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Are we the custodians of the Muslim Ummah?

I think every Muslim wishes for a strong united Ummah and some way to get every one together on the basis of equality. But real life kicks in, personal and national interests often differ from Ummah interests and sooner or later its every man for itself.

Arabs have minimized their Ummah goals and are doing sort of better than we are. They have this Arab unity thing going on, which has further been shrunk to GCC unity. Even they deep down want unity, but are slowly getting realistic about what they can achieve and with whom.

Forget Islam for a while, and just think about it on practical terms. If say Pakistan and Qatar (for example's sakes) were united as one country. Who would be the leader, a Qatari or a Pakistani? There always has to be a leader whether its a person or a country thats a different thing.

If Pakistan, Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain were in a union, then who?
Sir that is not a problem if you have a will and talk about practical and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already told that Khilafat will be re established soon its the biggest reality and the more we are divided the more we will be attacked so Ummah is the only way out and only solution for the problems of Muslims
Sir that is not a problem if you have a will and talk about practical and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already told that Khilafat will be re established soon its the biggest reality and the more we are divided the more we will be attacked so Ummah is the only way out and only solution for the problems of Muslims

-That is very very unlikely. Those are just dreams. Come to reality please.

-Here is the truth. If you read books and learn history then you will no that there there was never really an ummah.

-The Ummah you are taking about was about Arab Tribes. These tribes had problems during the Prophet muhammed's era and he was the one to unite them.

-I don't recall Pakistanis, Afghanis, Iranis, Tajiks, Indians, Turkish, Indonesians, and Malaysians to be part of the tribe or to be part of the culture, and race.----- This is a basic piece of knowledge you should know.

-During prophet's time, these countries were not in existence. Hence ummah were just Arabs (The only muslims in existence)

-At the end of the day, in modern, contemporary muslim world, there are sets of conditions. That is again: race, culture, and history that defines muslims to them.

-Neither of these are common to some muslim countries i've listed above.

-I'll ask you a question.Why do you think there is something in this world called the "Arab League" and not something like "Muslim League"?
That is very very unlikely. Those are just dreams. Come to reality please.

Here is the truth if you read books and learn history then you will no that there there was never really an ummah.

The Ummah you are taking about was about Arab Tribes. These tribes had problems during the Prophet muhammed's era and he was the one to unite them.

I don't recall Pakistanis, Afghanis, Iranis, Tajiks, Indians, Turkish, Indonesians, and Malaysians to be part of the tribe or to be part of the culture, and race.----- This is a basic piece of knowledge you should know.

At the end of the day, the muslim world now works on some conditions. That is again: race, culture, and history.

Neither of these are common to some muslim countries i've listed above.

I'll ask you a question.Why do you think there is something in this world called the "Arab League" and not something such as "Muslim League"?
Sir that is already told by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW so no Muslim can question that that is the reality which will sooner or later take place and we have to answer HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW on the day of judgement and we can't give him the funny reason that they didn't help so we also not helped them if they will bang their head with the wall we are not supposed to do the same thing we have to follow orders of Quran and Sunnah at every cost
1. Every one look for there profit. No one talk about mass.
2. Some Pakistani member said that Pakisatni fought against Israel, If I buy this conspiracy theory, Did they won war for Palestine? No...
3. Apart from Lip service Pakistan has done nothing for palestine. Infact one of your President Butchered 3,400 - 20,000 Palestanian in jordan.
4. One of your ex prez willing to shake hand with Israel.
5. @ kashmir: Kashmir is greedy cause for Pakistan (to control water and get access to china). It has nothing to do with Islam, This is why when your soldiers enter kasmir in 1942 and 1965, kashmiris went against you. Islamic world don't see Kashmir as Islamic cause.
6. Finally, if you form Islamic Ummah, We (India-US-west-Nato-Russia-Japan) will form non-Islamic ummah, and counter your forces in kashmir,palestine, chechnya or any where you want.
7. if you want war we will give you war, if you want peace, we will give you peace..

Hail peace.. Lets peace prevail every where.

Nationalism has a dark side also..Patriotism is the way to go...

I as a Pakistani say that we are neither Nationalists nor Patriotic. If i am right then we wouldn't see our country's mess and dirty politics.

However, if there is war like with India, then it would totally be a different story
I as a Pakistani say that we are neither Nationalists nor Patriotic. If i am right then we wouldn't see our country's mess and dirty politics.

However, if there is war like with India, then it would totally be a different story

Every country goes thru rough patches, and every country comes out of it. What needed is will and determination... I Hope Pakistan will also come out of this mess,...
-That is very very unlikely. Those are just dreams. Come to reality please.

-Here is the truth. If you read books and learn history then you will no that there there was never really an ummah.

-The Ummah you are taking about was about Arab Tribes. These tribes had problems during the Prophet muhammed's era and he was the one to unite them.

-I don't recall Pakistanis, Afghanis, Iranis, Tajiks, Indians, Turkish, Indonesians, and Malaysians to be part of the tribe or to be part of the culture, and race.----- This is a basic piece of knowledge you should know.-During prophet's time, these countries were not in existence. Hence ummah were just Arabs (The only muslims in existence)

-At the end of the day, in modern, contemporary muslim world, there are sets of conditions. That is again: race, culture, and history that defines muslims to them.

-Neither of these are common to some muslim countries i've listed above.

-I'll ask you a question.Why do you think there is something in this world called the "Arab League" and not something like "Muslim League"?
I don't know which type of Books you find in Canada.. and what do you know about Pakistan cuz Your every post directly explains that you don't know a single inch about Pakistan..Do you know anything about those Arab tribes and where they exist other then Arab countries? Haha ! Ummah was just Arab then Why Prophet (S.A.W) say that all muslims are brothers to each other..
I don't know why people are using Pakistan's false flag with them If they only had been for Pakistan as a tourist and trying to fool everyone about our basic concepts...
They don't know about tribes ,They don't know about Pakistan... How can they give a good advice to us with out knowing ground realities...:hitwall:
Every country goes thru rough patches, and every country comes out of it. What needed is will and determination... I Hope Pakistan will also come out of this mess,...


I don't know how to say this but i think it's also 'Materialism' People are interested in getting jobs, money, entertainment on personal level. That is the difference. I as a Pakistani personally think that 95/100 of us are showoffs and that to is again on a personal level. How can we collet tax when people are not interested in giving. How will country's like this run.?....

I don't know how to say this but i think it's also 'Materialism' People are interested in getting jobs, money, entertainment on personal level. That is the difference. I as a Pakistani personally think that 95/100 of us are showoffs and that to is again on a personal level. How can we collet tax when people are not interested in giving. How will country's like this run.?....

Even India is facing similar kind of problem. To get the taxes on time, Govt has to work, If govt will work hard, ppl will learn that there money is used in good thing, rather than going into pockets of F&&&&& Gandhys or Zardaries.

In Pakistan These Zardaries and Musharrafs, show fear of India and loot the people. People are so occupied with Kashmir and Islam that they forget there basic need (Good education and good lifestye). I have met many Pakistanis in UK and USA. They are very humble and liberal.

One pakistani must understand "Islam is not your need, Good education is". World is racing away, you are stuck with old Ummah concept. If any one of yo want real ummah, then think abouth these things
a) Ummah help each other to become more prosperous.
b) Ummat help each other to provide education and food.

Why the hell you want ummat to fight war in Kashmir,chehcnya ad Israel??? Use ummat for good cause, not war. War can give only misery, peace can give hope..
I don't know which type of Books you find in Canada.. and what do you know about Pakistan cuz Your every post directly explains that you don't know a single inch about Pakistan..Do you know anything about those Arab tribes and where they exist other then Arab countries? Haha ! Ummah was just Arab then Why Prophet (S.A.W) say that all muslims are brothers to each other..
I don't know why people are using Pakistan's false flag with them If they only had been for Pakistan as a tourist and trying to fool everyone about our basic concepts...
They don't know about tribes ,They don't know about Pakistan... How can they give a good advice to us with out knowing ground realities...:hitwall:

Well this is the only great thing about the West. Education is far more better than what is offered in the East. Go look up the budget and the amount of research spent in a University here. Predominently, people in the East are taught nothing what is the truth. False assumptions about a religion is necessary in the East to bring people under control. Take Saudi Arabia as an example.

Now that you have mentioned about Pakistan, i will be more than happy to clear that for you. You must be one of those people who claim that you are the descendants/ancestors of Prophet Mohammed. My take on that is well, prove it? Did i not mention that Arabs were the only Muslims during his era? Go back to what i said in my last post.

I can see your avatar and your name that defines your personality. :lol: You must be one of the materialistic kind of people. "Andorid", and "JF-17". You probably know the meaning of love in gadgets but probably not in humanity.

I take Islam, Christianity, and Judaism as ONE, the only monotheistic religions. Its the matter of Ego that kills this whole world. Unlike you, i have great respect for all, including for Kafirs.

Just like you are disagreeing with me here just shows me how far people in the East are thought about human rights and respect for logically different points of views. I don't even know if there are libraries in Pakistan. In fact, i have never actually seen any onc go there nor anyone holding a book. Maybe you can tell what books you read. :lol:

Oh yeah by the way, i have cleared many things about my background. You don't need to be one of those typical biased retards.
Even India is facing similar kind of problem. To get the taxes on time, Govt has to work, If govt will work hard, ppl will learn that there money is used in good thing, rather than going into pockets of F&&&&& Gandhys or Zardaries.

In Pakistan These Zardaries and Musharrafs, show fear of India and loot the people. People are so occupied with Kashmir and Islam that they forget there basic need (Good education and good lifestye). I have met many Pakistanis in UK and USA. They are very humble and liberal.

One pakistani must understand "Islam is not your need, Good education is". World is racing away, you are stuck with old Ummah concept. If any one of yo want real ummah, then think abouth these things
a) Ummah help each other to become more prosperous.
b) Ummat help each other to provide education and food.

Why the hell you want ummat to fight war in Kashmir,chehcnya ad Israel??? Use ummat for good cause, not war. War can give only misery, peace can give hope..

I don't like India's policies in Kashmir. But i'm least interested in that for now. You are right in a way. Even if we need Kashmir then why do we need ummah for help. LOL, the Arabs couldn't get their own people like Palestine to get hold of their land, and now we Pakistanis expect them to help us Solve Kashmir? Interestingly, my ancessors were the first ones to start Kashmiri movement and I'm a Pakistani- Kashmiri by the way. If they they could try to solve it on their own then why need ummah?
I don’t question that there will not be a united ummah sometime in the future but that time is not now,maybe 2~3 centuries after maybe,so my Pakistani brothers stop pushing for ummah when ur actions are not reciprocated by other parts of ummah,and think about ourselves only.

we pakistani’s were so eager to make 73 sects of islam,that we might have made them before they actually might have happened though I believe the hadith on the 73 sects is zaeef.so stop trying to worry abt the world and pay attention to our immediate problems.i will not question we standing up for our ummah the day we are at the level of Turkey or Malaysia till then lay off it.

these mullahs only appeal to our peoples emotion’s,to forward and strengthen their own political agenda,calling strikes,disrupting ppls business’es damaging peoples properties and most of all wating our youths time,if they were so eager they could have said oky today we will work overtime and send our wages for today to Palestine or if they had any foresight then try strenghtnin our country so if ever ummah comes into affect we could be a functional part of it rather then a burden.

coming to ummah ,arabs believe that they are the chosen people (like jews huh)that’s a first hand experience they think they are better blood line then us (remind’s me of nazi’s) they don’t even think of us as humans try to meet our poor workers working in gulf ,it might enlighten you what arabs think of u and ur nation,islam might be against salavery but our so called brethren arabs still carry out the practice “bonded labour” as if the expatriate isn’t a human and he he needs representation by a arab so humane is our ummah!

my cousin worked in Saudi Arabia and we were discussing politics and social like body language ,and psychology ,and evolution I told him abt a few books he could’nt find any books on those in Saudi arabia’s libraries,they intentionally deny their population common knowledge that we take for granted that’s why I would say west is better in freedom of speech,why would u not like ur people to know other aspects and other systems if u know u can defend urself against any system and other’s belief,that’s hypocricy u say ur the best but u don’t let compare with others.and I doubt that books on evolution of humans could be found in Pakistani libraries,so guys western libraries are loaded with knowledge no question abt that.our libraries are just biased.

so the point is simple what arabs do we should not care we should not let arabs effect our foreign policy we should create our own identity instead of trying to attach ourselves with arabs they don’t accpt us,its time to move on write our own acheivments rather then take pride in arabs acheivments ,be a lion and not a jackal which follows the lion.in this case we try to follow the jackal.these arabs are not the arabs of 3rd or 4th hijri centuries these are totally opposite of that we owe them nothing ,arabs are not sacred for us only the two cities are ,infact those two cities should be in control of muslim scholars from all over the world like Vatican rather then be part of any country arabs or non-arab.arabs manipulate muslim emotions through control of these two holy cities.

its true if relation ship with us does’nt affect arab’s relations with india then why should we effect our foreign policy according to arab reservations.

anyways we have to work build our country and then maybe ,be a part of the ummah till then even assuming if ummah comes into being it would not like to accept the sick man of south asia into its rank to burden it.we have to go our own way ummah can wait for now.

Though i support ummah but for me Pakistan comes first :enjoy:

Geo Pakistan.
Geo Ummah (but i dont see any potential love for pakistan in afghani , hundastani , and other muslims)
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