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Are you speechless now ?

I mean

Who isn't?
Mass protests -check
Election results - 16 out of 20 PTI, PMLn only won 2 seats
Public opinion Polls - check

In any sane country this alone would result in change

So yes

We as a nation are beyond speechless
I think Establishment should come out in open and disclose this backdoor conspiracy, why so much hate against PTI. Why all corrupts are forgiven but one honest man and patriot is not suitable for establishment to lead the nation.
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Looks like your establishment will not let Imran come to power no matter what. Just my observation!!

Establishment in action again
Even before watching this video I knew army is behind this pressure on ch shujaat. Zardari is just a messenger and face of Mir Bajwa, he alone can't do anything. That's how zardari completed his 5 year term as a president by allowing Gen kiyani and his brothers to loot nations money without any restriction. Brothers of Gen Kiyani got so rich one of them even bought a property in Australia.
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IK should just move back with his gori wife and kids in the UK while sending remittances to his peerni wife, like all overseas Pakeez do.

A much simpler life. Pakeez are destined to destroy each other anyways..
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