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Argentina Considering To Purchase 12 JF17C Worth 664Million Dollars

Argentina need a supersonic fighter jet urgently.. They know that. Especially when they have a tight budget. They cannot get a fighter jet that can't do anything to UK. They need an all rounder combat jet that can fulfill all it's basic need.
in that case they are only left with Russian jets

It’s funny how the Indians keep claiming they’ve offered Argentina the Tejas and that they’re “ready to sell” while also asking for more time to prepare it and not even having had a final analysis of the fighter. And if they’re raising concerns over inexperience with Chinese support, imagine how much concern there will be over Indian and Russian support with their much weaker industry.

in that case they are only left with Russian jets
An option which they’ve already discarded. If people here really think Argentina is getting fighters to fight the UK then I’m afraid they’ve got no understanding of The Argentine situation, they aren’t in any position it challenge the UK and it’ll stay that way, even their fighter deal is being pushed around because of that. The US won’t allow it and 12 fighters won’t make a difference no matter how good they are. They just need a functioning Air Force at this point, so please stop making bad comparisons people.

It’s funny how the Indians keep claiming they’ve offered Argentina the Tejas and that they’re “ready to sell” while also asking for more time to prepare it and not even having had a final analysis of the fighter. And if they’re raising concerns over inexperience with Chinese support, imagine how much concern there will be over Indian and Russian support with their much weaker industry.

An option which they’ve already discarded. If people here really think Argentina is getting fighters to fight the UK then I’m afraid they’ve got no understanding of The Argentine situation, they aren’t in any position it challenge the UK and it’ll stay that way, even their fighter deal is being pushed around because of that. The US won’t allow it and 12 fighters won’t make a difference no matter how good they are. They just need a functioning Air Force at this point, so please stop making bad comparisons people.

How would the Mig-35 be better suited to the task? I think they had issues integrating AESA radar, so technically it doesn’t even qualify one of the conditions.
in that case they are only left with Russian jets
Why? JF-17 can't go supersonic? Buy Russia jet? You want Argentina to get sanction by west?

It’s funny how the Indians keep claiming they’ve offered Argentina the Tejas and that they’re “ready to sell” while also asking for more time to prepare it and not even having had a final analysis of the fighter. And if they’re raising concerns over inexperience with Chinese support, imagine how much concern there will be over Indian and Russian support with their much weaker industry.

An option which they’ve already discarded. If people here really think Argentina is getting fighters to fight the UK then I’m afraid they’ve got no understanding of The Argentine situation, they aren’t in any position it challenge the UK and it’ll stay that way, even their fighter deal is being pushed around because of that. The US won’t allow it and 12 fighters won’t make a difference no matter how good they are. They just need a functioning Air Force at this point, so please stop making bad comparisons people.
They are in no position to challenge UK now doesn't mean they totally discard the possibility of challenge UK for Falkland in future. Is this JF-17 going to serve for just 2-3 years or foreseeable future going to be the main fighter plane for AF for next 10 years?

F-16, trojan horse is not gonna be selected unless Argentina drop the claim for Falkland. That is also something impossible.

Since you sounds so confident JF-17 is not gonna be selected. Why not take my challenge using account as stake for a bet? Whoever loses just cease account and stop posting rather than wasting time here.
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It’s funny how the Indians keep claiming they’ve offered Argentina the Tejas and that they’re “ready to sell” while also asking for more time to prepare it and not even having had a final analysis of the fighter. And if they’re raising concerns over inexperience with Chinese support, imagine how much concern there will be over Indian and Russian support with their much weaker industry.

An option which they’ve already discarded. If people here really think Argentina is getting fighters to fight the UK then I’m afraid they’ve got no understanding of The Argentine situation, they aren’t in any position it challenge the UK and it’ll stay that way, even their fighter deal is being pushed around because of that. The US won’t allow it and 12 fighters won’t make a difference no matter how good they are. They just need a functioning Air Force at this point, so please stop making bad comparisons people.
How would the Mig-35 be better suited to the task? I think they had issues integrating AESA radar, so technically it doesn’t even qualify one of the conditions.
I’m confused, are you referring to my comment? I’m just stating that the Russian fighters are already out of the running, there’s no chance they’ll buy them.

That guys a clown. Don’t use him as a source for anything.

Air Warfare

Argentina eyes $664 million for fighter jets​

By José Higuera
Sep 21, 08:32 PM

The Falkland Islands silhouette is seen painted next to the cockpit of an aircraft of Argentina's Air Force on March 7, 2022. (Juan Mabromata/AFP via Getty Images)
SANTIAGO, Chile — Argentina’s government has told lawmakers that it plans to spend about $684 million to procure new fighter jets and build related infrastructure.
The information, provided last week in response to questions from the Defense Committee within the Deputies Chamber, came from the chief of the Cabinet of Ministers, Juan Manzur, and the office of Defense Minister Jorge Taiana.

The budget, included in the current year’s Decree 88/22, calls for the allocation of $664 million to buy combat aircraft, plus an additional $20 million for the new infrastructure needed to support their operation.
The answers received by the Deputies Chamber defines the aircraft as “a multirole fighter jet fitted with an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, an in-flight refueling system compatible with the tanker aircraft currently in the inventory of the Argentine Air Force, a tactical data link and an electronic warfare defensive suite.”
Aircraft with an open-architecture design would be required to integrate weapons and systems of any origin, but legal requirements demand that no British-made or -designed system, subsystem or component may exist in the purchased aircraft. The ban aims to mitigate pressure from the United Kingdom, which, since the Falklands war in 1982, has limited or banned the supply of spare parts and material for military hardware to Argentina.

The U.K. effort has hindered maintenance and the operational capacity of platforms and weapons in Argentina’s inventory, and in recent years played against the South American nation’s options to buy secondhand Dassault Mirage F1, Saab Gripen and Korea Aerospace Industries FA-50 jets.
The answers sent to lawmakers also mention the aircraft types already assessed and under consideration as potential solutions, including the JF-17, which is jointly produced by China and Pakistan; the F-16, made by American firm Lockheed Martin; the Tejas, by India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.; and the Russian Mikoyan MiG-35.
The Tejas could prove cost-effective, but its original radar is partly of British origin, its in-flight refueling system is of British design and its ejection seat comes from British company Martin-Baker. While the radar could be replaced, swapping out the in-flight refueling system would be more complex, as it might require structural intervention. And replacing the ejection seat would require an expensive redesign of the cabin.
A senior military officer, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid workplace retaliation, said of the four aircraft listed by the government that it’s unlikely Argentina will choose the MiG-35 because of “political and logistical” reasons. The source felt similarly about the Tejas “because to replace components that can be vetoed by the British would be very expensive, beyond what the Argentine government is willing and can spend.”

“The Argentine Air Force would rather prefer the [Lockheed Martin] F-16, but the U.S. government does not help with it, as it is only willing to authorize a sale under very restrictive conditions,” the officer told Defense News.
“An Argentine request for allowance to integrate Rafael’s Derby BVR missile, as well as other Israeli weapons and systems, in the F-16 was made around a month ago,” the officer added. “No answer has come from Washington, and the silence sounds like a no here in Buenos Aires.
Many here see these objections to the sale of AMRAAM and the integration of Israeli weapons as a product of British pressure or influence on the U.S. authorities.
“All of this plays in the favor of the procurement of the Chinese JF-17/FC-1 fighter jet, a machine that has no British components or parts, not even a screw.”
Meanwhile, Israel Aerospace Industries is launching a new campaign in Buenos Aires to promote the option of buying refurbished, upgraded Kfir jets.

Retired Argentine Army Col. Guillermo Lafferriere, now a Buenos Aires-based independent defense analyst, is skeptical about Argentina’s intentions and commitment to procure a new combat jet.
They can hold long negotiations, can do several trips abroad to see offers, can even sign letters of intention short of contracts. [But] they have also powers to change the destination of approved budgets, so can take the funds for something else,” he told Defense News. “The people today in office in the government spent decades describing the military as criminals, as well as neglecting the armed forces while saying they are an unnecessary waste. Their voters believe that, and will get enraged if they now start spending in military hardware and getting international loans for it, even if it is a small amount like this for combat aircraft.”

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Has indian solve the problem replacing UK parts in Tejas?

The primary issues relate to the Martin Baker ejection seat, Cobham refueling probe and the Cobham sourced quartz radome. Of these, the Cobham refueling probe and quartz radomes were anyway supposed to be replaced with indigenous options for the Tejas Mk1A sometime half way during production.

The bigger issue will be related to the MB ejection seat which will most likely have to be replaced by the ACES II from USA. That will involve some engineering effort, costs and certification for safe ejection. That will mean some additional time as well to fix these replacements and get it certified.

The question is whether Argentina would be willing to take on the risk to the schedule associated with such changes. As things stand, the JF-17 is the lower risk fighter given that it doesn't have UK sourced components. But the Tejas Mk1A is a superior platform with an American engine that will giev some comfort to the Argentinians regarding reliability and maintainability.

After that, it's their call on what fits their budget and needs.
The primary issues relate to the Martin Baker ejection seat, Cobham refueling probe and the Cobham sourced quartz radome. Of these, the Cobham refueling probe and quartz radomes were anyway supposed to be replaced with indigenous options for the Tejas Mk1A sometime half way during production.

The bigger issue will be related to the MB ejection seat which will most likely have to be replaced by the ACES II from USA. That will involve some engineering effort, costs and certification for safe ejection. That will mean some additional time as well to fix these replacements and get it certified.

The question is whether Argentina would be willing to take on the risk to the schedule associated with such changes. As things stand, the JF-17 is the lower risk fighter given that it doesn't have UK sourced components. But the Tejas Mk1A is a superior platform with an American engine that will giev some comfort to the Argentinians regarding reliability and maintainability.

After that, it's their call on what fits their budget and needs.
MK-1A is not a superior platform capability or reliability wise to the JF-17 Block 3 with a WS-13 and it’s been discussed to death why. Not to mention the Tejas has near to no flight record to back it up unlike The years of service the JF-17 has.
So let’s just make that absolutely clear. Besides, india has not even presented the Tejas to Argentina yet. That’s due in a month or two. Probably to make the necessary changes.

And we do remember that Due to the IAFs orders, it will take twice as long to deliver Tejas to FAA than JF-17 Block 3 right? And that it has significantly higher purchase and operation costs for the same or lesser capability. FAA is short on funds as is. I wonder why you conveniently forgot those while calling The Tejas better.
MK-1A is not a superior platform capability or reliability wise to the JF-17 Block 3 with a WS-13 and it’s been discussed to death why. Not to mention the Tejas has near to no flight record to back it up unlike The years of service the JF-17 has.
So let’s just make that absolutely clear. Besides, india has not even presented the Tejas to Argentina yet. That’s due in a month or two. Probably to make the necessary changes.

And we do remember that Due to the IAFs orders, it will take twice as long to deliver Tejas to FAA than JF-17 Block 3 right? And that it has significantly higher purchase and operation costs for the same or lesser capability. FAA is short on funds as is. I wonder why you conveniently forgot those while calling The Tejas better.

Superior platform or not - I'll leave that to the FAA to figure out after they do a deeper analysis of the Tejas Mk1A as they are going to do by November 2022. On forums such as these, the bias is too strong to bother to dispel.

India has already had FAA officials visiting HAL facilities once but a second more in-depth visit is due soon.

Regarding the delivery schedule- HAL will deliver the Tejas Mk1A to FAA 36 months after a contract is signed. That is the standard industry standard and if HAL misses delivery deadlines, they will have contractual penalties (both for IAF and FAA). So once again, FAA will cater to that possibility in their overall analysis and then decide.

I'd leave it to the professionals at the FAA to figure out what fits their needs, budgets and requirements the best. As far as we can see, they are clearly stating that the Tejas Mk1A does so, the only hiccup being the British components.

Just FYI, this is what is on offer for the FAA with the Tejas Mk1A


Every one of the weapons listed in there is either undergoing integration (JDAM-ER, ASRAAM, SAAW and AASM Hammer for instance) or has already been tested and is available (R-73E, Python V, iDerby-ER, HSLD, Griffin LGB).

The future weapons list, all of which are indigenous and under development, caters to the ARM, AShM and ALCM requirements as well.
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Can't wait for the Sale of JF-17s to Argentina, I made a YT video years ago & yet no progress upto now !!
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