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Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

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I agree.

In regards to Armenia seeking long range weapons.....it is strickly defensive. Also with a better security at Armenia's curent eastern border with Turkey more troops can be moved to Azeri borders where is most needed.
Long-range artillery arsenal of Azerbaijan.

300mm Smerch (70 km)



300mm Extra (guided, 150 km), used on Lynx MLRS


Tochka-U (120 km)

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Well I see the Turkish strong crew is out in force.

Armenia is not listed as an option to choose a flag for on this forum......and I have nothing against the Pakistanis.

The liberation of Western Armenia, when it comes in distant future, will not be in a conventional sense that paranoid Turks think. Since you naming ancient Armenian cities personally my first choice would be Trabzon where over 2000 Armenian orphan children were gassed in an Armenian church and then burned down, and now it is populated by most ultra-nationalist fascist “Gray Wolf” scums to ever walk on that cursed land.

One day soon we will deliver the head of Azena to your military leaders in a silver platter and tear the fabric of your society apart that is fabricated on lies to its brainwashed population. Keep giving racist anti-Armenian CDs to your children in school, eventually it will blow up in your face.

You guys can’t even handle the PKK, you set foot in Republic of Armenia you will have an insurgency war against a professional military that you could have never imagined, and you must realize that you are no longer dealing with Kurds, be very careful Turk.
Interesting that you say this in which you claim 2000 Armenian kids were gassed in a Church since gassing as a form of mass execution did not exist prior to world war 2.

It is also interesting to note Armenian "survivors" of this supposed time, never mind the fact they would have been less then 6 years old. The really funny thing is how they supposedly are let go after the Turkish/Kurdish forces torture them and often mutilate them by supposedly plucking their eye or cutting their fingers off.

Please tell me how Armenians who have had such supposed treatment manage to survive and in a desert at a time when hospitals did not exist outside of the major cities.
Interesting that you say this in which you claim 2000 Armenian kids were gassed in a Church since gassing as a form of mass execution did not exist prior to world war 2.

Toxic gas: Dr. Ziya Fuad and Dr. Adnan, public health services director of Trabzon, submitted affidavits reporting cases in which two school buildings were used to organize children and send them to the mezzanine to kill them with toxic gas equipment

Session 3, p.m., 1 April 1919 Constantinople newspaper Renaissance, 27 April 1919.
See Vahakn N. Dadrian, "The Role of Turkish Physicians in the World War I Genocide of Ottoman Armenians." The Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1, no. 2 (1986), pp. 169–192.

However most were burned alive or taken into the black sea, thrown overboard and drowned. You own soldiers went crazy from the horific sights and smells that would not go away. The kids above 5 that had witnessed the death and torture of their parents were kept seperately in orphanage and later killed per Talat's orders. kids bellow 5 who had survived were stolen or taken by Turks and Kurds and raised as one of them.

It is also interesting to note Armenian "survivors" of this supposed time, never mind the fact they would have been less then 6 years old. The really funny thing is how they supposedly are let go after the Turkish/Kurdish forces torture them and often mutilate them by supposedly plucking their eye or cutting their fingers off.

Please tell me how Armenians who have had such supposed treatment manage to survive and in a desert at a time when hospitals did not exist outside of the major cities.

They did not.....the ones who made it to the Syrian desert consentration tents were killed or starved. Some were put in caves and fire set at the entrance killing them in mass from lack of Oxygen.

Even today their mass graves and bones are popping out of the ground. few who escaped blended into local villiages and interesting today you will find their desendance in these local area where they claim they are Armenians and want to connect with us. A priest makes a visit to them and teaches them our language.
Interesting that you say this in which you claim 2000 Armenian kids were gassed in a Church since gassing as a form of mass execution did not exist prior to world war 2.

It is also interesting to note Armenian "survivors" of this supposed time, never mind the fact they would have been less then 6 years old. The really funny thing is how they supposedly are let go after the Turkish/Kurdish forces torture them and often mutilate them by supposedly plucking their eye or cutting their fingers off.

Please tell me how Armenians who have had such supposed treatment manage to survive and in a desert at a time when hospitals did not exist outside of the major cities.

gassing did not exist prior to WW2?
wow just wow

you might wanna read this
Ancient Persians 'gassed Romans'
Ancient Persians were the first to use chemical warfare against their enemies, a study has suggested.
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Ancient Persians 'gassed Romans'

That was 3rd century AD. Anyways, Pakistanis here have very favorable views towards Turkey and they are willing to accept your lies. Other countries in the region are not so quick to look away b/c almost every country was affected by Ottoman crimes. I have a Turkish friend and she is the politest and nicest person on earth. I have a lot of respect for her. Turks are awesome people but when it comes to nationalism you guys over do it. For example, my Turkish friend doesn't like it when I say "Kurds in Turkey"!!! How crazy is that? I responded by saying "in that case I should call Azaris in Iran, Persians"! She didn't say anything after that. Like it or not, the Ottomans committed crimes and all your neighbors who were affected will never give up until you accept the reality.
gassing did not exist prior to WW2?
wow just wow

you might wanna read this
Ancient Persians 'gassed Romans'
Ancient Persians were the first to use chemical warfare against their enemies, a study has suggested.
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Ancient Persians 'gassed Romans'

That was 3rd century AD. Anyways, Pakistanis here have very favorable views towards Turkey and they are willing to accept your lies. Other countries in the region are not so quick to look away b/c almost every country was affected by Ottoman crimes. I have a Turkish friend and she is the politest and nicest person on earth. I have a lot of respect for her. Turks are awesome people but when it comes to nationalism you guys over do it. For example, my Turkish friend doesn't like it when I say "Kurds in Turkey"!!! How crazy is that? I responded by saying "in that case I should call Azaris in Iran, Persians"! She didn't say anything after that. Like it or not, the Ottomans committed crimes and all your neighbors who were affected will never give up until you accept the reality.
If you were to read my post and not dismiss it outright I mentioned that gassing did not exist as a means of MASS murder.

Gas as a weapon that was used to kill indiscriminately and usage in warfare not only existed but is well documented in world war 1.

If you wish to understand that MASS murder using gas did not exist then study the NAZI evolution of the Holocaust and you will quickly learn that the NAZI's invented the method of MASS killing people through the use of gas.
Toxic gas: Dr. Ziya Fuad and Dr. Adnan, public health services director of Trabzon, submitted affidavits reporting cases in which two school buildings were used to organize children and send them to the mezzanine to kill them with toxic gas equipment

Session 3, p.m., 1 April 1919 Constantinople newspaper Renaissance, 27 April 1919.
See Vahakn N. Dadrian, "The Role of Turkish Physicians in the World War I Genocide of Ottoman Armenians." The Holocaust and Genocide Studies 1, no. 2 (1986), pp. 169–192.

However most were burned alive or taken into the black sea, thrown overboard and drowned. You own soldiers went crazy from the horific sights and smells that would not go away. The kids above 5 that had witnessed the death and torture of their parents were kept seperately in orphanage and later killed per Talat's orders. kids bellow 5 who had survived were stolen or taken by Turks and Kurds and raised as one of them.

They did not.....the ones who made it to the Syrian desert consentration tents were killed or starved. Some were put in caves and fire set at the entrance killing them in mass from lack of Oxygen.

Even today their mass graves and bones are popping out of the ground. few who escaped blended into local villiages and interesting today you will find their desendance in these local area where they claim they are Armenians and want to connect with us. A priest makes a visit to them and teaches them our language.
The sources you mention do not qualify as NPOV sources and as an academic I would tell you that any source that has in it's referencing the "Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia circa 1965" is a definite unacceptable source & this holds true to all academic institutions (with the notable exception of UCLA).

It is not difficult to find Armenians whose grandparents have supposedly survived constantly mention that their grandparents were mutilated and then let go. The logical response is how did they survive in the desert, hundreds of km away from the nearest medical facility?

One of the oldest supposed Armenian genocide survivors states that his family hid in a hollow tree to hide from muslim brigands who had earlier plucked the eye out of his grandfather, again how did he survive the blood loss in a time when hospitals were not only rare but destroyed from advancing invading armies.

All mass graves in Turkey that have been found have been proven to be mass graves of Turks as items that have been recovered from the body point to the victims being Turkish. Said items have also been carbon dated and proven to be genuine.

In the modern age where we carbon dating techniques to verify historical events it is worth noting out that the national archives of Armenia continue to be closed to outside analysis.
It is also interesting that you have changed your argument of 2000 kids from being gassed to being burned alive and thrown into the sea.

It has also been proven that Talat Pasha never gave the order to commit genocide on the Armenians and what is more interesting that the Adonian papers that once in European hands mysteriously disappeared, prior to this they were proven to be forgeries.
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Why is it so hard to get the Turks to stop talking about AG?

What I told you is true, an Armenian church was used to kill orphans and guess what, the elements of what became Nazi Germany was in the area in colaboration with the CUP with some new advices in a more efficent procedures.....they wanted to built Baghdad railroad baby, why they were there.

You really need to find yourself another Armenian if you want to argue about details of AG compared to Ankara's version you grew up with.
Why is it so hard to get the Turks to stop talking about AG?

What I told you is true, an Armenian church was used to kill orphans and guess what, the elements of what became Nazi Germany was in the area in colaboration with the CUP with some new advices in a more efficent procedures.....they wanted to built Baghdad railroad baby, why they were there.

You really need to find yourself another Armenian if you want to argue about details of AG compared to Ankara's version you grew up with.
FYI I did not grow up in Ankara nor the republic of Turkey.

You state "Why is it so hard for Turks to stop talking about AG"

The fact is we are not talking about the AG but we are defending ourselves from baseless accusations. Yet I find it interesting that when somebody who has studied the situation as well as one who can represent your viewpoint as baseless and find flaws in your claims you immediately switch the discussion the other way and state that it is I who cannot stop talking about it.

The facts are:

1. You have changed your story about the apparent murder of Armenian kids from mass murder through gas to murder through burning of these kids and the over throw of these kids into the sea by Turkish military personnel.

2. Defense.pk is not the only website where the Armenian diaspora wage their propaganda campaign against Turkey hoping that one day the Sevres treaty is reversed.

YOU state that what your saying is TRUE, remember that you as an Armenian or I as a Turk cannot have a neutral POV regarding this matter yet what I have done is point out fallacies in your argument. Your last post actually contains the hidden premise of:

"I am Armenian and what I say is true therefore anything that YOU claim is by virtue automatically to be assumed false".

Next time you state 2000 Armenian kids were gassed by the Ottoman Turks then please back it up with NPOV evidence and dont change your story when someone points out the weaknesses in your claim.
2....Defense.pk is not the only website where the Armenian diaspora wage their propaganda campaign against Turkey.....

let the readers decide if I am here to spread AG propaganda.....meanwhile try to stay on topic.
Waiting for an answer on why you changed your story from 2000 kids being gassed ALL in a Church to 2000 kids being mostly gassed with the rest being burned alive and thrown over board.

Should make for an interesting answer.
Why is it so hard to get the Turks to stop talking about AG?

Last time i checked:

My people dont give a damn about your bs AG.. we dont care about your shithole called Armenia its a funny little country where poor Armenians live. And Armenian identity is based on AG thing and ofcourse Anti-Turkism is what holds you people united. So its really important for you not for US funnyguy!

BrowDown Bro

Armenian Pride :D

Have a nice day
leave history to historians, not politics or politicians trying to boost their vote banks
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