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Armenia has to respect Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity - Davutoglu

Those are just pictures of people from Tabriz. I asked for Azeri who are Iran nationalist.

Most Azeri from Tabriz have pan-turkic pictures.
Azerbaijan Turki | Facebook
Hadi Qoşaçaylı | Facebook
Oktay Savalan | Facebook

Their country is called Azerbaijan. A Persian word. Therefore, Azerbaijan will one day come back to its original owner.
Come and take it :D

Kurds and Azeris can freely speak their language. What you say is nonsense. Nobody hates Iran. Many hate the Iranian government, but that hasn't anything to do with Iran. Azerbaijanis will continue to defend Iran, as they always have done.
I meant public education. Minorities in Iran don't have 10% of the rights that minorities have in other countries.
Groups in Syria who are against al-Assad are not separatist movements.
We don't even hold political power in Egypt to promote "seperatism" .

Coming to Iraq, which is why you're so angry. Iraq was a federal state a long time ago.
It was Iraq itself who made North-Iraq autonomous. It was also Iraq itself who closed an eye to every cr4p that went on there. It was Turkey who suffered the most from North-Iraq until not so long ago.

When every dirty stuff can be done against Turkey in North-Iraq you don't care about the 'national integrity" of Iraq.
Now when Turkey is making a positive use of North-Iraq for it's self (energy deals) then we start to talk about national integrity?
Smells a bit of hypocrisy. Don't you think?

If Iraq cares so much about his integrity. It should disband the autonomy in North-Iraq. Kick barsani and talabani out of the country and fully unify Iraq again. Then Turkey would have no other option to deal directly with todays central government.
Turkey is not enemy with Alasad, Turkey is killing Syrians by supporting F$A terrorists... I don't care if Turkey hates or love Alasad, it is the Syrian people who are hurt and getting killed thanks to Turkey's support to Alqaeda... and what Bashar Alasad do to Turkey?? did Bashar Alasad open up Syria's borders to allow Alqaeda go to Turkey and kill over 100k Turkish people and destroy Turkey??

Assad is killing Syrians to
Come and take it :D

We will. Don't worry. In the meanwhile, Armenia has occupied Azerbaijani 'lands' and no Turks has down anything about it.

Look at the previous page for the links.

You are right. Last post for that lowlife troll:

More Iranian nationalists of Azerbaijani origins:

Amir Alizadeh AzarIrany | Facebook
Just a little kid? hahaha, is that all you could find? He will be crushed by 90% of Azeri in Tabriz.

We will. Don't worry. In the meanwhile, Armenia has occupied Azerbaijani 'lands' and no Turks has down anything about it.
What are you waiting for? Do you think you have a strong enough neck to enter that fight?
Just a little kid? hahaha, is that all you could find? He will be crushed by 90% of Azeri in Tabriz.

Why didn't you quote the other links I gave you? Doesn't matter if he is a kid or not. He is Azerbaijani and a Iranian nationalist.

99% of the people in Tabriz are proud Iranians!

You can find this cartoon on the facebook-pages of many Azeris:

Uh, no. They all happened in the 20st century my friend. From 1988 to 1994.

I don't think Turkey can pressure Georgia to lock up its border with Armenia. While Turkish-Georgian relations are good, don't forget that Georgians are Christian brothers with Armenians. And Georgia so far has refused to take a side in the conflict. Their neutral-stance in the Caucasus will likely to continue.

Armenia's economy indeed is in a bad condition, but so far no internal pressure in Armenia has emerged to give up their stance about Nagorno-Karabakh. They are a nationalistic people, with a historical pain from everything that happened in the 20st century.

Iran is not a zero factor. In fact, Azerbaijan already acknowledged that without Iran, Armenia would starve within minutes. Iran has many energy contracts with Armenia, and offers their territory for transit of Armenian goods. I think if Iran manages to cut a deal with the West, Armenia would profit majorly. They will get more Iranian investment and access to the Persian Gulf waters and other states in the region.

In the meanwhile:

Armenia urges Turkey to recognize 'genocide' ahead of FM's visit

Armenia urges Turkey to recognize 'genocide' ahead of FM's visit - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news

Georgians and Armenians are no brothers, they have had their differences in the past. Just because they are both Majorly Christian doesn't mean they get along well. And you are wrong about Turkey not being able to pressure Georgia, Turkey can easily pressure Georgia if it wants..There is heavy Georgian influence in several parts of Turkey (Laz people) also the Prime Minister himself Tayyip Erdogan is a Turkish-Georgian.

So without Iran or Russian help Armenia is basically in a hopeless situation.
Georgians and Armenians are no brothers, they have had their differences in the past. Just because they are both Majorly Christian doesn't mean they get along well. And you are wrong about Turkey not being able to pressure Georgia, Turkey can easily pressure Georgia if it wants..There is heavy Georgian influence in several parts of Turkey (Laz people) also the Prime Minister himself Tayyip Erdogan is a Turkish-Georgian.

So without Iran or Russian help Armenia is basically in a hopeless situation.

That is also why we would always have relations with Armenia. We will always support them.
You are right. Last post for that lowlife troll:

More Iranian nationalists of Azerbaijani origins:

Amir Alizadeh AzarIrany | Facebook

‫بابک دربندی | Facebook‬


Arya Atorpat | Facebook

Behnam Amiri-orumiye | Facebook

If you have balls, contact them and tell them what you told here. They can even reply you in Turkish if you want to.

How come one of those hardcore Azeri-Iranian nationalists have this picture on their profile?

YEa, Azeri in Iran hate Azeri from Azerbaijan and Turk from Turkey...

TC Alpaya Urmulu | Facebook

Right... :coffee:




We will. Don't worry. In the meanwhile, Armenia has occupied Azerbaijani 'lands' and no Turks has down anything about it.
There is no fun in taking away torture from the enemy. Armenia is economically bellow the ground. It will stay there until it gives back the land and respects international law. Iran will also suffer until it gives up on pan-Iranism.
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They opened up the border so every scum could enter Turkey. Heck they even give the scumleader a suite in a hotel. Did you forget all of this suddenly?

If you care so much about Syrian's dying and getting hurt, you should hate Assad as much as those scum alQaida. They are both the enemies of Syria.
Bashar Alasad has been in power since 2000, and Syria was a paradise, however when F$A terrorsits came bloodshed started, so tell me who's fault is it, Alasad where Syrians lived in peace during his terms, or when "democracy" came and visited Syria??

Can you explain me or us PDF members in general what the story is with Armenia occupying Azerbijani lands ?
Last time I heard from history Turks occupied their lands, if I am wrong you should teach me, if not then let’s hope the almighty Tengri will settle it.
Bashar Alasad has been in power since 2000, and Syria was a paradise, however when F$A terrorsits came bloodshed started, so tell me who's fault is it, Alasad where Syrians lived in peace during his terms, or when "democracy" came and visited Syria??

This is also what I heard from a Moroccan girl (who is Sunni) here in Denmark. Said that she was a frequent visitor and went to different places in Syria, particularly Damascus, and said it was the best Arab country out of all in Middle East/North Africa.
Very tolerant, elagitarian and elegant society. There was no hunger, no mass poverty like in other Arab countries. And there was social justice and a good economy what was going to get better and thrive.
But now destroyed because of bunch of Al-Qaeda extremists (her words).

Hopefully when Syria crushes the terrorists, Syria will be rebuilt.
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Can you explain me or us PDF members in general what the story is with Armenia occupying Azerbijani lands ?
Last time I heard from history Turks occupied their lands, if I am wrong you should teach me, if not then let’s hope the almighty Tengri will settle it.
Who says Turkey is occupying Armenian land? Under International Law Karabakh is Azeri land to this day. Azerbaijan has legal right to clean occupying forces off its land.
What are the other options to settle the issue? If there are any discussed
Realistically, Azerbaijan can't take that land back in the foreseeable future.

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