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Armenia-Azerbaijan border clashes: Iran ready to help ease tensions

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That is because Iran chooses armenian side. We also don't like how you treat 20 million azeri Turks in Iran.

Leader of Iran is an Azeri ... what are you talking about ? Azerbaijan imprisoned thousands of religious Shia activists and you are not satisfied with how we treat with Azeri ppl ? Who are you to be satisfied or not ? What the hell ... Iran must flex some muscles to sit some idiots once and for all
lets do a quick thought experiment

lets say tomorrow azerbaijan witnesses a revolution akin to what happened to iran in 1979, it becomes an islamic republic and effectively a satellite state of iran.

this won't result in armenian-azeri ties turning out for the better, in fact it may cause even more tension since nationalism won't be the only factor fueling the azeris but religious fervor as well.

will the iranians in this situation abandon the armenians and back the azeris completely?
In my opinion we should continue our role as mediator then and create a peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbayjan.
Leader of Iran is an Azeri ... what are you talking about ? Azerbaijan imprisoned thousands of religious Shia activists and you are not satisfied with how we treat with Azeri ppl ? Who are you to be satisfied or not ? What the hell ... Iran must flex some muscles to sit some idiots once and for all
Iran doesn't have the power to let other's sit down. 20 million Azeri in Iran will mobilize if Iran does anything to Azerbaijan.
Iran doesn't have the power to let other's sit down. 20 million Azeri in Iran will mobilize if Iran does anything to Azerbaijan.
Iran could annex baku at a given time, however I don't know if Iranian Azeris are interested to see such failed place to be added to Iran, although its historical position, name etc. is Iranian. I didnt see any 20 million Iranian azeri move when Armenia grabbed 20% of Azerbayjan, so I expect the Iranian Azeris to even join to add Baku again to Iran when we want to.
People of Azerbaijan who never protested against Israel : Rus Fars Ermani Bunlar Turkun Dushmani (Russian Iranian Armenian are our enemies ) ... and we didn't forget how Israeli Hermes drone infiltrated inside Iran from Azerbaijan
Awww... Feel hurt?
You are only good when talking, Qarabaq was lost b/c of traitor guys like you. If you are honest go and fight instead of screaming.
And if you can't, let Iran to try.
Qarabaq lost b/c of panturk treason against new Communist government in 90's.

Nobody expects anything from you.

Farsi think they are so important until the war hammer comes down and they live as a colony for another 1000 years.
You are only good when talking, Qarabaq was lost b/c of traitor guys like you. If you are honest go and fight instead of screaming.
And if you can't, let Iran to try.
Qarabaq lost b/c of panturk treason against new Communist government in 90's.
I don't buy your stories or do I care?
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it is not about hurting. it's about the fact that azarbaijan says Iran is the enemy and expect's us to help them at the same time... it's about the failed policies.

It is not a permanent state of affairs. Iran and Azerbaycan can have good ties also. Just like today, entire India is cursing Iran for the deal with China and decreasing Indian role in Chabahar.

Armenia is not an important state in the region and benefits are less for Iran.

Imagine if Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan together support Nagorno-Karabakh returning to Azerbaycan. We also can work together in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen to bring peace. Imagine if Iran gives Azerbaycan an overland route to Turkey.

At basic level, our religious and cultural identity is very similar. These political changes require statesmen of great caliber, which can change the destiny of the region.

Look what China did in Galwan, the converted a bilateral Kashmir issue into a trilateral issue and achieved a multi-faceted victory against India.
there is not a bigger namak Haram country on earth then the artificial Iranian stolen entity of "azerbaijan" (aka azerbademjan)

biggest number of azeri refugees were given safety, shelter and food in Iran. otherwise they would have froze/starved to death.

When Armenia was about to attack an conquer nakhchivan. Iranian army mobilized on the border, started doing manuevers and Iranian politicians were openly giving signals to Armenia that Nakhchivan is an Iranian red line and Iran could intervene.

which made the Armenians back off almost immidiatly.\

if it wasnt for Iran, nakhchivan at a minimum would have been lost as well. an addition to 10s maybe hundreds of thousands of more dead azeris.

Azerbaijan since its existence in 1991 has been openly hostile to Iran because its leadership fears getting swallowed up by IRan. the only way they think they can prevent this is by being openly anti-islam, anti- iran, and being pink pan turks...

I cannot think of a more disgraceful, and hostile, backstabbing country then azerbademjan
there is not a bigger namak Haram country on earth then the artificial Iranian stolen entity of "azerbaijan" (aka azerbademjan)

biggest number of azeri refugees were given safety, shelter and food in Iran. otherwise they would have froze/starved to death.

When Armenia was about to attack an conquer nakhchivan. Iranian army mobilized on the border, started doing manuevers and Iranian politicians were openly giving signals to Armenia that Nakhchivan is an Iranian red line and Iran could intervene.

which made the Armenians back off almost immidiatly.\

if it wasnt for Iran, nakhchivan at a minimum would have been lost as well. an addition to 10s maybe hundreds of thousands of more dead azeris.

Azerbaijan since its existence in 1991 has been openly hostile to Iran because its leadership fears getting swallowed up by IRan. the only way they think they can prevent this is by being openly anti-islam, anti- iran, and being pink pan turks...

I cannot think of a more disgraceful, and hostile, backstabbing country then azerbademjan

You don't think any of your own actions may have led to deterioration of ties, for example your alliance with Armenia?
What alliance? be specific.
name those helps....

I am sure @Captain_Azeri @bsruzm can answer it better than I.

Iran’s initial euphoria at the prospect of a new Shia state quickly turned into dread, as Baku expressed irredentist sentiments and promoted the idea of a ‘Greater Azerbaijan,’ which would unite Azerbaijan (the country) and Azerbaijan (the region in northwest Iran). Fearing Baku's intentions to fuel secessionism inside its borders, Iran provided vital backing to Armenia in its war against Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, which dragged on from 1988 to 1994 and ended in an inconclusive cease-fire.[22] Iran’s siding with Armenia during the Nagorno-Karabakh War has not been forgotten in Azerbaijan, and Tehran’s support of Armenia—especially in light of Azerbaijan’s recent growth in power projection—has not abated.[22]

Vatantka, Alex (15 January 2013). "Tangle in the Caucasus: Iran and Israel Fight for Influence in Azerbaijan". Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 14 February 2013.
  1. Iran was the only neighbour that kept its borders with Armenia open at all times, and thus the Iranians were Armenia’s only channel to the outside world during the blockade. Many people in Yerevan will tell you today that they survived the worst years due to Iranian goods and services on the markets in South Yerevan and Iranian provisions. Iran was also an important import-channel for other countries to delived support.
  2. Iran faciliated the transfer of armaments and fighters from third countries (and Armenian fighters from Iran) to Armenia.
  3. Iran allowed fighters of Armenian paramilitary groups to train on its territory.
If anyone wants to understand the conflict from the Azeribaycan point of view: http://files.preslib.az/projects/azerbaijan/eng/gl7.pdf

Also includes of a list of terrorist groups function from Iran, Russia, and Armenia.

Armenakan party: founded in 1885, committed armed clashes and terrorist actions in Van,Mush, Bitlis, Trabzon of Turkey, collaborated with Armenians living in Russia and Iran.

Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA): founded in 1975. Its headquarters is in Beirut; its military training bases are in Syria. Its aim is to create a Greater Armenia by joining the territories of the eastern Turkey, Nakhchivan and the Nagorno-Karabakh of Azerbaijan and the Northern Iran. ASALA is engaged in terrorist actions against the citizens of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Itcollaborates with such terrorist organizations as Abu Nidal and the Dark September. The leader of theorganization Akop Akopyan plays an important role in the relations with the mentioned organizations. Hetook the responsibility for the murder of the Turkish ambassador in Athens in 1980. His pseudonym is Mujahid. In an interview published in The New-York Times on August 1, 1980, he declared: Our enemy isthe Turkish regime, NATO and those Armenians who do not cooperate with us.

In April 1980, ASALA reached an agreement in Lebanon with the Kurdish terrorist organization the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) on joint terrorist actions. In its statement disclosed in Beirut on August28, 1993, ASALA announced that it would not allow the construction of a Pan-Turkish oil pipeline (Baku-Tbilisi-Geyhan).

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