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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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Turks are relatively new to the Caucausus. The first empire was established by Osman in 11th or 12th century. They come from Altay mountains. Armenian (and Iranian) people come from Nackchivan (in Armenian means "the place we first descended). Armenian highland has been our home since our people's history.

Turkey is obligated to watch because of NATO constraints.

If Russia intervenes, no its not. And no one can expect from Turkey to sit tight in that case.
Turks are relatively new to the Caucausus. The first empire was established by Osman in 11th or 12th century. They come from Altay mountains. Armenian (and Iranian) people come from Nackchivan (in Armenian means "the place we first descended). Armenian highland has been our home since our people's history.

Turkey is obligated to watch because of NATO constraints.

We (Iranians and Armenians) are the original people of the area. Turks are just wanderers from the Gobi deserts of Mongolia. I really feel sorry for all the pain that Armenia has had to suffer at the hands of these Turks, through the genocide all the way up to now. Just know that Iran and Iranians are always with you, we have been friendly neighbours for 3000 years and no one will break that. If Azerbaijan dares attack you, we will be there fighting alongside our Armenian brothers ;)
I think nowadays Armenia is well armed and both sides seems to be ready for a fight but the weapons systems like UAV, S300 etc are not that important, these wont determine the outcome of a war, most important factor will be number of groundforces, Azeris are more of a conventional Army while Armenians rely on guerilla type of warfare. In the end the more fanatic side will win.. End of story.

You are absolutely right. The side with higher morale and fighting ability will win despite the odds.
Nagorno-Karabakh War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Besides, Armenian Army forces + Nagarno Karabakh Armed Forces are about the same in number as Azeri armed forces.
Kajutyun, I'm asking how exactly thats related ? how exactly history is related to current situation ?

The one thing is clear Turkey will help Azerbaijan indirectly.
You mean Armenia respond it with another wrong action?

Unfortunately yes. Armenia should apologize for Khojaly massacre. There is no precondition for recognizing the truth.

If Russia intervenes, no its not. And no one can expect from Turkey to sit tight in that case.

You are misguided. What will NATO say: "Oh you really want to help Azerbaijan, Turkiye? Do you REALLY want to? OK then, forget about the contract, do whatever you want?"

Come on.

Kajutyun, I'm asking how exactly thats related ? how exactly history is related to current situation ?

The one thing is clear Turkey will help Azerbaijan indirectly.

Agreed, Azerbaijan will be helped indirectly.

Its not too important politically speaking. But all residents are Armenians, and they have rights to say to whom they belong. Azerbaijans only arguement is "NK used to be mine, so it always has to be mine no matter what residents think."
because armenians has started i have to support azeris.
You are misguided. What will NATO say: "Oh you really want to help Azerbaijan, Turkiye? Do you REALLY want to? OK then, forget about the contract, do whatever you want?"

Come on.

Let me repeat it for the third time. Turkey will help Azerbaijan indirectly like its arming the Syrian Rebels right now.
Is there any proof? No. Do we know it? Yes.
We (Iranians and Armenians) are the original people of the area. Turks are just wanderers from the Gobi deserts of Mongolia. I really feel sorry for all the pain that Armenia has had to suffer at the hands of these Turks, through the genocide all the way up to now. Just know that Iran and Iranians are always with you, we have been friendly neighbours for 3000 years and no one will break that. If Azerbaijan dares attack you, we will be there fighting alongside our Armenian brothers ;)

just to make a small correction: no, turkics didn't originate from our gobi desert - yes, chinese knew this particular breed of creatures before any other civilization came to know them, and we made war upon them there and slaughtered them and exiled the turkic widows and children, true, but they weren't the original inhabitants of the land.

in fact, chinese historiography, persian historiography, arabic historiography - none of the ancient civilizations known for their attention to historical records could figure out where the turkics were first spawned and spread to infest this world. getting past ancient historiography, modern scientific inquiry of sociology of states and ethnography made no progress on the pan-turkics' mysterious origin, either. they simply don't belong and never belonged.

today jews and anglo-americans have found this rootlessness of the turkics to be of great strategic value and mobilized turkics to war against the true owners of the land and nobler races of this continent.

so when turkics provoke russians into yet another fight - and i sincerely wish and fully expect that the turkics will - it gives everyone else a good excuse to deal with the scattered seeds the rootless race left behind in the vast expanse of central asia.
Let me repeat it for the third time. Turkey will help Azerbaijan indirectly like its arming the Syrian Rebels right now.
Is there any proof? No. Do we know it? Yes.

I agree with you completely? Why are argueing?

What I said is that Turkey will not deploy troops regardless of what Russia does.
We (Iranians and Armenians) are the original people of the area. Turks are just wanderers from the Gobi deserts of Mongolia. I really feel sorry for all the pain that Armenia has had to suffer at the hands of these Turks, through the genocide all the way up to now. Just know that Iran and Iranians are always with you, we have been friendly neighbours for 3000 years and no one will break that. If Azerbaijan dares attack you, we will be there fighting alongside our Armenian brothers ;)

The large Azeri population in your own country might start a bloody, brutal revolt, the war can spread to your lands. Just an idea. And ofcourse one should not forget about Turkey.
Let to change the topic to that democratic solution in Karabagh, you mentioned. Do you think it is a good idea to shift-deleting a part of people living in an area to provide so called democracy for some others? Do not you think those forced refuges should come back home before that?
I agree with you completely? Why are argueing?

What I said is that Turkey will not deploy troops regardless of what Russia does.

If it would be necessery, Turkey can deploy troops under the name of "volunteers", it is up to Russia's actions.
Let to change the topic to that democratic solution in Karabagh, you mentioned. Do you think it is a good idea to shift-deleting a part of people living in an area to provide so called democracy for some others? Do not you think those forced refuges should come back home before that?

No, irredentism is never a good idea. Azeri people have always been a viable community in Armenia. That is not contested. A full-fledged democracy, though, cannot be established if Aliyev makes threats on a daily basis.

If it would be necessery, Turkey can deploy troops under the name of "volunteers", it is up to Russia's actions.

Ara, Turkish regular troops would lose to Russians. What makes you think that volunteers, without any tank or artillery supports, will do any better?
Azerbaijan should respect the basic rights of the Armenian residents but its not illogical for them to want a land that taken from them by force.
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