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"Armenian-Christian" terrorist arrested for attack in Canada

wtf u on about joker?.....Raqqa was the bastion of ISIS! you fool, the ones who created this SyRaq mess ended up owning it! Do we need to hold your hand and walk your sorry uneducated arse to the toilet too? or can u manage that yourself?

P.S. I have absolutely zero hope for sunni wahabbi type people. Just plain old born dumb!

Your genocidal maniac and ally Putin did nothing when the terrorists were provided safe passage away from Raqqa. You are trying so hard to evade this inconvenient fact and we know why. As I said under your anti-Erdogan disguise you are the ugliest Daesh patron.
You aboriginal animal, Raqqa is under US control! It was ISIS capital, and it fukking still is. All terrorists in SyRaq are in Raqqa under US protection. The only inconvenient fact is that you are a dumb ugly aboriginal who believes in Wahabbi terrorist/ BBC and CNN propaganda. We can show you where the toilet is, but I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you there.

Your genocidal maniac and ally Putin did nothing when the terrorists were provided safe passage away from Raqqa. You are trying so hard to evade this inconvenient fact and we know why. As I said under your anti-Erdogan disguise you are the ugliest Daesh patron.
You aboriginal animal, Raqqa is under US control! It was ISIS capital, and it fukking still is. All terrorists in SyRaq are in Raqqa under US protection. The only inconvenient fact is that you are a dumb ugly aboriginal who believes in Wahabbi terrorist/ BBC and CNN propaganda. We can show you where the toilet is, but I'm not going to hold your hand and walk you there.

You are so afraid to face your ugly nature! You can't fool everyone indefinitely.
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Depending on his motive, he may or may not be considered terrorist. He is a mass murderer, however. The problem is to dismiss him as crazy. Mental illness does not make you run over and kill people, if that was the case there would be millions of people around the world causing havoc. This recent trend(mostly in the US) is concerning behavior. It can't be ignored and dismissed, there are people who think this is now the way to vent their frustrations and they are making those decisions. They are a growing threat to public safety and the media can't dismiss them as 'crazy nuts'.

They are not, they needed to be deemed a threat to our security and warned of major consequences. All those forums and places on the internet where this is glorified in a jokey manner need to be investigated. All those kind of people need to be put on some list too. Make them fear thinking of encouraging such attacks and make them an enemy/threat and it will slow down. Rather than giving them a free pass by calling them 'crazy'.

Also America needs to study what is leading to so many people becoming frustrated/mentally ill or feeling the need to 'let go' by committing such attacks. There has to be some pattern, could be stress/depression/loneliness/feeling disfranchised/schooling system/job market/etc....
Police have identified the suspect in a deadly van attack in Toronto as Alek Minassian, a 25-year-old man from Richmond Hill, Ont., a suburb north of the city.

Ten people were killed and 15 injured on Monday afternoon after a rented white Ryder van jumped a curb and plowed into pedestrians along an approximately one-kilometre-long stretch of Toronto's busy Yonge Street.

A profile on social networking site LinkedIn identifies Minassian as a student at Seneca College in North York, the north Toronto neighbourhood where the attack took place.

This isn't the first Armenian-Christian terror attack. Armenian-Christians have carried out multiple assassinations against Turkish diplomats through-out Europe and the USA.

Some notable examples are: 1.) The assassination of Erkut Akbay in Lisbon, Portugal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Erkut_Akbay
A group calling itself Justice Commandos of the Armenian Genocide claimed responsibility.

2.) The assassination of Kemal Arkan (1927–1982) who was a Turkish diplomat assassinated by two US citizens of Armenian origin in Los Angeles, United States.

3.) There are many more examples here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Terrorist_attacks_att


Before making dumb posts like this why don't you read first on what his motivations were and who the victims were. They don't match your comparisons in your post.
Nice try ,you should also mention when a Christian terrorist does something you won't see any Christian or anyone supporting him.but when a Muslim terrorist does something you know what happens .
You mean the same way Hindoos in India flooded streets in an unprecedent show of affection and support for the Hindoo rapist & killer of an 8 year old girl? :tsk:
Fanatics are everywhere, in all states and all religions, but you gotta loosen you Islamophobic hat a bit to grasp that.
Before making dumb posts like this why don't you read first on what his motivations were and who the victims were. They don't match your comparisons in your post.

Perhaps you should enlighten us as to what motivates an Armenian terrorist instead of making stupid remark!
Perhaps you should enlighten us as to what motivates an Armenian terrorist instead of making stupid remark!
He was an incel. Much like yourself. Someone that goes in rage every time things don't go his way.
PDF has another pet and upper caste and non-condemnable -- the blacks.

Right now, PDF Islamist having so sympathetic with evil wahabbi that they jump in to label any white crackpot as terrorist.

Then PDF Islamo cry west is practicing double standards. Then PDF Islamo say everyone is rotten, sleo Islam should not be single out.

Meanwhile no one is criticizing the blacks who commit the most murder and rape in the whole world.
Should not label an entire religion because of one but. There are countless good Christians!

All religions are disgusting, look at the disgusting Hindus raping babies and little children, Christian and Muslims do the same thing.

All are disgusting religions.
He was an incel. Much like yourself. Someone that goes in rage every time things don't go his way.

Or perhaps he is like you, terrorizing others to hide his own fears. Supporting a terrorist seems to be in your blood. Daesh can use scumbags like you.
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