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Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

Armenia and Turkiye !!! lol...

I strongly believe that all of armenians are brainless creatures !!! Do you have enough power against Turkiye? Actually, do you have enough power against Azerbaijan also? Your tactical plans on a war against others is being a dog of Russia, USA and EU.

We watch your cry everyday. you cry like a raped woman and nagging genocide genocide genocide... As you see all of world don't believe this lie anymore except your sisters eu,usa and russia !! coz they are owner of armenian dogs!!! My grandfather is the living witness of armenian terrorism during ww1 and he has took his family from Agri(so i am half kurdish) to Kayseri and saved their life than you blood-drinkers. We are finding bones of died people who murdered by armenian gangs underground of my village!!! 5 years ago eu sent one inspector to exploration bones of armenians. he was definitely sure to found a cemetery of armenians who killed by Turks. But they found handle Koran and necklaces which have verse of the Koran. It was cemetery of Muslim Turks who murdered by armenian and all of people had shot by their head and most of them were WOMEN and CHILDREN !! The most interesting thing was the behavior of eu inspector. He said "this time we couldn't find but next time we will" shameless and hypocrite western behavior .. this next time never come yet... coz this is a lie story to make christian community believe it !!!

You have murdered million of Turkish when we couldn't defense our self. while we were unarmed civilians and didn't have our Men to save us coz they were fighting against western imperialists.... The Ottoman Empire punished you to move to Syria(present name of land). Many of your people died on the way and you say it is genocide... **** OFFFFF !!!!!! You bastards not easy like this.... You cannot clean your bloody-hand like this. And we didn't forget hocali(i dont know how to write in English the land of Azerbaijan) genocide in 21. century.

You can not make us accept your lies with force and threat of western imperialists .... Now your dogs pkk terrorists kill my people. coz they are not half armenians, they are pure Kurds and Turks...
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Well I see the Turkish strong crew is out in force.

Reading the loser comments of Armenians hiding in the flags of other countries, against Turks-Pakistanis made me enjoy !!! :)

Armenia is not listed as an option to choose a flag for on this forum......and I have nothing against the Pakistanis.

What's next Armo ? When will you attack on East Turkey to occupy Van-Diyarbakir, Erzincan provinces ? Tell more about your national ambitious dreams please...

The liberation of Western Armenia, when it comes in distant future, will not be in a conventional sense that paranoid Turks think. Since you naming ancient Armenian cities personally my first choice would be Trabzon where over 2000 Armenian orphan children were gassed in an Armenian church and then burned down, and now it is populated by most ultra-nationalist fascist “Gray Wolf” scums to ever walk on that cursed land.

One day soon we will deliver the head of Azena to your military leaders in a silver platter and tear the fabric of your society apart that is fabricated on lies to its brainwashed population. Keep giving racist anti-Armenian CDs to your children in school, eventually it will blow up in your face.

but Believe me Desperate Armo, Occupying whole Armenia in 2-3 days will be a similar exercise like What you will see in this video for Turkish Army.

I hope Armenians will make a fault like that. With this way, We, Turks will have had responses enough to justify the rightness of sending your nation to stoneage !!!

You guys can’t even handle the PKK, you set foot in Republic of Armenia you will have an insurgency war against a professional military that you could have never imagined, and you must realize that you are no longer dealing with Kurds, be very careful Turk.
Russia extends lease on military base in Armenia through 2044 | Defense | RIA Novosti

Russia and Armenia on Friday signed amendments to a 1995 bilateral treaty extending Russia's use of a military base near Armenia's border with Turkey through 2044.

The document was signed by the countries' defense ministers as a result of negotiations between Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan. Medvedev is currently on a state visit to Armenia.

Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said the term of the 1995 deal on the base in Gyumri, Armenia's second largest city, had been extended from 25 to 49 years.

Asked by reporters about the cost of the lease on the base, he said "there is no question of money."

Some reports have said that the mission of the Russian troops was being expanded, but Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the deployment locations for Russian troops had been agreed for a long time and were not affected by the new document.

Lavrov and Serdyukov both said the only thing that had changed was the length of the lease.

"One thing has changed - the extension to 49 years," the defense minister told RIA Novosti.

Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandyan said earlier in the week that Russia would also provide Armenia with arms and modern military equipment.

Russia's 102nd Military Base has been deployed in Gyumri since 1995 and is part of a CIS integrated air defense system. It is under the command of Russia's North Caucasus Military District.

There are around 5,000 personnel at the base, as well as S-300 surface-to-air missile systems and MiG-29 fighters.

YEREVAN, August 20 (RIA Novosti)

Russian increased presence in Armenia (which I am against) is for their own national interests in the region but also secondary the Russian presence in Armenia is and has been to counter any Turkish adventure and aggression against the sovereign country of Armenia, and I mean Armenia proper ONLY. If Turkey invade Armenia the first soldiers they have to kill will be Russians, they must think about this hard. Russia provides 70% of Turkey’s energy while Iran is the second biggest provider. Plus Armenians are sure to take out the BTC pipeline that feeds Turkey from Azerbaijan. Needless to say neither Russia nor Iran would allow Turkey to join their fake satellite state called Azerbaijan with their sick pan-Turkic ideology. Like I said, Armenian WEDGE will hold. Russia as a CSTO (equivalent to NATO) member has to help Armenia defend its territory per joint agreement.
Also Artsakh Army is more than capable of repelling any invasion by Azerbaijan into Nagorno Karabagh Republic and they can kiss their oil fields goodbye if they ever dare to attack. If they think that they hold a superior position with their manpower and military hardware they better think back in 1992 where their odds were even better than now and how they ended up loosing miserably.

Also Russia will never get involved in this conflict other than provide additional weapons and Karabatsis will not stand for Russian involvement in their affairs. Only Armenia as the protector of Artsakh can negotiate on their behalf in the international communities.
Ankara, Baku take revenge for Russian base in Armenia - aysor.am - Hot news from Armenia

Turkey may deploy a military base in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, Azerbaijan, Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported citing Azerbaijani media.

According to some information, the military base deployment was discussed during Turkish President Abdullah Gul’s visit to Baku.

“If this scenario is implemented, it can be considered Baku’s and Ankara’s response for the new agreement between Moscow and Yerevan on extension of term of Russian military base in the territory of Armenia and provision on Armenia’s security,” Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported.

As much as Azerbaijan would love to have a Turkish base in Nakichevan it would be a political suicide for Ankara to go through with it. First of all Russian and Turkey are the guarantors of Nakichevan and any Turkish bases there must be approved by Russia. If Turkey puts a base in the Russian “sphere of Influence” without Russian approval then they be working against Russian interests which would change their relationship to the worst. As of now Russia and Turkey are in good terms as far as the energy sector, trade, tourism, and such.

Also doing so will work to the advantage of Armenian Republic and might provide a chance to take back their lost territory where Armenians were purged from that land not too long ago which eventually lead to Karabagh war where Azeris were trying to do the same think they did in Nakichevan. Securing those lands will give Armenia and wider and a more viable border with Iran which will increase the economy of Armenia.
Armenia can do nothing but to be smoked the desire to rlule turkey is rubbish sir it not going to happen
Armenia can do nothing but to be smoked the desire to rlule turkey is rubbish sir it not going to happen

As I have already stated Armenia is in no position to stop a Turkish invasion by itself, let alone challenge Turkey at this time. Armenia's dirrective is survival. Land locked Country is blockaded with borders closed by Genocidal Turks and their Azeri off shoots. Georgians support Turkey and charges a heavy tariffs for goods coming in through their border, and the border with Iran is very short with rugged mountains and passes.
However Armenia can repell any agression from Azerbaijan....military balance is being somewhat maintained.
As I have already stated Armenia is in no position to stop a Turkish invasion by itself, let alone challenge Turkey at this time. Armenia's dirrective is survival. Land locked Country is blockaded with borders closed by Genocidal Turks and their Azeri off shoots. Georgians support Turkey and charges a heavy tariffs for goods coming in through their border, and the border with Iran is very short with rugged mountains and passes.
However Armenia can repell any agression from Azerbaijan....military balance is being somewhat maintained.

Genocidal Turks eh ? That is a bold statement calling a whole race genocidal. I suggest you watch your tone unless you want to be removed from these boards.
Genocidal Turks eh ? That is a bold statement calling a whole race genocidal. I suggest you watch your tone unless you want to be removed from these boards.

Mah, the "genocide" issue is just a political stunt meant to keep Turkey out of the EU. Ultra right wingers like Sarkozy freaked out when they saw turkey was meeting one EU demand after the other so they needed something that Turkey would never meet. They knew that Turks were a proud people who would never accept something they never did so they made up a "genocide" of massacres that were done by both sides. Their media then spread this around the world so the general concensus amongst the people of the world is that Turks did do "genocide" against the armenians. Thats why politics should not be mixed with history but unfortunatly thats whats done all the time.
1. If Azerbaijan could win a war even against Nagorno Karabakh (not to even speak of Armenia proper itself) it would of started a way long time ago.

2. If Turkey had the ability to intervene it would of done so during the war in the 90's. Russian would nuke turkey second it moves into Armenia. (Russia considers old USSR part of Russia and NATO forces would never move in ... look at Georgia ... Armenia itself has nukes 6 warheads which is reason why Turks stays out)

3. Armenia will never attack unless its being attacked or there is imminent threat of an attack.

4. Oil dollars don't win wars! Look at Arabs and Israelis!!!!
1. If Azerbaijan could win a war even against Nagorno Karabakh (not to even speak of Armenia proper itself) it would of started a way long time ago.

2. If Turkey had the ability to intervene it would of done so during the war in the 90's. Russian would nuke turkey second it moves into Armenia. (Russia considers old USSR part of Russia and NATO forces would never move in ... look at Georgia ... Armenia itself has nukes 6 warheads which is reason why Turks stays out)

3. Armenia will never attack unless its being attacked or there is imminent threat of an attack.

4. Oil dollars don't win wars! Look at Arabs and Israelis!!!!

hmm... we have over 100 nukes, ballistic missils, you armenians would be dead befor russians even try nukeing us just give it 4 hours and we would be partying in armeania if you guys ever attack us. :cheers:
1. If Azerbaijan could win a war even against Nagorno Karabakh (not to even speak of Armenia proper itself) it would of started a way long time ago.

2. If Turkey had the ability to intervene it would of done so during the war in the 90's. Russian would nuke turkey second it moves into Armenia. (Russia considers old USSR part of Russia and NATO forces would never move in ... look at Georgia ... Armenia itself has nukes 6 warheads which is reason why Turks stays out)

3. Armenia will never attack unless its being attacked or there is imminent threat of an attack.

4. Oil dollars don't win wars! Look at Arabs and Israelis!!!!

I wonder sometimes how people can use "nuclear strike" in a sentence and don't make a total stupid of themselves.

And you have no idea what would be the consequences if Turkey intervened on the side of Azerbaijan. Do you think Russians will just sit and watch if such a thing happened? And I'm not just talking about Turkey here. It would be catastrophic for world as It can trigger a much much bigger conflict than 92 war.
I wonder sometimes how people can use "nuclear strike" in a sentence and don't make a total stupid of themselves.

And you have no idea what would be the consequences if Turkey intervened on the side of Azerbaijan. Do you think Russians will just sit and watch if such a thing happened? And I'm not just talking about Turkey here. It would be catastrophic for world as It can trigger a much much bigger conflict than 92 war.

Hmmm during the war turkey mobilized it's army up to quarter million troops at border with Armenia which is a fact go ask Turkish generals. Russia threatened nuclear option they were moved back to base immediately :):cheers:
Hmmm during the war turkey mobilized it's army up to quarter million troops at border with Armenia which is a fact go ask Turkish generals. Russia threatened nuclear option they were moved back to base immediately :):cheers:
Do you have any source regarding that? If not, stop trolling here.
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