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Armenia-Azerbaijan border clashes: Iran ready to help ease tensions

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lets do a quick thought experiment

lets say tomorrow azerbaijan witnesses a revolution akin to what happened to iran in 1979, it becomes an islamic republic and effectively a satellite state of iran.

this won't result in armenian-azeri ties turning out for the better, in fact it may cause even more tension since nationalism won't be the only factor fueling the azeris but religious fervor as well.

will the iranians in this situation abandon the armenians and back the azeris completely?
People of Azerbaijan who never protested against Israel : Rus Fars Ermani Bunlar Turkun Dushmani (Russian Iranian Armenian are our enemies ) ... and we didn't forget how Israeli Hermes drone infiltrated inside Iran from Azerbaijan
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lets do a quick thought experiment

lets say tomorrow azerbaijan witnesses a revolution akin to what happened to iran in 1979, it becomes an islamic republic and effectively a satellite state of iran.

this won't result in armenian-azeri ties turning out for the better, in fact it may cause even more tension since nationalism won't be the only factor fueling the azeris but religious fervor as well.

will the iranians in this situation abandon the armenians and back the azeris completely?

Yes. a serious Iranian ultimatum alone might even be enough to cause the Armenians to give conditional soveriegnty of Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan. Russian defense treaty with Armenia does not cover NK. and Nagorno karabakh would be impossible to hold for Armenia if Iran became an open Azeri Ally.

but the west and probably more importantly Russia will be strongly opposed to this. not only is azerbaijan an oil rich country, it also serves as a strategic buffer between Iran and Russia. right on the very vulnerable Russian south flank in the caucus.

This would probably put Iran and Russia on a direct competition at a minimum and possibly confrontation and leave western countries and the US foaming in mouth from excitement.

Iran is happy with the geopolitical status quo as of now. The only problem Iran has in the Caucus is Azerbaijan allowing the zionists to use it as a base against Iran.
I think there is an error in pakistani maps, because I think Pakistan is the the only country that does not recognize Armenia as a country. Sorry bro but there is an extremely ummah-fetish and ID crisis which makes Pakistanis sometimes act more Arab or in this case Turk than those nations themselves.

We don't need any excuse for supporting a fellow Muslim country.

This is the natural course of action for an Islamic state, to ally with Muslim countries and not Crusaders.

Keep on saying all the incessant crap you want, your soldiers still died at the hands of Armenia and you're clearly projecting your own insecurities at Iranians for Azerbaijani failures.

I don't expect much from all this as the bigger regional powers will step in and ease things (hopefully). But your own sad self-delusions of higher importance won't get you anywhere. Tempering one's expectations can help and a dose of reality will also go a long way.

Look in the mirror. Remember Sulemani?

Get some help Azeri, I'm not your enemy lol.

Don't go around blaming Iranians for own problems, it isn't healthy.

You have one or two Azeri voices on this forum and you guys want to silence them?

This is PDF, not İrDF.

People of Azerbaijan who never protested against Israel : Rus Fars Ermani Bunlar Turkun Dushmani (Russian Iranian Armenian are our enemies ) ... and we didn't forget how Israeli Hermes drone infiltrated inside Iran from Azerbaijan

AZ relationship with Israel has as much to do with this topic as Iran's love affair with Hindu fascist Muslim-killing India.

Yes. a serious Iranian ultimatum alone might even be enough to cause the Armenians to give conditional soveriegnty of Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan. Russian defense treaty with Armenia does not cover NK. and Nagorno karabakh would be impossible to hold for Armenia if Iran became an open Azeri Ally.

but the west and probably more importantly Russia will be strongly opposed to this. not only is azerbaijan an oil rich country, it also serves as a strategic buffer between Iran and Russia. right on the very vulnerable Russian south flank in the caucus.

This would probably put Iran and Russia on a direct competition at a minimum and possibly confrontation and leave western countries and the US foaming in mouth from excitement.

Iran is happy with the geopolitical status quo as of now. The only problem Iran has in the Caucus is Azerbaijan allowing the zionists to use it as a base against Iran.

If any pressure will fall on Armenia, it will be joint Azerbaijani and Turkish pressure. I hope Pakistan also jumps in favor of Azerbaijan too. They are a loyal ally to us for many decades.

May Allah swt bless them against all their enemies.
Guys do not fall in Zionists trap. This war have trend since 1990's, and current events are Zionists dirty game against Iran and Russia in Azerbaijan.
In July 9th I posted this, and at that time was clear something will happen to sabotage Iran and Russia efforts to create peace in south Caucasus.
Leave her dude, that is not love.

so interesting, Elham words are not new but is coming out from number one person in country.
Armenia is moving toward Zionists slowly, and .....
Also I think these words show increasing power of Iran and Russia in Qafqaz.


Zionists want both Armenia and Azerbaijan. Be Careful guy for siding with Armenia
lets do a quick thought experiment

lets say tomorrow azerbaijan witnesses a revolution akin to what happened to iran in 1979, it becomes an islamic republic and effectively a satellite state of iran.

this won't result in armenian-azeri ties turning out for the better, in fact it may cause even more tension since nationalism won't be the only factor fueling the azeris but religious fervor as well.

will the iranians in this situation abandon the armenians and back the azeris completely?
does religion dictate our foreign policy ?
Why are Iranians agitated in this thread?

No idea I’m Pakistani you gonna have to ask them.

But I’ve seen a trend of Iranian Govt always supporting the opposition like India and Armenia etc
People of Azerbaijan who never protested against Israel : Rus Fars Ermani Bunlar Turkun Dushmani (Russian Iranian Armenian are our enemies ) ... and we didn't forget how Israeli Hermes drone infiltrated inside Iran from Azerbaijan
That is because Iran chooses armenian side. We also don't like how you treat 20 million azeri Turks in Iran.
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