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"Armenian-Christian" terrorist arrested for attack in Canada

Or perhaps he is like you, terrorizing others to hide his own fears. Supporting a terrorist seems to be in your blood. Daesh can use scumbags like you.
Nah, Daesh is closer to your beliefs if anything.
Nah, Daesh is closer to your beliefs if anything.

Is this why you support your Armenian terrorist? Do you have what it takes to comprehend what others believe? You can run but you can't hide.
All religions are disgusting, look at the disgusting Hindus raping babies and little children, Christian and Muslims do the same thing.

All are disgusting religions.

Ever let looked into secular massacres?

Pol pot
Etc. Etc?

There are more black criminals (terrorist) than armenian terrorist.

And more black rapist. So black are terrorist.

Black terrorists?...

Nah, Daesh is closer to your beliefs if anything.
How do u know his beliefs?
You can project all you want, but that doesn't make your childish fantasies come true. No wonder you're at -9 ratings.

But please cry more.
You can project all you want, but that doesn't make your childish fantasies come true. No wonder you're at -9 ratings.

But please cry more.

As I said your failure to comprehend has a direct impact upon your attitude towards others. Yes, I have religious conviction if that's what you're trying to imply and let me educate you a bit regarding my type. People like me don't suffer from fantasy because Islam teaches us to face life as it is. It is people like you who cannot breath without smoking the dope. Fantasy is all you have in life and when that fantasy is interrupted by reality you go nuts and start acting like your Armenian buddy. As for ratings, I'm not going to stop walking the path because someone like you does not approve of it. Even our Prophet(pbuh) used to be ridiculed by people like you, in their book his rating was -billion and I'm just nobody in comparison. So I have no regret. The bottom line is we cannot stop living just because what terror sympathizers like you think of us. We don't live for your negative or positive ratings, we live for His acceptance.
There are more black criminals (terrorist) than armenian terrorist.

And more black rapist. So black are terrorist.

As I said your failure to comprehend has a direct impact upon your attitude towards others. Yes, I have religious conviction if that's what you're trying to imply and let me educate you a bit regarding my type. People like me don't suffer from fantasy because Islam teaches us to face life as it is. It is people like you who cannot breath without smoking the dope. Fantasy is all you have in life and when that fantasy is interrupted by reality you go nuts and start acting like your Armenian buddy. As for ratings, I'm not going to stop walking the path because someone like you does not approve of it. Even our Prophet(pbuh) used to be ridiculed by people like you, in their book his rating was -billion and I'm just nobody in comparison. So I have no regret. The bottom line is we cannot stop living just because what terror sympathizers like you think of us. We don't live for your negative or positive ratings, we live for His acceptance.
I knew you weren't going to read the link. The one thing you got right in your incoherent post is that you're a nobody. You'll never amount to anything in life other than looking like a desperate kid on the internet. The fact that you made that comparison just shows how insecure you really are. Go on and cry some more, no one cares.

Which one of his posts aligns with ISIS?... I can't seem to find one. Care to share?
I said closer to, not align. Don't quote me unless you looked at the whole conversation..
That right there is Christianity in its purest form, kill, terrorize and win.
I knew you weren't going to read the link. The one thing you got right in your incoherent post is that you're a nobody. You'll never amount to anything in life other than looking like a desperate kid on the internet. The fact that you made that comparison just shows how insecure you really are. Go on and cry some more, no one cares.

Yes, I do have the education to understand that empty vessels like you sound much. Your slave like mentality has taught you that when a crime is committed you are to look for who has done it. If it is a Muslim then you say it is terrorism but if the same crime is committed by an Armenian terrorist, in your book it is a mental case. Enough of your hypocrisy! The world is better off without self proclaimed achievers like you.
Yes, I do have the education to understand that empty vessels like you sound much. Your slave like mentality has taught you that when a crime is committed you are to look for who has done it. If it is a Muslim then you say it is terrorism but if the same crime is committed by an Armenian terrorist, in your book it is a mental case. Enough of your hypocrisy! The world is better off without self proclaimed achievers like you.
Again more tears, no coherence in your post. Another sign you're to dumb to read beyond a primary school level. If you want actual Christian terrorists in North America, look up abortion clinic bombers. Look up the Fort Hood shooter, the perpetrator was a Muslim but he was officially not considered a terrorist. But please, provide me more of your delicious tears.
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Again more tears, no coherence in your post. Another sign you're to dumb to read beyond a primary school level. If you want actual Christian terrorists in North America, look up abortion clinic bombers. But please, provide me more of your delicious tears.

Your sympathy for the Armenian terrorist is understandable, after all you carry a gene that does it. You should join Daesh to make your slave like existence coherent.
Your sympathy for the Armenian terrorist is understandable, after all you carry a gene that does it. You should join Daesh to make your slave like existence coherent.

I have no sympathy, he's a piece of shit and so are you and Daesh. World would be better off if you don't breed like this guy won't.
I have no sympathy, he's a piece of shit and so are you and Daesh. World would be better off if you don't breed like this guy won't.

Cowards like you back track when the ride gets tough. Yes, you were very disturbed when the Armenian terrorist was called a Christian terrorist. I've pointed out clearly why the world will be better off without hypocrites like you. Wherever you go, like your Daesh and Armenian buddies you spread inhumanity and lies.
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