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Are you with us or with Qatar, Saudis ask Pakistan

Pak can only advance by retreating first...

The retreat has been quite studied and balanced so far... waiting yet further will be sign of statecraft, wisdom.

When Mr. Trump, from the WH, spells out a public demand.. it is quite clear that regime change in Doha has been ordained.

Yet, Pak can't always remain in retreat... a week is so short yet a lifetime in the insane sands of ME.

Pak needs to advance at the opportune moment which shall present itself after Kwait failure in mediation.

The question that arises here is whether Pak strategists have a game plan for advancing...

For better or worse ME is of strategic importance to Pak national interests. Pak has no choice but to be a party in shaping of the emerging Security Architecture there... any indifference, policy paralysis or misreading of tea leaves will bring troubles.

War making costs big money.

Keeping Peace is also an expensive enterprise... it can be made expansie and long term as well... of course on Pak's own terms.

In the coming two weeks, without the benefits of air miles, Pak leadership should be visiting all ME capitals including Ankara and Tehran... while at it...why not consult two big fellas in SCO..discretly perhaps. And of course, State Dept. is always in the loops along with 5-gon.

Tounge lives among teeth by being flexible... yet it is only the sweet tounge that can create magic... teeth are there for chewing.

Pak is game.. party to every and anything in ME expect for the Inferno..which is only for those who like playing with fire. Let them have their BBQ and eat the charcoal.. Pak must remain a bemused observer!

Historic moment this... for Pak to act as Regional Great Power of Global Consequence... all that is required is finesse.

All the best to Pak, whichever route you choose!

@HRK @haviZsultan @Oscar @MastanKhan @Kaptaan @scorpionx @Horus Friends, your critique is always a welcome sight.
Stay neutral Pakistan saudis should fear from All Mighty Allah. Al saud AKA the bandit days are numbered. We are not their slaves or servant we should stay neutral
Pak can only advance by retreating first...

The retreat has been quite studied and balanced so far... waiting yet further will be sign of statecraft, wisdom.

When Mr. Trump, from the WH, spells out a public demand.. it is quite clear that regime change in Doha has been ordained.

Yet, Pak can't always remain in retreat... a week is so short yet a lifetime in the insane sands of ME.

Pak needs to advance at the opportune moment which shall present itself after Kwait failure in mediation.

The question that arises here is whether Pak strategists have a game plan for advancing...

For better or worse ME is of strategic importance to Pak national interests. Pak has no choice but to be a party in shaping of the emerging Security Architecture there... any indifference, policy paralysis or misreading of tea leaves will bring troubles.

War making costs big money.

Keeping Peace is also an expensive enterprise... it can be made expansie and long term as well... of course on Pak's own terms.

In the coming two weeks, without the benefits of air miles, Pak leadership should be visiting all ME capitals including Ankara and Tehran... while at it...why not consult two big fellas in SCO..discretly perhaps. And of course, State Dept. is always in the loops along with 5-gon.

Tounge lives among teeth by being flexible... yet it is only the sweet tounge that can create magic... teeth are there for chewing.

Pak is game.. party to every and anything in ME expect for the Inferno..which is only for those who like playing with fire. Let them have their BBQ and eat the charcoal.. Pak must remain a bemused observer!

Historic moment this... for Pak to act as Regional Great Power of Global Consequence... all that is required is finesse.

All the best to Pak, whichever route you choose!

@HRK @haviZsultan @Oscar @MastanKhan @Kaptaan @scorpionx @Horus Friends, your critique is always a welcome sight.


The bottom line is that Pakistan must not be on any side that has Iran in it---. Just plain and simple---.

Just look at what happened to Palestine after being on the side of iraq in the 2nd gulf war---totally decimated and estroyed---.

Majority pakistanis don't know about the development taking place in palestine at that time---just the amount of destruction shows how much it had developed---.

Pakistan and pakistanis must know---Iran is the messenger of death and destruction wherever its influence lands---.

The bottom line is that Pakistan must not be on any side that has Iran in it---. Just plain and simple---.

Just look at what happened to Palestine after being on the side of iraq in the 2nd gulf war---totally decimated and estroyed---.

Majority pakistanis don't know about the development taking place in palestine at that time---just the amount of destruction shows how much it had developed---.

Pakistan and pakistanis must know---Iran is the messenger of death and destruction wherever its influence lands---.

Hence, the Tounge among teeth. Why couldn't have you placed Pak on the otherside of China... could have been a better thing. Rough neighbourhood this...
we should not take any side. Salman should rather ask Hindutva RSS genocide cell whom he awarded with highest civilian award of his fiefdom to take side. believe me RSS terrorists have more to do with Qatar's internal security then Pakistanis ever will.

Leave us Miskeen Bakistanis alone.
We should ask Saudis we cannot be part of madness in which you are in which taken u to the immense actions in ramzan blocking food for muslims we cannot be part of it no matter what u act against us but we have some lines drawn which no one should cross
Hence, the Tounge among teeth. Why couldn't have you placed Pak on the otherside of China... could have been a better thing. Rough neighbourhood this...


Pakistan must not stand against the U S in this conflict---. Turkey made the mistake in the world wars---and paid heavily for that---but as its secondary role as a frontline state became important to face the russians---they did not suffer that much---.

Pakistan otoh---would suffer terribly---. Those who tend to stand tall against heavy winds---normally have their roots pulled out from underneath them---.

The concern over here is that is this a new alliance forming---china---russia---iran---turkey---qatar---????against---U S---sudia---emirates---jordan---egypt---?
Then it's time for the military to step in and remove spineless corrupt politicians. On one side you have Turkey, your natural allies on the other side you have the vile governments of KSA and her puppets. Will you be a puppet of KSA and abandon your brothers?
Do you think KSA is fit to lead the Muslim world? Those who are fit are already known by all, except those who stay on power not due to popular support but due to oil money.

The situation is dire, the mofo PM is like a wild boar will charge in any direction to save its hide at the cost of destroying the nation and its national interests.
The Saudi balloon is bursting thanks to the haughty, impatient and totally unprincipled Prince Mohmmad bin Salman. Witness the beginning of the end of the House of Saud.

Pakistan must not stand against the U S in this conflict---. Turkey made the mistake in the world wars---and paid heavily for that---but as its secondary role as a frontline state became important to face the russians---they did not suffer that much---.

Pakistan otoh---would suffer terribly---. Those who tend to stand tall against heavy winds---normally have their roots pulled out from underneath them---.

The concern over here is that is this a new alliance forming---china---russia---iran---turkey---qatar---????against---U S---sudia---emirates---jordan---egypt---?

My MK,

Have faith.. your good Pak has gained a lot of skill...through many wounds, self inflicted of course.

My sense is that Pak will be mastering the art of Managing Many Paradoxes all at once... professionals will do this... politicos will take the credit..

I say let us allow a longer rope of two to three weeks and see how the situation hangs itself... only then there would be opportune moment.

Pak shall have to balance the emerging global power balance. I have a feeling that with a few small blunders Pak will pull it off.

Retort, please.

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