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Are Women being abused in Jails by Punjab Police? Rana Sana Ullah Press Conference raises fears!

Which absolute moron and filth of a human being, actually an animal, decided that it would be a good idea to wrap plastic shopping bags in the afternoon in May with 3 holes on top of accused prisoners?

Yehi shopper is kuttay kay maa baap nay charhaya hota to aaj yeh paida na hua hota.

This goes waaayyy beyond any political affiliation or any such thing.

@RescueRanger , yeh police walon main ab itni aqal nhn rahi? How hard is it to get a chadar or a dupatta or something.

Aye le ustad.

Jeri gal da na pata howay o nhn karni chayi di.

If you want an Urdu translation of that forum thread let me know.

There will be an identification parade during the trial of a criminal proceedings, where people who are identical in looks will be paraded before eye witnesses and/or the victim. In such cases, if his face isn't covered, in all possibility, is easy to bring in a fake eye witness. Hence the process.


[General, Footprints, Light, Etc.]

Precautions are necessary to conceal the identity of the accused when he is being removed from one place to another and it is the duty of the police to ensure that the accused should not be seen by the witnesses before the identification parade. The police officer who arrests the accused should get his face covered and take him to the police station in that state. In the Police Station lock-up the accused should be kept behind curtain. In jail also no outsider should be allowed to see his face. All these precautions should not only be taken but should be proved to have been taken and these precautions should be recorded in the official record like the general diary of the police station and the jail register and the same should be produced in the Court. In the absence of these precautions and evidence no value can be attached to the identification of the accused by a witness. Appeal allowed in case u/S.302, 307, 353, 365-A, 148, 149 PPC. (D.B) PLD 1996 Kar 246, Kirir.

Identification parade was not necessary when the prosecution witnesses has opportunity of seeing the accused several times or where the abductee remained with the accused abductors during her captivity and had clearly seen their faces. 1998 SCMR 752, Muneer Ahmed and another.

Identification parade not according to rules. Appellants shown to witnesses before holding identification parade. One appellant having a beard and the other a conspicuous mark on his right cheek but no note made about it; parade not held according to rules. Appellants given benefit of doubt. 1975 P.Cr.LJ 38 Nigah Ali Shah etc.


Kudos to this lady, for the way she is putting forward the case that too in these difficult times knowing the possible consequences.

IK should keep an eye on these people and make sure to appoint them on key positions moving forward. This was his biggest mistake to not empower these ideological worker before.
Shandana/Pashtun warning not to come close to our houses. Like what Punjab police did to women in Punjab. That statement shows frustration in our small provinces. Now the argument on war on terror is heating up, why Pashtun and Baloch. Our military need to step back and save the confederation. Hatred is increasing. On top IMF also interfering in Pak political turmoil.
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To those in Pakistan who want to do something about these dajjals kufars, go and obtain equipment from groups operating in western Pakistan. Bring so call equipment back to Lahore Islamabad etc. use so call equipment on all of these places where such heinous acts are occurring.
It’s hard to see how things can be resolved without violence now that the generals and Nawaz-Zardari have introduced rape and abuse of women as part of the political process.

This is a new level of brutalization and savagery that has been introduced into Pakistani society. To submit to it today means that in the future the army, police and everyone else will be kidnapping young girls whenever they feel like it.

The biggest outrage is yet to happen once the kidnapped women are released and the people of Pakistan learn about what was done to them by thugs working for Asim Munir Whiskey and Nawaz Sharif.

They will be threatening women who’re released not to tell what happened to them. Or they’ll bribe them, or kill them. Hopefully the victims will not remain quiet.
Who will hear the petition? Accountability will come when the economy collapses!
even worthy then.. sad but serious. two stories the same source...

" I talked to my relative today. Has been in Indian prison for 18 years on spy charges. His mistake was going for a mechanical diploma. He did it from Pakistan too but while in UAE, it appeared that Indian diplomas are more popular. Anyway, he was saying today Apny ghar (Pakistan) aa gaey hain sab thek ho jaey ga.

The same person was talking to another relative in Pak whose husband is arrested/abducted for PTI 9 March protest. Wealthy upper-middle-class person and against every violence. His house was raided and fortunately, his kids were not harassed. Anyway, her husband is facing now 18 criminal charges while having never been accused of any crime in his past 45 years. She was saying to leave Pak forever and settle in UAE or UK."

The crux is that these agitated and well-off people leave Pak, what will be left behind, conformed and slaves.
There will be an identification parade during the trial of a criminal proceedings, where people who are identical in looks will be paraded before eye witnesses and/or the victim. In such cases, if his face isn't covered, in all possibility, is easy to bring in a fake eye witness. Hence the process.


[General, Footprints, Light, Etc.]

Precautions are necessary to conceal the identity of the accused when he is being removed from one place to another and it is the duty of the police to ensure that the accused should not be seen by the witnesses before the identification parade. The police officer who arrests the accused should get his face covered and take him to the police station in that state. In the Police Station lock-up the accused should be kept behind curtain. In jail also no outsider should be allowed to see his face. All these precautions should not only be taken but should be proved to have been taken and these precautions should be recorded in the official record like the general diary of the police station and the jail register and the same should be produced in the Court. In the absence of these precautions and evidence no value can be attached to the identification of the accused by a witness. Appeal allowed in case u/S.302, 307, 353, 365-A, 148, 149 PPC. (D.B) PLD 1996 Kar 246, Kirir.

Identification parade was not necessary when the prosecution witnesses has opportunity of seeing the accused several times or where the abductee remained with the accused abductors during her captivity and had clearly seen their faces. 1998 SCMR 752, Muneer Ahmed and another.

Identification parade not according to rules. Appellants shown to witnesses before holding identification parade. One appellant having a beard and the other a conspicuous mark on his right cheek but no note made about it; parade not held according to rules. Appellants given benefit of doubt. 1975 P.Cr.LJ 38 Nigah Ali Shah etc.

And that means you wrap a plastic shopper on someone's face?

Use two brain cells man.
And that means you wrap a plastic shopper on someone's face?

Use two brain cells man.
also add , not to analyze news after eating biryani or keema wala paratha...
Will be waiting
And then what? You"ll die of shame! Nah that word does not fit your dictionary. I hope and pray that whatever happened with PTI women also happen to your women and every PMLN women.
Now if nothing happened and they were treated fairly as per you, then we have nothing to worry about neither here nor in the after life.
1. Is it ok to put the Pakistanis to be rounded up in jail without due process?

2. Is it ok to round up women and sisters for things their relatives have done? (Adil Raja etc.)

3. Is it ok for criminals who’ve been given sentences to abscond from justice?

Some of you are just making idiotic comments and being apologetic to the establishment and PDM.
Public have 1 option left, if you can afford get weapons. If police or non-uniformed people come to your house and try to break in without any reason .. don’t ask questions shoot them.. or else you will be killed and tortured if they get you..only hope is Afghan type situation where everyone is armed to protect themselves..
The current thugs and murderers in power pdm and army/agencies will not tolerate any form of opposition whatsoever.
The law of the jungle is currently in force in the country.. law does not exist.. legal system is dead.. government ignores any ruling that is not in their favour.. police completely ignore court orders ..

Welcome to naya pakistan..
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