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Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

Aren't European countries merging to form one country?

First unofficially and then slowly they would coalesce and then they would officially declare that Europe is one country united in every sense.

Isn't this happening? Am I not right?
Reason it's not happening faster is that European countries population has decreased alarmingly since World War 2. The population densities of the White countries have become very thin. Had their population been of earlier levels the European integration may have happened faster.
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That's because you are stupid and like you, there are many fools out there.It doesn't take a stellar iq to work out the differences, just like an Asian African Arab with German,Belgian,Dutch or French citizenship.

No, it is because you believe your people are worthful enough, that others make this distinction. Im aware of the fact, that you divide between yourself and a gypsie. But in the end you must accept for the big majority it is the same.
No, it is because you believe your people are worthful enough, that others make this distinction. Im aware of the fact, that you divide between yourself and a gypsie. But in the end you must accept for the big majority it is the same.
Not caring about something is no excuse for being stupid.I don't care about alot of things but I still keep myself well informed
Not caring about something is no excuse for being stupid.I don't care about alot of things but I still keep myself well informed

I´m well informed. As i said before i know very well that your "kind" divides itself from Gypsies. That doesnt mean your way of thinking must be adapted by others. Over here the "criminal romanian" is always a good target for campaigns. We melt Gypsie with romanian into one and use it for campaigns.

Gypsie camps get destroyed and the Gypsies transfereed back to Romania. The circle closes.
I´m well informed. As i said before i know very well that your "kind" divides itself from Gypsies. That doesnt mean your way of thinking must be adapted by others. Over here the "criminal romanian" is always a good target for campaigns. We melt Gypsie with romanian into one and use it for campaigns.

Gypsie camps get destroyed and the Gypsies transfereed back to Romania. The circle closes.
Not really. ....100 get deported, 1000 become Italians.
Not really. ....100 get deported, 1000 become Italians.

None becomes italian. Its impossible to become italian. Foreighners are never accept, No matter what passport you have. You get maybe a passport but Its worthless paper. People still treat you Like a gypsie. Go ask Balotelli. They throw banana in him at wach game until he ran away. And your gypsie brothers are never seen as italian. You are classless, speak with ugly Dialect and look strange. And you guys have hygienic problems.
None becomes italian. Its impossible to become italian. Foreighners are never accept, No matter what passport you have. Go ask Balotelli. They throw banana in him at wach game until he ran away. And your gypsie brothers are never seen as italian. You are classless, speak with ugly Dialekt and look strange. And you guys have hygienic problems.
Oh....now you're just histerical.
Just reality amigo. You cant change your DNA.
All you're good is to talk stupidities, that's why I ain't even bothered to comment your idiotic post. Take a look in that mirror you like to pose so much,there's a real life gypsie with the mind of a 14 year old girl.
This is such a funny thread to read through.

It looks like an argument between an Indian and a Pakistani...right?

As for the topic I don't see it happening in my lifetime.

Things like Nordic federation could be possible with more integration. But that probably won't in my lifetime either.
Better remember your History
You mean the Gangdeshi land of Bangla, keep it, split was a blessing in disguise and if two nation theory was wrong then surely your Gangdeshi brothers would have re-united with their ethnic brethren, you folks:lol:.
You mean the Gangdeshi land of Bangla, keep it, split was a blessing in disguise and if two nation theory was wrong then surely your Gangdeshi brothers would have re-united with their ethnic brethren, you folks:lol:.

after the Independence some guys are run and created separate country and that also split two country because of inability to hold other side so called Blessing

After all you are after India in every thing from day 1st so called Blessing,
after the Independence some guys are run and created separate country and that also split two country because of inability to hold other side so called Blessing

After all you are after India in every thing from day 1st so called Blessing,
Incoherent drivel, once you can put something coherent together , please do respond.Kudos young chap
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