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Are We going to War With Turkey?.

But you didnt seem very upset about it.
Why should I be upset Saddam is our enemy.

They why not divide the country? If the people in Mosul deserve isis then why are you trying to get it back?
Oh boy imagine the soldiers freeing Mosul having the same mentality as you, i be you are also in favour of punishing them for not resisting against isis...
Still part of our land also not all mosul people support isis but the biggest reason mosul is home for hundreds of thousands of shia they have to get back their homes other wise we won't let sunnis in Baghdad basra and the others while our brothers evicted from their homes see.

Will you also kick pkk out when we say please?
pkk is your problem you have to solve it with them appease them the same way you want us to appease sunnis by sharing power.
But why don't you go to kurdistan pkk their not in mosul.

Yup, its actually bigger.
To me you are the size of Saudi Kuwait Greek.
Still part of our land also not all mosul people support isis but the biggest reason mosul is home for hundreds of thousands of shia they have to get back their homes other wise we won't let sunnis in Baghdad basra and the others while our brothers evicted from their homes see.
See, your not a nation state and thats why your misery is not gonna end anytime soon.

pkk is your problem you have to solve it with them appease them the same way you want us to appease sunnis by sharing power.
But why don't you go to kurdistan pkk their not in mosul.
Its part of the fight against pkk, we train and support Peshmerga and they let us bomb north Iraq its that simple, the focus will shift to pkk once isis is finished and thats why we are interested in finishing isis as soon as possible.

To me you are the size of Saudi Kuwait Greek.
Those three countries together are actually very big, what are we comparing here anyway, Landmass, Economy, Military?
In what are you big according to you? :what:
that was stupid and mean reply!!! and it's coming from chinese!!! so based on your lame and stupid mentality we should let the Turks or any country humiliate us because to you we are not stable country.

any way I'm sure most of the Chinese opposing you.

To be honest, i think my Chinese friend @Chinese-Dragon is right, you cant call him a troll for pointing out the obvious.. Iraq needs to first get itself together and sort out its internal issues, unite the whole country,reconstruction and political stability before considering anything like waging a war with any country whatsoever(much less a big one like Turkey). Right now Iraq is in no position to wage a war(without U.S,U.K/western help) with any real regular army in the neighborhood.Iraq's main fighting force right now is made of shia militias groups(with Iran's support) rather than the regular army itself.Without these groups Iraq Wouldn't have much of an effective fighting force against radical Islamic groups.
So i believe Iraq should focus on defeating Isis and integrating all its minorities avoiding any sectarian issues. That should be Iraq's priority. Our military help/aid won't last forever.
Your country is less than 100 years old...

Still far ahead than 1000s of years old countries like Afghanistan and Iran :lol: Even combined you cannot defeat Pakistan in war or any other field.

On topic. Iraq cannot defeat Toyota riding terrorists and dreaming of defeating one of the most powerful country in the world. I bet iraqis got this virus from Iran..Iran dreams of defeating US too. There is nothing wrong with dreaming.
See, your not a nation state and thats why your misery is not gonna end anytime soon.
Then as turkey your not a nation or state you have the Kurds are not happy with you and the Alawite are just waiting the moment.

ts part of the fight against pkk, we train and support Peshmerga and they let us bomb north Iraq its that simple, the focus will shift to pkk once isis is finished and thats why we are interested in finishing isis as soon as possible.
Defeating isis is our problem not yours and you are not welcome here.

Those three countries together are actually very big, what are we comparing here anyway, Landmass, Economy, Military?
In what are you big according to you?
We are big with our people with our history with our resources with our economy with our armed forces.

(without U.S,U.K/western help) with any real regular army in the neighborhood.Iraq's main fighting force right now is made of shia militias groups(with Iran's support) rather than the regular army itself.
But who ask you your help

you come and offer the help in reality Iraqis don't want it but our government accept it so it become a world United against terrorism

You know what you need to secure your own London from these scum.
Then as turkey your not a nation or state you have the Kurds are not happy with you and the Alawite are just waiting the moment.
Overwhelming majority of Kurds are peaceful and Alevis are one of the most nationalistic people in Turkey dont you worry.
Defeating isis is our problem not yours and you are not welcome here.
We are big with our people with our history with our resources with our economy with our armed forces.
But who ask you your help

you come and offer the help in reality Iraqis don't want it but our government accept it so it become a world United against terrorism

You know what you need to secure your own London from these scum.
How do you know Iraqis don't want our Help? They know they need it at this crucial period/junction until they are capable enough to stand on heir own.
We are not only providing massive military help/air power/equipment but also training of Iraqi troops, they will be the ones to hold and safeguard the country's sovereignty/borders this coming decades.
We are all in this fight against terrorism together, and Iraq can use all the help it needs. So why will Iraqis people refuse our help? Imagine how hard it will be for Iraq if U.S,U.K/West cut all Military aid,equipment and troops/advisers/troops training Iraqi military. Iraq will barely have an army, Since almost all military equipment/gears is from us.
So, Iraq needs to get rid of this terrorists and unite to rebuild their country with western help. We can only help, but we cant do magic to build the country if the people are divided/fighting among themselves. Imagine S.Korea, Japan had similar mentality after Western occupation following the war, then they will never be where they are today. They will still be fighting over trivial silly issues.
Then as turkey your not a nation or state you have the Kurds are not happy with you and the Alawite are just waiting the moment.

Defeating isis is our problem not yours and you are not welcome here.

We are big with our people with our history with our resources with our economy with our armed forces.

But who ask you your help

you come and offer the help in reality Iraqis don't want it but our government accept it so it become a world United against terrorism

You know what you need to secure your own London from these scum.
Kurds are much happier in Turkey than in Iraq. that you can be certain of. lol
I wouldn't care one bit if all you Middle Easterners drop dead. No-one cares for your history, armed forces or economy lol
Imagine how hard it will be for Iraq if U.S,U.K/West cut all Military aid,equipment and troops/advisers/troops training Iraqi military. Iraq will barely have an army, Since almost all military equipment/gears is from us.
See this guy is a suuni not shia so don't say this is irani view as your stereotype that frame iraqi shia see what he says about your air support.
I think he just mad because he didn't see what he anticipated from the airforce support.

Kurds are much happier in Turkey than in Iraq.
Absolutley that's why they ave insurgency for decades.
Just don't except any rational answer from Turkish member , their answers are
1- Turkey is victim and all of their evil neighbors want to harm them
2- they are strong and they can act as their wish

But at present this is the reality, they play smartly but our Syrian and Iraqi friends kept playing in the hands of westerners and now they are similar to Afghanistan. Turkey even today is pursuing it's own policies and not being dictated.
But at present this is the reality, they play smartly but our Syrian and Iraqi friends kept playing in the hands of westerners and now they are similar to Afghanistan. Turkey even today is pursuing it's own policies and not being dictated.

When you accuse someone of something,the smart thing to do is to know how it benefits them,what's the motive ? This doesn't benefit Western powers,on the contrary...
Have you seen isis setting up bases in Turkey? :rolleyes1:

now,now,that member had a definition about being a failed state,in the sense that if you control your border,you are one.He supplied his own roap for the hanging,let's just enjoy the moment.
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