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Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

Bro, She is busy to make a documentary about so called genocide stories of 1910's in those days but I have a crystal clear idea for her. If Armenia keeps proceeding such hostile and lie policies against Turks all around the World, While keeping a Turkish land, Karabag, in their hands illegally despite UN objections and already claiming to take some Turkiye lands as well, I think We should give them a real opportunity to make a real documentary with fresh HD video/photo graphics thanks to 21 century camera technologies. They are struggling to find some real documents to attach their documentary to back up their lies in those days. :D No need to tire her big fat @ss...

Ahhh brother... Iskenderrr !!! :D
She should donate the buget of that documentary to her country, would probably make 50% of their GDP, that would help Armenians...
There is a Russian base at Gyumri in Armenia near Turkish border specifically for thwarting Turkish invasion. If Armenia attacks Turkey and Turkish response is proportional than Russia may not respond. But any all out Armenian-Turkish war may escalate into Russo-Turkish war. Turkey should invade near Nakhchivan and expand Azerbaijan-Turkish border than occupy the strip of land that separates Nakhchivan from Azerbaijan proper.

No! They escalate in Turkish/NATO vs Armenian/Russian war!
Bro, She is busy to make a documentary about so called genocide stories of 1910's in those days but I have a crystal clear idea for her. If Armenia keeps proceeding such hostile and lie policies against Turks all around the World, While keeping a Turkish land, Karabag, in their hands illegally despite UN objections and already claiming to take some Turkiye lands as well, I think We should give them a real opportunity to make a real documentary with fresh HD video/photo graphics thanks to 21 century camera technologies. They are struggling to find some real documents to attach their documentary to back up their lies in those days. :D No need to tire her big fat @ss...

can't believe they chose a moron like her to represent their country :crazy:
Savunma ve saldırı silahlarını Rusya'dan alacaklar - TRT Türk - Beş Kıtanın Haber Merkezi

Ermenistan, Rusya'dan 200 milyon dolarlık silah kredisi alacak / Sputnik Türkiye - Haberler, Analiz ve Radyo

I believe we should send back illegal in Istanbul Living and working almost 80.000 Armenian , who Support and finance that nonsense.

None of my Armenian friends living in Türkiye and ALSO some in Europe, who visited Yerevan of course,are in favour of that.

Rich Azerbeycan, giant Turkey and 2 Million hungry Armenia. What is better neighbourship, partnership and maybe in late future Brothers ?

Do they believe they will give one peblle of Türkiye ?

Remember French and German fought more than 200 years with much more than 50 Million casualties .

There was no GENOCIDE, but unfortunately German initiated RESETTLEMENT.

Osmanli Government registered all Armenian citizens property ! Archives are open !

Remember Muslims massacred in East Türkiye from Armenian Separatists !

Russian archives are partly OPEN !
They should first regain control of their electricity grid before they consider spending money on weapons (which will be on credit to Russia). I love watching the Russians ensalve that pathetic excuse for a country with every "agreement", its hilarious.
They should first regain control of their electricity grid before they consider spending money on weapons (which will be on credit to Russia). I love watching the Russians ensalve that pathetic excuse for a country with every "agreement", its hilarious.

Yeah well, Azerbaijan hasn't exactly shaken off the chains either..
Anti-Putinism is getting bigger in Armenia. Not so long ago a Russian soldier raped and killed an Armenian family. And months after Armenians attacked and killed a Russian soldier. If we see a revolution there we might see Russians loosing their base there. I think live in Armenia is getting unbearable for a lot of people. There is economic denigration combined with Russian corruption more than half of Armenians are considering moving abroad. By the way, high costs for electricity, Internet and water in Armenia is because of Russian monopoly on these services. In Russia it is the same, I have a friend in Russia who is paying very high prices for internet.

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