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Arjun News & Discussions

To me, Arjun is just a bad mimic of leopard 2, it will take long time to digest the technologies. The starting point is too high, the industry is just not ready for it.

Brother, exactly as you pointed out, when you overestimated youself

Thats the result you expected.

Poor planning, over-optimistic timelines and a lack of coordination with the Armed Forces led to cost and time overruns of major defence projects taken up by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), says the first external review of the research body. The P Rama Rao committee, which was formed to revamp the organisation, has said that the major cause for delays and failures of indigenous defence products is DRDO’s tendency to over-estimate its capabilities. The inability of the research body to involve the Armed Forces in developmental projects from the start has been identified as a major area of concern.

In all of the major projects reviewed by the committee — the Light Combat Aircraft, the Arjun Tank, Kaveri engine and the Akash Surface to Air Missile — it cracked down on the DRDO for the same problems of “over-optimism” and poor planning. The LCA project has come under a lot of flak from the committee, which says the delays resulted in a “substantive” setback to the Air Force and reduced its war-fighting potential. Even now, when 48 of the fighters are set to be inducted into the Air Force, five major problems areas remain unresolved, reducing the capability of the fighter, the review reveals.

Similarly, DRDO scientists’ “over-enthusiasm” about the capability of the organisation has been identified as the main reason behind delays in the Arjun Tank project. While the committee has said that the tank be inducted in the present form, it has directed DRDO to immediately work on a new more acceptable version of the tank. The committee has now recommended to the Government that DRDO should undertake all projects in the future on a joint developmental basis and involve foreign partners to imbibe global standards. DRDO’s tendency of overstretching itself to reinvent the wheel has also been noted and the committee has said that foreign help should be taken “without any reservations” in future projects. The committee has taken a look at some major projects and has recommended the road ahead on each one of them.
ASIAN DEFENCE: What went wrong with LCA, Arjun Tank, Akash missile
To me, Arjun is just a bad mimic of leopard 2, it will take long time to digest the technologies. The starting point is too high, the industry is just not ready for it.

Only Indian army knows how's the performance of Arjun! If it is so good, IA will have order more such tank in future.
Let me remind you that the Arjun withstood a shot from T-70 point blank.

Can you name a tank in Pakistan's arsenal that can perform a similar feat.

Maybe yes Maybe No. But the discussion is not Pakistani Tank V Arjun. If you really want to compared a tank with rival country than type 99 of China withheld 7 shots of T72. My source is wikipedia. I guess your is wikipedia too.
Interesting, very interesting indeed.

- 35 years of development / induction

- cost 10s of billions to develop

And at the end of it all you’ll induct around 120 Arjunks.

The facts speak for themselves.

:wave: Check mate and have a nice day :wave:
Maybe yes Maybe No. But the discussion is not Pakistani Tank V Arjun. If you really want to compared a tank with rival country than type 99 of China withheld 7 shots of T72. My source is wikipedia. I guess your is wikipedia too.

In most practical scenarios's the Arjun Tank wont see battle with the Chinese tanks.....

The tank is built to be utilized in the Deserts of Rajasthan and plains of Punjab aimed towards the Pakistani counterpart....

Unless Pakistan possesses the Type 99....The comparison is moot....Might as well compare it with the Abram, Lecrec or the Leopard 2.....while you're at it

Though I am very interested in seeing Arjun's capabilyty vs the T-90......once we have that, we can judge to see the "international standards" of the Tank.....

Note to my fellow Indians.....Why do we get so worked up or try to prove Arjun's capability to anyone??
I can see if we didnt have other options, but we do..... its our tech, our money, our army.....If we want it, we will keep it if not, we discard and use the knowledge for future.....
Do we really need approval from anyone about success/failures of our institutions??

Beggars cant be choosers, we have $250 Billion in reserves......If we want, we can purchase tech for the most advanced Tanks in the blink of an eye.......
Let the haters hate....
Indian armoured modernisation programme comprises an ambitious mid-life upgrade of T-72M1 Main Battle Tanks

By Brig. Arun Sahgal (retd)

Also under construction at HVF are 124 units of the Indian locally-designed Arjun MBT, which recently underwent comparative trials with the T-72 and T-90S. These desert trials, it is learned, were fairly successful which has pushed the army to raise the initial order to 250 enough for six regiments with a possible product improved order for another 250 as Mark II version.

Adding to the haphazard and somewhat ad hoc plethora of armour, procurement programme, ministry of defence in 2008 concluded a fresh contract with Russia to supply an additional 347 T-90S in complete sets of components for local assembly. However, these supplementary T-90S kits are not expected to impinge on the agreed scope of the license program to locally construct 1,000 MBTs with production that was to have begun in 2007, but was postponed. In all, the army’s armour profile through 2015-2020 could comprise of approximately 1700 T-90S, 1800-2000 upgraded T-72M1s, and 250–500 Arjuns

FORCE - A Complete News Magazine on National Security - Defence Magazine
Here is the confirmation with some agni information:

India readying weapon system

Saraswat said that no problem existed with the design of the Agni II missile, the test-firing of which failed twice last year. "There are no problems with the design. The problem is basically with the production quality. I won't say a 'slip' in production quality, but an 'oversight' at minute levels. We've to make sure that manpower at the production agencies is adequately trained," he said.

On Arjun, the Main Battle Tank developed by the DRDO, Saraswat said that the Army was "comfortable" with the first batch of 124 tanks. A second batch will be supplied soon. :cheers::woot::azn:
Some details about MkII, an old one but usefull..

Development is a continuous effort and Arjun Tank will be following the same in future. Since there are advantages of product improvements, rather than starting all over again, the Arjun MBT development will be periodic improvements as in the case of the worldwide MBT’s. Current design of the Arjun Tanks has been frozen to enable production. Arjun Tank in the next phase will see comparatively major changes. It could be called as Futuristic MBT.

As the worldwide MBT’s are getting network warfare friendly, Arjun MBT will have a logical improvement via a Battle Field Management System (BFMS). BFMS will provide information to tank commanders at different levels. This could network with helicopters or UAV’s too.

The BFMS will give the geographical location of the terrain, location of our own troops, location of enemy targets, illuminate targets, help navigation, display the health of tanks, status of ammunition holding in the tank, fuel stock etc.

More at *****************
More Arjun's . Finally some justice.

This is not a Justice my Friend.
if u look at the data sheets of the T90 and Arjun, you can clearly see that our Currupt Minister buy t90 because of bribe. T90 is good performer but Arjun is best for the Our nation

1) Batter proteced then T90 :cheers:

2) Higher offroad(Due to sate of the arm Hydropnumatic suspantion)
and on road speed. :cheers:

3) Batter fire power(Have high hit propability then T90 and also can fire HESH round, which can kill tank at more then 5 Km away, Challager-1 with same type of gun and same type of ammunition have done this in First Gulf war) :cheers:

4) Arjun can pump back the Defence money in to our Manufaturing Indus. and can give work to our people. :cheers:

5) and Most important thing "Self reliance"

But our Currupted ministersdon't like this because if they don't purchase form OUTSIDER then they don't get paid by them, I just want to :hang2: them till Death.:hitwall::hitwall:

This is not a Justice my Friend.
if u look at the data sheets of the T90 and Arjun, you can clearly see that our Currupt Minister buy t90 because of bribe. T90 is good performer but Arjun is best for the Our nation

1) Batter proteced then T90 :cheers:

2) Higher offroad(Due to sate of the arm Hydropnumatic suspantion)
and on road speed. :cheers:

3) Batter fire power(Have high hit propability then T90 and also can fire HESH round, which can kill tank at more then 5 Km away, Challager-1 with same type of gun and same type of ammunition have done this in First Gulf war) :cheers:

4) Arjun can pump back the Defence money in to our Manufaturing Indus. and can give work to our people. :cheers:

5) and Most important thing "Self reliance"

But our Currupted ministersdon't like this because if they don't purchase form OUTSIDER then they don't get paid by them, I just want to :hang2: them till Death.:hitwall::hitwall:



Very true and I share the frustration. However it seems that at this time, it was the MoD that pushed the Army to do the comparitive trials and it looked like Army not being keen to take Arjuns instead. To me it seems like inertia on Army's part. A good parallel is the SUV scene in India.. A lot of folks (though its changing) prefer to spend 2x cost and buy a ford Endevour instead of a Scorpio or a Safari which even though not as refined, is still great in technology and suitability for indian conditions at great value for money. Unfortunately some of us still have a tilt towards foreign maal.. But here's to an early change of mind sets..
This is not a Justice my Friend.
if u look at the data sheets of the T90 and Arjun, you can clearly see that our Currupt Minister buy t90 because of bribe. T90 is good performer but Arjun is best for the Our nation

1) Batter proteced then T90 :cheers:

2) Higher offroad(Due to sate of the arm Hydropnumatic suspantion)
and on road speed. :cheers:

3) Batter fire power(Have high hit propability then T90 and also can fire HESH round, which can kill tank at more then 5 Km away, Challager-1 with same type of gun and same type of ammunition have done this in First Gulf war) :cheers:

4) Arjun can pump back the Defence money in to our Manufaturing Indus. and can give work to our people. :cheers:

5) and Most important thing "Self reliance"

But our Currupted ministersdon't like this because if they don't purchase form OUTSIDER then they don't get paid by them, I just want to :hang2: them till Death.:hitwall::hitwall:


Take the small victories.

250 Arjuns is an improvement on 124.

Who knows we might get more by the middle of the decade.

The fact that they are getting more is a good sign.
since there is news of arjun mk-2... we might see the arjun with current config capped to 250. there was also news somewhere of revival of tank-x program... in case of army everything is very unclear...
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