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Army chief calls for national consensus to confront ‘economic and terrorism’ challenges

Hafiz Sahab's idea of bringing everyone together.


As if we are all idiots here.

These games have been played before.

Hafiz Sahib needs to know this.

The current economic crisis has its roots in four things.

1) Dollar pegging by Ishaq Dar between 2013-16. Which cut down our exports round about the same time where countries like Vietnam, India and Bangladesh cashed in.

2) High energy cost again caused by PML-N policies between 2013-18. This policy was of receiving kick backs while starting power generation projects that are being run exclusively on imported fuel.

[ But Haji Sahib, Haji Sahib's father-in-law and Hafiz Sahib just didn't have enough and wanted more ]

3) Destabilization of govt. which had just one year left, all intiated by duffers and corrupt minions. There was inflation but not anywhere close to this and there was macro-economic stability. The spokesman of Duffers United talked about Stock Exchange going higher after the operation was successfull. This is the level of understanding of the economy by these duffers.

4) There is a long-term issue of rent seeking elite. This is where policies are set by those in policy making bodies that exclusively benefits those individuals and institutions who are in power and this in turn stifle free enterprise. Hafiz Sahib's own institution is the top culprit here.

So this Hakeemi Totka he is trying to apply will not work.

This other Hakeemi totka of destablizing your own country by terrorist attacks in the hopes of getting American dollars is not how countries are run. This is how mafias are run but not normal countries.
Hafiz Sahib needs to know this.

The current economic crisis has its roots in four things.

1) Dollar pegging by Ishaq Dar between 2013-16. Which cut down our exports round about the same time where countries like Vietnam, India and Bangladesh cashed in.

2) High energy cost again caused by PML-N policies between 2013-18. This policy was of receiving kick backs while starting power generation projects that are being run exclusively on imported fuel.

[ But Haji Sahib, Haji Sahib's father-in-law and Hafiz Sahib just didn't have enough and wanted more ]

3) Destabilization of govt. which had just one year left, all intiated by duffers and corrupt minions. There was inflation but not anywhere close to this and there was macro-economic stability. The spokesman of Duffers United talked about Stock Exchange going higher after the operation was successfull. This is the level of understanding of the economy by these duffers.

4) There is a long-term issue of rent seeking elite. This is where policies are set by those in policy making bodies that exclusively benefits those individuals and institutions who are in power and this in turn stifle free enterprise. Hafiz Sahib's own institution is the top culprit here.

So this Hakeemi Totka he is trying to apply will not work.

This other Hakeemi totka of destablizing your own country by terrorist attacks in the hopes of getting American dollars is not how countries are run. This is how mafias are run but not normal countries.
Agree with everything here with the addition of Army's A team PPP also played it's part in the IPP's.
The news coming out of National Security Council meeting is that there are two main problems economy and terrorism. Without economy an operation against the militants cannot be sustained. It is best for now to use the police and FC for counter terrorism until such time that the country is out of the dire economic situation. We have to pay about 8 billion dollars in loan repayments in the next few months. IMF funding will come in march. At least a years time is required before we are back on our feet.
In the meantime, we should extend the peace agreement with the TTP. A way out of the bloodshed would be to introduce Sharia in Tribal Districts on the patterns of Nizam e Adl in Swat. America and its local agents would want the count y to be turned into another Syria so that they get their foothold again. We should talk to the militants and pacify them by meeting some of their demands like Sharia with home grown solutions.
Another point is that if we can have a hybrid system in the country with joint rule of military and political parties then we can further hybridize the model with addition of religious elements in the ruling, There is the example of Lebanon where Hizbullah, a religious party has its own army which defeated Israel in the last war.
He is doing what Army does best, no self accountability/responsibility and everything is bloody civilians fault. Khud tu bas P0rn videos banani hai.

Our COAS reminds of the Bander (Monkey) who is dressed up and wear glasses to look cool, but he don't realize that he is entertaining audience while his master has a patta around his neck.
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There is a consensus amongst Mafias to remain united and that includes Zardari mafia to Sharif, including Shahbaz, Nawaz, Hamza, Salman, Mariyam and the other PDM parties including Fazlu, MQM, BAP, ANP, others, and Mil-Establishment is keeping them united so they are directly involved in this loot and plunder and putting the country to the brink.

So it is PDM, the political Mafia + the non civilian Military Mafia on one side( with vested interests).

IK's PTI, + Awam, the whole country on the otherside.
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Agree with everything here with the addition of Army's A team PPP also played it's part in the IPP's.

Can't get worst than this, the govt. is bound to pay IPP's capacity payment charges even if the plant is not running at higher capacity and it is idle/closed.

And the payment to IPP's are in US dollars, so now one can gauge the higher amount to be paid and the reason for close to 4000 billion Rs. circular debt to be paid to IPP's.

Only the enemies can come up with such ventures and the govt. who approves such projects, why the Mil-Estab. was silent when the IPP's deal was struck, or they were getting the cuts and some of the pilferage.
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