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Army chief calls for national consensus to confront ‘economic and terrorism’ challenges

@PDF @waz @WebMaster Here is another example. How long will insults to our Army and it's Chief will be "accepted and allowed"? We need some important rules. This thread and many others are pertinent to our national security. This political bullsh*it and derailing of threads off topic should not be allowed. I also encourage these "overseas" Pakistanis with US and English flag to open a dozen threads up on Alert5 and other forums and write insulting posts towards the Pentagon / Army / UK Defense ministry, etc and see what happens to them. No nation allows insults to it's military, period. Political issues can be addressed in political threads.

Those foreign armies you mentioned don't:

1) Run country to the ground
2) Bring back same shit faces with NROs
3) Prop idoits and install them as leaders on us

There is a night and day difference between our FA military and those foreign armies appropriately trained in the art of soldiering.
The national consensus my chief of army brother is with Imran Khan. Your fellow military heads aided and abetted the takeover of our fatherland by crooks, liars and now Pakistan lies in ruins.
I don't know why you think anyone will listen now.
Seems the last NSC meeting was one horrible experience for COAS and he is in a state of shock. He knows loans are temporary solutions. GCC is done helping and rolling loan maturity dates.His speech seems signs of the perfect storm.... get ready..
They didn't ask for people's consesus when they destroyed the economy. They brought in the thieves to replace the elected government, now they want consensus from people who have suffered high inflation and lack of necessity. Rocketing fuels prices and Electric and gas bills.
Consesus from the hungry suferer , which are suffering due to your ignornace and criminalities.
F off and clean your mess. The consesus is that you all should Fcuk off and go back to your barracks, out of people's life. You doing nothing but treason against Pakistan and its people.
High inflation started during PTI time, so can't blame army for that.
Seems the last NSC meeting was one horrible experience for COAS and he is in a state of shock. He knows loans are temporary solutions. GCC is done helping and rolling loan maturity dates.His speech seems signs of the perfect storm.... get ready..

Don't think so. He is a crony and lackey of Noora Sharif, and is there to serve his interests. Except for making a few useless and ridiculous statements, what has he done in his tenure of one month? All the Haraam-zadagies are going on, as usual.
Basically Army chief is asking consensus on plots, DHA, kickbacks, corruption, treachery, NRO, imposing thug politicians in Govt, sellout media, useless judiciary, luxury lives of Generals after retirement, rigging in elections etc.
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اس ملک سے ہر چیز کا خاتمہ ہو سکتا ہے سوائے کرپشن اور نازک موڑ کے​
Another message for these dumb horny generals

This idiot doesn't even have an iota understanding of how things work...even if pti has 2/3rd majority the smaller local parties play a big role in the consent towards an op. Jui, its other wings and anp may be small but have a considerable footprint to disrupt...just like they did in case of kalabagh dam or other projects.
And btw PTi stratgey for appeasement has flopped so how about just stfu....before ttp used to project army as kaafir army now their raja/mehdi gang is doing the same job here on pdf..
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The Pak national consensus is on IK. The rest is all Fasa Fiso.....

The earlier they understand and accept it and voluntarily give Biat to IK the better. Or, some folks will lose their necks....
These generals should say thanks' to Allah, as Imran is a democrat and still want to bring about change by following the law. When democracy fails people pick up the arms and that's the worst thing can happen to our country. Instead of asking for consensus, do the elections with the EVM and go back to the barracks once for all and that's the best thing they can do other then nation is in no mood to be your entertainment puppets.
These generals are trying to engineered the Taliban boogie once again as Indian card is not popular any more. These few generals have destroyed the love and joy for our army in our hearts and still they are walking around with their smug faces and telling us what we should do. My suggestion is country have had enough of your criminal acts and no one cares about your suggestions any more.
The Pak national consensus is on IK. The rest is all Fasa Fiso.....

The earlier they understand and accept it and voluntarily give Biat to IK the better. Or, some folks will lose their necks....
Pakistani generals are worse than Turkiye generals. Young Turks fought for the nation so they had some claim over Turkiye, Pakistani generals and army were busy fighting in www2 as British India army, they still lay claim to the country while playing zero part in independence.
They wont leech off without lots of blood.
@PDF @waz @WebMaster Here is another example. How long will insults to our Army and it's Chief will be "accepted and allowed"? We need some important rules. This thread and many others are pertinent to our national security. This political bullsh*it and derailing of threads off topic should not be allowed. I also encourage these "overseas" Pakistanis with US and English flag to open a dozen threads up on Alert5 and other forums and write insulting posts towards the Pentagon / Army / UK Defense ministry, etc and see what happens to them. No nation allows insults to it's military, period. Political issues can be addressed in political threads.
Army gets its salary, pension and privileges from the taxes the nation pays. We give a lot of sacrifices to make army strong. Army is our servant, we are not its slaves. If army acts and behaves like we are occupied by it, then we will react and put it to its place.

What economic emergency is COAS talking about? His scope is limited to national security. If the chief now thinks weak economy is threat to national security then go and arrest the previous chief who brought in the crooks through the regime change. Its the crooks which are perpetual threat to country. We now know the previous chief had no issue with corruption. Now it seems the new chief has no issue with previous army chief action. So its one and the same.

If army wants its respect back, it should show character to undo the last 9 months. It should arrest officers involved in human rights violations, it should start investigation into killing of Arshad Sharif and attempt on Imran Khan. Until then, we believe army has blood on its hands and its army leadership which has to prove its integrity not us to prove here our loyalty to country.
The national consensus my chief of army brother is with Imran Khan. Your fellow military heads aided and abetted the takeover of our fatherland by crooks, liars and now Pakistan lies in ruins.
I don't know why you think anyone will listen now.

They have a “government” in place. Why not ask that government to carry out the economic measures they think need to be done. It’s because they know it will be very unpopular and the PDM doesn’t want to take the blame.

The only party willing to take the blame is PTI, if it is allowed to come back into power. The made reforms the last time around, and took the blame, to get the nation back on track when they were last elected.

The public will understand if it is party of real comprehensive reforms, at the very least it will bring investors and get many unemployments people working again.

Most will welcome it if they know it’s a few years of pain for long term growth and stability. At the very least a guarantee of a solid specific election date in a matter of months can build confidence in the public, and perhaps investors will come back, trying to pick up a bargain, sensing growth with a new IK government is around the corner. In the mean time a caretaker government of only 90 days can carry out the reforms the IMF demands, to get the loans to tide the nation over till the people make their choice in a general election.

A PTI government can also better rally the people of the nation against the threat of terrorism, because one thing IK won’t support are foreign bases in Pakistan. The change this time around is appeasement of the TTP will be off the table.

When the people of the western provinces and of the people Afghanistan know the government in Islamabad won’t allow foreign troops in Pakistan, they will be better able build a strategy against the militants.

The militants are ethno-nationalist and smugglers by and large. IK and PTI held a conference to try to raise funds for Afghanistan, even hosting a historic OIC meeting to address the Afghans plight.

The terrorism problem has to be solved by cutting off all the perceived grievances and dealing with those left over, firmly once and for all. Basically threading the needle; getting the Afghans international recognition in exchange for human/civil rights guarantees, building up the Pakistani and Afghan economy to allow people to not have to rely on smuggling for their best way to make money, and freedom of movement for Afghans including possibly birth right citizenship to afghans born in Pakistan, which IK considered. The upside is potentially a growth engine of raw materials for the Pakistani industry and a potentially growing market for Pakistani goods in Afghanistan, aka another way for Pakistan to grow the economy.

So allowing IK through free and fair elections with at least a 2/3 majority mandate he has, is the only way to make the real reforms that need to be done to reset the country once and for all (starting with implementing a property tax so people invest in export earning industries and no longer into non-productive real estate. Also so the rich pay their fair share. Btw if reforms aren’t done, that’s what may have to happen anyway to pay back the loans, and for not real reforms to show for it), and end this tragedy.

Btw, the IMF expects real changes in a number of days in order to disperse the funds. With reserves under $6 billion, we don’t have much time left and the PDM doesn’t look like it has any motivation to do anything.
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The national consensus my chief of army brother is with Imran Khan. Your fellow military heads aided and abetted the takeover of our fatherland by crooks, liars and now Pakistan lies in ruins.
I don't know why you think anyone will listen now.

He wants unity after regime change...
@PDF @waz @WebMaster Here is another example. How long will insults to our Army and it's Chief will be "accepted and allowed"? We need some important rules. This thread and many others are pertinent to our national security. This political bullsh*it and derailing of threads off topic should not be allowed. I also encourage these "overseas" Pakistanis with US and English flag to open a dozen threads up on Alert5 and other forums and write insulting posts towards the Pentagon / Army / UK Defense ministry, etc and see what happens to them. No nation allows insults to it's military, period. Political issues can be addressed in political threads.
Those defence forums are probably run by the likes of you. Twitter and social media is full of people ridiculing the military.

The best bit - 99% of people couldn't name the heads of the US or UK armed forces.
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