuristan.

maybe the NATO and Afhgan Govt should "DO MORE" to stop them from doing that
maybe BBC should also make a pgrogram on that and show the falure of Swat operation by Interviewing those Gurests in Kunar & Chahar Bagh.

so until that happens this thread will stay closed
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