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If that's a good tank, Indian Army should buy more.

The no. of purchased by Indian Army tells her quality.
One of the reason why IA downplays Arjun's performance is because DRDO does not give them cuts.
While someone who has used both in IA said Arjun is good tank. I read that in Arjun's thread here.

You are right dude..That why DRDO openly challenged IA to have a comparitive field trial between T-90 and Arjun..DRDO is in full confidence that Arjun is better than T series..Lets hope its true..:)
Arjun is a 60 ton heavy, while the T-90 is a 40 something medium tank. This isn't exactly fair.
Arjun has been known for having a number of problems in the past. Dont known to what extent these problems have been fixed by DRDO???
Also dont know about its performance in the deserts, and that may be one of the main reasons IA has been reluctant to induct arjun.

But one thing i am sure of is, this beast has got one hell of an armour protection. and secondly it has leatheal fire power, but there has been some problems with its accuracy in the past. If that has been rectified, I think Arjun has a fair chance of finding its place in IA, no metter they like it or not, it will be very hard for them to find grounds for its rejection.

More then Arjun, I am highly getting worried about T-90 in this latest test that is soon going to be conducted. Even if, Arjun failed this test then only it won't raise any eyebrows but what if T-90 failed this test, because T-90 form the core of IA's armoured regiments and it will be a big blow as they don't have any option of rejected hundreds of such tank already thriving in their inventories.
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