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‘Aridaman’, India’s second nuclear-armed submarine, is ready for launch

Modi's India is fooling the gullible Indians.


How is the submarine operational without being commissioned?
If it is commissioned, where is the Pennant?

Oh my gullible Sheeple Indians.

Try better :rofl: :rofl:
Actual footage of submarine firing SLBM:
USS West Virginia test-firing Trident II SLBMs
He is an expert in many fields.

Who said it wasn't fired from Arihant ?
show us photo of it fired from arihant.

Bhabha Atomic Research Center has confirmed the commissioning of Arihant in their 2016-17 annual report.
this is called gov propaganda.

Meanwhile INS Aridhaman is doing Harbour trials.
wake up wake up. time to go to school.

lol. when did rocket boy become expart in submarin too?

Modi's India is fooling the gullible Indians.


How is the submarine operational without being commissioned?
If it is commissioned, where is the Pennant?

Oh my gullible Sheeple Indians.
indian are low educetion idiots. who belive in 5 headed snake god and tree god etc.
so moodi fooling indians isn't big surprise.

indians are born sukers.
this is called gov propaganda.

No that's from the official annual report of a reputed research establishment.

BARC is much unlike any of Xerox Khan's establishments, to be doing propaganda along with selling stolen centrifuge designs on black market...


wake up wake up. time to go to school.

Keep crying pakroach...

lol. when did rocket boy become expart in submarin too?

Says a moron who thinks GEO orbit is way higher than GSO...:rofl:
No that's from the official annual report of a reputed research establishment.
"reputed" :haha:

BARC is much unlike any of Xerox Khan's establishments, to be doing propaganda along with selling stolen centrifuge designs on black market...
like when india copid CANDU reactor that was given in beekh by canada? :omghaha:

Says a ******* who thinks GEO orbit is way higher than GSO...:rofl:
you must not know shape of earth is round.
"reputed" :haha:

Yep, it's not chor Khan's criminal gang :rofl:

ike when india copid CANDU reactor

Improvising on importer reactor types after being embargoed = selling nuclear weapon designs in black market !!!

legit logic.

Well, it seems were dealing with a troll who...

...claimed that IRNSS cannot work with 7 satellites, without knowing that the IRNSS satellites were in GSO & GEO

anyone can make in photoshop. why i belive it true. now let me teach you real science. 6 satalite are moviing in round orbit so it cannot give any covrge. minimum 12 is need for half covrage meaning 6 satalite always visible and 24 satalite need for full covrage meaning 12 satalite always visibe.

After knowing that the IRNSS satellites were in GEO, claimed that 'all navigation satellite are living in MEO' & 'GEO is too far away'

all navigation satalite are living in low to medium erth orbit. GEO is too far so signal don't reach on small device like phone

Even better...:rofl: :rofl:

GEO is only for science reserch satalite

Some credible statistics...:lol:

india can barly send 4 satalie in 1 year. and 1 or 2 always fail.

Even better...

lol lol geostationary does not mean sat doesn't change position. it is only stationary until other sat takes its place.

'Expart' of 'orbital mechanics' :omghaha:

geosynchronous orbit (GSO) and geostationary orbit (GEO)

GEO is far away and it is still so it is called stationary.

GSO is lower and it moves with earth so it has to sync every few hours.

So you're nothing but an ignorant troll who is ashamed to show their actual flag. No wonder you have been banned from every defense forum...

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Yep, it's not chor Khan's criminal gang :rofl:
There are no chors in india only butchers like moodi.:omghaha::omghaha:

Improvising on importer reactor types after being embargoed = selling nuclear weapon designs in black market !!!
why was india being embargoed????? because india was iligaly prolifating nuclear tecchnology.:haha:

who prolifrated to north korea?? to iraq? to libya?

which contry has worst safty in reactors? india :haha:

who nixon called b@sterd? india:haha:

now go crwal back to your other defence forum where they ban truth tellers.:drag:
There are no chors in india only butchers like moodi.:omghaha::omghaha:

Yeah he can butcher vermins like you, alright.

which contry has worst safty in reactors? india :haha:

Said who ? a dumb pakroach ?

who prolifrated to north korea?? to iraq? to libya?

'Land of pure' :rofl:

why was india being embargoed????? because india was iligaly prolifating nuclear tecchnology.

Bullshit, but what else can we expect from you ?
iligaly prolifating nuclear
There are no chors in india only butchers like moodi.:omghaha::omghaha:

why was india being embargoed????? because india was iligaly prolifating nuclear tecchnology.:haha:

who prolifrated to north korea?? to iraq? to libya?

which contry has worst safty in reactors? india :haha:

who nixon called b@sterd? india:haha:

now go crwal back to your other defence forum where they ban truth tellers.:drag:

Just lost faith in my oxford dictionary !! :cry::cry::cry:
Yeah he can butcher vermins.
shows how much brainwash you are. india is now fanatic state with international terorist is its pm.

'Land of pure' :rofl:
yes land of pure cow piss.:omghaha:

Bullshit, but what else can we expect from you ?
then tell us roket boy why india was embargoed???? no answer???:haha:

Just lost faith in my oxford dictionary !! :cry::cry::cry:
keep crying for british slave master's language.
shows how much brainwash you are. india is now fanatic state with international terorist is its pm.

Yawn moron...no one cares about what your deranged kind says...

Trump snubbed you & even your new sugardaddy is shaming you by naming Pakistani terror orgs in BRIC summit.

yes land of pure camel piss.:omghaha:

corrected for you.

then tell us roket boy why india was embargoed???? no answer???:haha:

Dumbass, as I said before we are not Chor Khans gang...

only butchers

shows how much brainwash you are. india is now fanatic state with international terorist is its pm.

yes land of pure cow piss.:omghaha:

then tell us roket boy why india was embargoed???? no answer???:haha:

keep crying for british slave master's language.

You moron, first of all, be reasonable and speak as a true gentleman - you are false flagger and you are smoking some GM weed these days:taz:
no one cares
all world is calling india now terrorist country go read westrn news. they are expozing india fully.

Trump snubbed you
once pakistani senctions hurt america. trump too will comeback begging for pakistani friendship. just wait and wach.

naming Pakistani terror orgs in BRIC summit.
russia and china are iron brothers of pakistan. there is superower alince china-pakistan-russia.

what happen in brics is only part of big 3d chess game that putin and xi are playing. india is stupid and take little bone thron from superpower china and russia.

and when time come china and russia will punish india very very hard. remeber this. it will be ugly. india will cry forever. just wait and wach.

corrected for you.
lol. learn more from me.:enjoy:

Dumbass, as I said before we are not Chor Khans gang...
one simple queston. why india was embargoed??? you still not having answer.
all world is calling india now terrorist country go read westrn news. they are expozing india fully.

Really ? Does westrn news means Dawn & Express Tribune ? :rofl:

once pakistani senctions hurt america. trump too will comeback begging for pakistani friendship.

Stop smoking weed....:omghaha::omghaha:

one simple queston. why india was embargoed??? you still not having answer.

Dumbfck, we were embargoed for testing the device...

russia and china are iron brothers of pakistan. there is superower alince china-pakistan-russia.

Dude, you're stoned...:rofl: :rofl:
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