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Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

There could be a separate defense alliance in future
but one country : No
Even nobody in EU wishes for that
Europe is powerful because its Italian, German, French, Spanish. Thats what creates the drive to sucess. Not a giant european soviet union.
Europe is powerful because its Italian, German, French, Spanish. Thats what creates the drive to sucess. Not a giant european soviet union.

If you combine you can kick out migrants and there wont be a country strong enough to strongarm you.
Exactly why those 60 plus independence moments in your artificial British created nation "India" will eventually succeed, it is most inevitable:lol:

true. i already saw that in 1971. soon Azad Balochistan Sindhudesh and Greater Afghanistan will become Reality as well like Bangladesh. :lol:

Artificial British creation like Pakistan can not hold Iranics and Indics together in Name of Religion for too long.

Exactly why those 60 plus independence moments in your artificial British created nation "India" will eventually succeed, it is most inevitable:lol:
true. i already saw that in 1971. soon Azad Balochistan Sindhudesh and Greater Afghanistan will become Reality as well like Bangladesh. :lol:

Artificial British creation like Pakistan can not hold Iranics and Indics together in Name of Religion for too long.
German-Franco Empire (aka European superstate) vs Russia and its satellite buffer states in the East vs Britain.
No, not possible in immediate future .. there is alot of nationalism and mistrust between all major countries.. like Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Outside EU. Switzerland...
EU will be more frigile after brexit.
Perhaps, but limited. its going to be more of confederation. Until eventually they are on the same page. Before this, they have to deal with internal domestic problems. Imagine that. Most advanced nations in the world, are taking care of domestic audience first.
Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

First unofficially and then slowly they would coalesce and then they would officially declare that Europe is one country united in every sense.

Isn't this happening? Am I not right?
Yes, It will happen just a few years after
  • India and Pakistan join to form one Buddhist Nation.
  • Pigs fly
  • Hell freezes over
true. i already saw that in 1971. soon Azad Balochistan Sindhudesh and Greater Afghanistan will become Reality as well like Bangladesh. :lol:

Artificial British creation like Pakistan can not hold Iranics and Indics together in Name of Religion for too long.
But it has and will continue to hold together, too many reason not to split .......As for Bangla, thankfully your Gangadeshi cousin got separated, I assure you no one is losing any sleep over it heheheeeee
You don't know how nationalistic these countries are. Not one will subvert its' identity to form a pan European 'stew'.

Never. The EU has reached its zenith. No further.
If you combine you can kick out migrants and there wont be a country strong enough to strongarm you.

There is no country now that can strongarm us. Our strength is a Union but not an empire. Not in this times. What worked in rome would not work today. The migrants will be kicked out anyways. Smaller states can be even more effective regarding that. In Italy we are nearing a situation where the black flood is pushed back south. When you have many borders, you can create more hardships.

In Italy you have right regions and leftist regions. The migrants run away from the regions ruled by the far right. Tuscany fore example has almost no migrants.

Meanwhile the black flood concentrates at leftist regions which makes former leftist regions vote far right.
I don't see this ever happening (nor do I want it to happen), there are way too many differences on many levels.
What is wrong with just staying an union?

There could be a separate defense alliance in future
I don't see the point of that with NATO, we could just start by trying to spend 2% of our GDP if we are really that scared.
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