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Are you in favor of more provinces in Pakistan?

No, need for new provinces. Just abolish the provincial assemblies - only National Assembly should legislate uniform laws for whole country and act as monitory body over local governments. Delegate administrative and budgetary powers to current divisions within provinces Provincial executive/Mayor/Chief is directly elected by people, also the courts. Provinces should be symbolic (with only Governor designation) to keep the relevance of acronym PAKISTAN, and to avoid unnecessary trouble of emotional people who are against division of their "Dharti Maa".
Exactly what needs to be done. Abolish these colonial Relics called "Provinces". People still are in mode of being ruled by Colonial powers and Kings.
I like to change the name of Peshawar Airport to Bacha Pig Airport and Rawalpindi Airport to Benazir Bitch Airport.
Are you in favor of more provinces in Pakistan?
Who is not?
Karachi is itself a province.
Infavor yeh! look at france freakin half the size of pakistan and so many provinces. look at Uk 1/3 size of pakistan and so many provinces. Look at iran roughly the same size of pakistan and so many provinces.

yes sir, more the provinces easier for the people to manager their areas. china has munipal cities that hold equal status to provinces/states. although china is way bigger like huge as compared to pakistan but still they have those muncipal cities.

the administration is easy and effective that way.
Outside of Northern Sindh, Lahore and Rawalpindi, every Pakistani wants more provinces. Situation is so dire. Karachi has been destroyed by peoples party, it looks close to Sub-Saharan Africa after 11 years of PPP feudal rule due to their corruption and mismanagement.
From food to water supply everything in Karachi is finished. PPP has pushed in mafias, its really unfortunate.

/i know Karachi is a mess mate. I'm from Islamabad, and whenever I see Karachi on Tv or in Pictures it feels like I'm looking at some third class city of slums of sorts, and even the people of Karachi seem to be messed up, in particular with the lack of authenticity, and civilized behavior and that ghutka shit (i encounter plenty here in Dubai)

I'm just saying because you expect Karachi and its people to represent Pakistan better and then you see them and thank God you are from a better place from amongst better people...
Yes divide Sindh, Karachi, Baluchistan, South Punjab and Hazara Provinces are the must need. One by one.
Are you in favor of more provinces in Pakistan?

There should be no provincial governments. Make as many provinces otherwise.
There should be no provincial governments. Make as many provinces otherwise.

So direct rule from the federal capital? Do you remember how the One Unit concept worked out previously or is that too far back in history for you?
What do you think, about Potohar Province?
Why not.
If there is any place in pakistan that needs to be lifted out of 19th century then its majority parts of balochistan and sindh followed by Southern punjab. Balochistan u can say can be managed as one due to low population density but just like southern punjab.. sindh needed to be divided like yesterday
Yes lots more. Enough of this province nonsense.
having more provinces under current corrupt political system would be a feast for corrupt politicians, eventually more CMs and more minster will erupt followed by a huge administrative machinery , which will increase more govt expenditures, as a result ordinary public will pay more taxes.

before talking about the creation of new provinces, one must have to see weather they are economically viable or not ??? currently how much tax generated in those areas??? can they meet their own expenses?? first there are list of factors which should be analyzed carefully, after which those areas which are viable should be designate as province.
Japan is divided into 47 prefectures (都道府県 Todōfuken), forming the first level of jurisdiction and administrative division. They consist of 43 prefectures (県 ken) proper, two urban prefectures (府 fu, Osaka and Kyoto), one "circuit" or "territory" (道 dō,Hokkaido) and one "metropolis" (都 to, Tokyo)

About 100 miles per province

What are we talking ???
Mere creation of South Punjab and Karachi/Hydrabad as seperate federate state

Pakistan is 2 times bigger then Japan
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Division should be based on population not land size.
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