That's right mate.You must give the credit where its due,I always have the respect for Al Khalid,though its just a plane Chinese tank with Pakistan Green Paint and Ukrainian Engine but that doesn't make it invincible as it has gaps,a lot of gaps in protection,it still uses the T72 Auto loader which something PA should be worried about.Similarly Arjun Mk2 has gaps in protection too like why the placed Radar in Left side leaving tank Venerable.
Indeed Arjun has got some serious gaps when it comes to mounting of add on armor modules on the right side of front turret (not the left).The decision of mounting a BFSR was an ingenious one,but chose the worst area possible as the mounting place.It's prohibiting them from mounting ERA and also leaving the BFSR vulnerable to front attacks!! They should've placed it on the turret roof on a retractable mount in the bustle area,that would've been the ideal place,hope they rectify this serious design flaw sooner than later.
But after saying all this things,I was talking about the base armor protection of Arjun tanks,not about the add ons.In terms of base armor protection,Arjun has got a clear and decisive advantage over AK.
If we are to believe the words of Andrey Tarashenko from KMDB,the los of front turret base armor of AK 1 is no greater than 620mm at 0 degree,where as for Arjun it's close to about ~950mm.
Besides,the AK uses totally modular armor blocks on the front turret.Now it has got the advantage of quick changing of damaged modules but it comes at a price,a totally modular armor won't give you as much protection,especially against repeated attacks as would a solid semi modular structure provide.The Israelis felt it very badly with their Merkava Mk4s.And besides another problem with modular armor package is that you have to leave some gaps in the armor as places for mounting bolts and thus the amount of composite material you can stuff into has to be reduced.That's why you will see most of the premium tank building nations including USA and Germany sticking to semi modular construction rather than going for all out modularity.
Besides,AK doesn't have composite armor on the turret sides,where as the crew compartment of Arjun has side protection with 400mm base armor.
AK don't have isolated ammunition compartments,it lacks ballistic skirts.It's frontal hull protection is also poor compared to Arjun.
The gun on AK isn't really better either since they are still using the old L/48 2A46!!
Yet somehow our Arjun becomes "Arjunk" and the AK becomes the "Wounder waffe"!!I wonder how.