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Are we the custodians of the Muslim Ummah?

Moreover, the hadith came out when the prophet died. Its exactly how john, luke, mark, and paul started coming up with what Jesus had said about christianity after he died (their interpretation). From this can we state that some of these guys i.e john, and Luke were successors? What is the historical relationship between them and jesus? I think some things are a myth and hadith is no different from this....

And you "think" that what you "think" is right? :coffee:

You're trying to say, All the great scholars of Islam, from the start, till today are FOOLS? Almost whole Islamic world have consensus on the issue and here we have so called intellectuals presenting their own theories, you need to do some research.
A Mussalman is a custodian of every other Mussalman. That is the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood. Therein lies the beauty and strength of the Ummah.
And you "think" that what you "think" is right? :coffee:

You're trying to say, All the great scholars of Islam, from the start, till today are FOOLS? Almost whole Islamic world have consensus on the issue and here we have so called intellectuals presenting their own theories, you need to do some research.

You are a retard...:hitwall:

Read this debate on this website:

Why Trash all the Hadiths?

Judging each hadith on its individual merit may seem attractive for those who are not satisfied with God's book, but it is a waste of time and a deceptive method. If the signature of narrators (sanad) cannot provide authenticity about the source of hadith, then, our only guide to decide on the content of hadiths (matn) will be our personal wish or our current inclinations. How can we decide which hadith has a merit? How can we decide which hadiths is accurate? We may say "by comparing them with the Quran!" But, what this really mean? If it is "me" who will compare a hadith to the Quran, if it is again "me" who will judge whether it contradicts the Quran or not, then, I will end up with "hadith" which supports "my" personal understanding of the Quran. In this case hadith cannot function as an explanation of the Quran. They will be confirmation or justification of my understanding of the Quran; with literally tasteless, grammatically lame language.... Furthermore, what about hadiths that bring extra duties and prohibitions?

There are many hadiths about the prophet's life which you cannot accept them with a sober mind. They are narrated repeatedly in many so-called authentic books. We cannot create a history out of a mishmash of narration by a subjective method of pick and choose. We can create many conflicting portraits of Muhammad out of those hadiths. As for pure historical events that isolated from their moral and religious implications, they are not part of the religion, and we don't need them for our salvation. I never said "we should not read hadith." In fact, we can study hadith books to get an approximate idea about the people and events of those times. We can even construct a "conjecture" about the history, without attributing them to God or his prophet. Please don't forget that the "history" is not immune of filtration, censorship and distortion of ruling class. You can see many different versions of histories (!) regarding the era of early Islam . Just read Sunny and Shiite histories.

So IMO, so called 'Muslim Ummah' is a Hadith and as mentioned rightly by the source, Hadiths is and will be our personal wish or our current inclination
No your not Pakistan is trying be like Superman it's time you focus on yourself, Pakistan is trying to be the savior of the Ummah yet the Ummah doesn't seem to care much for Pakistan It's time you fix yourself then you can start worrying about the Ummah.
A Mussalman is a custodian of every other Mussalman. That is the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood. Therein lies the beauty and strength of the Ummah.

When will you get your beautiful ummah?

Other religions dont have ummah are they missing anything?
The jews have one nation state and they encourage every jew to join them.
Most western countries(mostly Christians) are integrated, can travel easily to other countries
Indians and nepali (mostly hindus) can cross each others border and work in other country.
No your not Pakistan is trying be like Superman it's time you focus on yourself, Pakistan is trying to be the savior of the Ummah yet the Ummah doesn't seem to care much for Pakistan It's time you fix yourself then you can start worrying about the Ummah.

Pakistanis building Nuclear Weapons as the only mulslim country is great. But to say confidently that it is for all muslims around the world is frankly quite pathetic. An achievement is an achievement. Credit should be given on this basis. But to act like 'Superman' is quite artificial and unrealistic as we are on the verge on getting collapsed economically, socially, and territorially. I have always agreed to the fact that Pakistan (my own country) is always trying so hard to act like an a$$hole.
We Pakistanis should save our own country first before jumping to a bigger gun.
Pakistanis building Nuclear Weapons as the only mulslim country is great. But to say the least that it is for all muslims around the world is pathetic. An achievement is an achievement. Credit should be given on this basis. But to act like 'Superman' is quite artificial and unrealistic as we are on the verge on getting collapsed economically, socially, and territorially. I have always agreed to the fact that Pakistan (my own country) is always trying to act like an a$$hole.
We Pakistanis should save our own country first before jumping to the gun.

Pakistan building Nukes was mainly for India, you wanted Nukes you got your wish even if you have to eat grass for a 1000 years. Agreed Pakistan should Look after Pakistan first when it gets stronger you can come back to being custodian or whatever you want.
Pakistan isn't the custodian of the Holy Cities. For now Pakistan must focus on domestic and regional issues that have bogged down the nation politically and economically. One day may be but not anytime soon.
A Mussalman is a custodian of every other Mussalman. That is the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood. Therein lies the beauty and strength of the Ummah.

And there lies the line that gave birth to the 'us vs them' logic for the second time in history.

You are a retard...:hitwall:

Read this debate on this website:

Why Trash all the Hadiths?

Judging each hadith on its individual merit may seem attractive for those who are not satisfied with God's book, but it is a waste of time and a deceptive method. If the signature of narrators (sanad) cannot provide authenticity about the source of hadith, then, our only guide to decide on the content of hadiths (matn) will be our personal wish or our current inclinations. How can we decide which hadith has a merit? How can we decide which hadiths is accurate? We may say "by comparing them with the Quran!" But, what this really mean? If it is "me" who will compare a hadith to the Quran, if it is again "me" who will judge whether it contradicts the Quran or not, then, I will end up with "hadith" which supports "my" personal understanding of the Quran. In this case hadith cannot function as an explanation of the Quran. They will be confirmation or justification of my understanding of the Quran; with literally tasteless, grammatically lame language.... Furthermore, what about hadiths that bring extra duties and prohibitions?

There are many hadiths about the prophet's life which you cannot accept them with a sober mind. They are narrated repeatedly in many so-called authentic books. We cannot create a history out of a mishmash of narration by a subjective method of pick and choose. We can create many conflicting portraits of Muhammad out of those hadiths. As for pure historical events that isolated from their moral and religious implications, they are not part of the religion, and we don't need them for our salvation. I never said "we should not read hadith." In fact, we can study hadith books to get an approximate idea about the people and events of those times. We can even construct a "conjecture" about the history, without attributing them to God or his prophet. Please don't forget that the "history" is not immune of filtration, censorship and distortion of ruling class. You can see many different versions of histories (!) regarding the era of early Islam . Just read Sunny and Shiite histories.

So IMO, so called 'Muslim Ummah' is a Hadith and as mentioned rightly by the source, Hadiths is and will be our personal wish or our current inclination

Haha I can just laugh at your illogical argument. Sorry, do you want me to copy-paste some debates from sites as well? Let it go man, you're not the right guy to talk with, go to my earlier posts and debunk them or don't reply again.
Pakistanis building Nuclear Weapons as the only mulslim country is great. But to say confidently that it is for all muslims around the world is frankly quite pathetic. An achievement is an achievement. Credit should be given on this basis. But to act like 'Superman' is quite artificial and unrealistic as we are on the verge on getting collapsed economically, socially, and territorially. I have always agreed to the fact that Pakistan (my own country) is always trying so hard to act like an a$$hole.
We Pakistanis should save our own country first before jumping to a bigger gun.
Not you again...:hitwall:
Don't try to impose your opinion here on us , Don't use false identity with you .... Nation born from ideology and you are opposing it.. Don't pretend to be Pakistani.. You are a liar.. You still don't know the basics and don't have any depth in yourself.
Pakistanis building Nuclear Weapons as the only mulslim country is great. But to say confidently that it is for all muslims around the world is frankly quite pathetic. An achievement is an achievement. Credit should be given on this basis. But to act like 'Superman' is quite artificial and unrealistic as we are on the verge on getting collapsed economically, socially, and territorially. I have always agreed to the fact that Pakistan (my own country) is always trying so hard to act like an a$$hole.
We Pakistanis should save our own country first before jumping to a bigger gun.
Sir we lost half of Pakistan when we stopped promoting this theory and Muslims started getting divided on those things which have nothing to do with Islam and we lost half of Pakistan even now many are calling for independence and funny thing is if you look at them they are all secular traitors of Islam who never talk of Islam
A Mussalman is a custodian of every other Mussalman. That is the true spirit of Islamic brotherhood. Therein lies the beauty and strength of the Ummah.

Then why have the Iraqis been fighting with Iranians,Iranians with Saudis, Bahrainis with Iranians and the Shia-Sunni fissures keep popping up now and again?
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