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Are We going to War With Turkey?.

Saudis and their American allies should feel proud for breaking up Iraq on sectarian and ethnic lines
well done
both look pretty from distance while other countries suffer the consequences

Do you dream about Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabians each single night? Do you wake up at night and catch yourself screaming Saudi Arabia as well?

You seem quite obsessed.

If you knew your Islamic history and history in general you would have known that what is current day Iraq was/is a cesspool of sectarianism and war/conflict since time immortal.

As for the US invasion in 2003, KSA was the main opponent of that fatal decision. Nor has KSA anything to do with the current political situation or setup in Iraq.

Shia-dominated Southern Iraq is extremely closely tied to KSA in terms of history (Islamic as non-Islamic), ancestry, tribal ties, dialect, geography etc. The only difference is sect basically although you can find sizable Sunni communities in Southern Iraq and Shia communities in Northern KSA.

Most of the current Iraqi Shia politicians have ancestral ties to KSA just 2-3 generations ago. Al-Maliki, al-Jaafari etc. to name a few.

Nor does an unstable Iraq benefit KSA or any neighboring Arab country for that matter. The only beneficiary in the past 13 years has been a certain Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah theocracy next door.

I do not understand why non-Arabs keep blabbering and meddling in internal Arab matters that they do not have sufficient knowledge about.

rest all we know is chaos. with a weak and corrupt puppet government in Baghdad .. every neighbour .. including the occupation forces became the master of Iraqi fate.

remember that the classification and marginalisation of Iraqi Sunni Muslim population was sanctions and propagated by Americans.. Sunni triangle and word Sunni became a curse and automatically synonymous with Al Qaeda which very happily took hold of the Sunni banner. and their brothers in faith and ideology in Arab monarchies found themselves compelled to support their like minded groups as Iranians also stepped it.

moral police today calls Putin a psychopath but looking at the leaked emails of American officials I wonder if the title should go to the west instead

Because the Iraqi Sunni Arabs (25-30% of Iraq's population and inhabiting more than 50% of Iraq's territory) did not accept an puppet government that was bought to Iraq through war and occupation etc. Hence them resisting the occupation and causing more US deaths than Afghans have been able to do for the past 15 years in mountainous terrain in Afghanistan. Nor do they agree with Iraq becoming a backward Mullah satellite state. They will never accept that, ISIS or no ISIS.

And indeed they are our brothers and sisters but so are the Iraqi Shia Arabs and every Arab regardless of sect and religion.

Why should KSA or any other Arab neighbor of Iraq for that matter accept an potentially hostile Mullah satellite state next door?

I do not recall KSA ever having any problem with a strong and independent Iraq whether under Saddam or before him.

So sorry, we are not going to cheer for the same Mullah satelite Shia militias who wish us harm. They and ISIS can kill each other for all I care. Will benefit everyone in both KSA and Iraq. Unless you are either an ISIS supporter or a Wilayat al-Faqih supporter. I do not believe that ISIS will survive in their current form for much longer and neither do I think that the current Iraqi "elite" wish to be a Mullah satellite state forever.

The current Iraqi elite will either die a natural death or return to sanity.

Remember, blood is thicker than water.

A shame that you cannot speak Arabic despite it being the 4th most spoken language in the world, one of the by far most influential languages in history, the liturgic language of Islam and 1 of the 6 official languages used by UN.

If you to my great surprise are able to understand Arabic (I imagine that your Balochi language has 100's upon 100's of Arabic loan-words as have most languages spoken in the Muslim world) then do yourself a favor and watch that video above.
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@Irfan Baloch Your obsession with KSA is mind boggling in each and every thread persistently...even in cases where this doesn't suits from any angle. sorry! but you should ban yourself for these kind of threads for god sake if you cant keep yourself somewhat neutral for a change.
@Irfan Baloch Your obsession with KSA is mind boggling in each and every thread persistently...even in cases where this doesn't suits from any angle. sorry! but you should ban yourself for these kind of threads for god sake if you cant keep yourself somewhat neutral for a change.
I am sorry its an opinion and the Iranians have the same complaint about me as well.

remember who stabbed in the back of Ottomans

these scumbags threatened us with dire consequences for refusing to take part in their murderous bombing of Yemen. my country bleeds due to their funding of TTP .. if it wasnt oil then they would have been just another Afghanistan. their alliance with British empire against Ottoman caliphate back in world wars and now with Israel against fellow Arabs is something which the history will never forgive or forget.. same goes for Ayatollahs too

I know descent or difference of opinion means death or life imprisonment in the eyes of these middle eastern leaders but it is a basic human right and in the spirit of the forum.

for me the safety and sanctity of Pakistani state is more dear than the sentiments of these spoilt leaders who have no respect for human life
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I am sorry its an opinion and the Iranians have the same complaint about me as well.

remember who stabbed in the back of Ottomans

these scumbags threatened us with dire consequences for refusing to take part in their murderous bombing of Yemen. my country bleeds due to their funding of TTP .. if it wasnt oil then they would have been just another Afghanistan. their alliance with British empire against Ottoman caliphate back in world wars and now with Israel against fellow Arabs is something which the history will never forgive or forget.. same goes for Ayatollahs too

I know descent or difference of opinion means death or life imprisonment in the eyes of these middle eastern leaders but it is a basic human right and in the spirit of the forum.

for me the safety and sanctity of Pakistani state is more dear than the sentiments of these spoilt leaders who have no respect for human life

I don't see you obsessing about Iran and Iranians as much as you obsess about Arabs and the Arab world. One just have to read your posts. Pretending otherwise won't work. We have your "track record" here available for all to see.

Anyway I do not care about what you are writing on some Pakistani forum but I will counter it if I feel like it, as I did in post 91 in this thread.

As for the Ottomans, what have they to do with anything? Arabs do not owe Ottomans anything. We Arabs founded the Caliphate and ruled it for 1 millennia from the beginning until 1517. Arab lands and Arab people were the cornerstone of the Ottoman Empire anyway. All Islamic expansions expect for tiny areas in small Balkan happened under previous Arab-ruled Caliphates. As well as the Islamic Golden Age. The Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates were much bigger too, even the Fatimids most of the time, and the Abbasid Caliphate lasted longer too. So using your logic, who "backstabbed" us back in 1517 again? I guess the Muslims in the Balkans and Caucasus did the same, LOL.

As for the rest of your nonsense. The Arab world is the cradle of civilization and was the dominant area of the world for millennia. During the Islamic era alone we were the dominant power of the MENA region and Muslim world for 1000 years.

Our legacy speaks for itself as well and is felt even in non-Muslim majority countries on 3 continents (Europe, Africa and Asia).

Your comparison with Afghanistan whose greatest achievement is some conquest of small areas of neighboring India is laughable and fits your usual disc which is that of utter ignorance on repeat. Speaking about Afghanistan, we conquered and ruled it. However it was of no importance.

Also I have no idea what the hell Pakistan has to do with anything here? Alliance with Israel and TTP (what is that)? Good laugh. You mean unlike other Muslim states who have open relations with Israel, right?:lol:

Maybe you should learn to distinguish between a few regimes/dynasties and 450 million Arabs. Or you have never thought that far before? Would explain a lot if so.

Anyway discussion with you is a waste of time. Continue to obsess about Arabs and good night.
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You really wonder or is it just a flowerish art of speaking..? :D
God Bless Turkey and Pakistan and there is no flowery language there. both countries have been threatened by the Arab brother leadership for adopting an independent policy. people seem to be upset over my blunt remarks but we are soaked with blood once again so forgive me if I only care for my dead and injured.
Turkey and Iran shouldnt act and behave like bedouin .. the failed coup attempt against Turkey was a wake up call.. I am sure Americans had their Arab partners help in the instigation of this coup hence there was a complete silence and shock when the coup failed. it was a missed opportunity by both Turkey and Iran to mend their diplomatic differences

All I can say is Arabs have conducted themselves just like another Afghanistan without oil. take the oil away they will be chopping each other's head off until the cows come home.
Of course, the statement above is correct...

Yet, as i follow.... Erdoğan never claimed Musul and Kerkuk...... what he was trying to say is "We have obligation for the people of Musul and Kerkük"

I think, he lost his chance by doing nothing when ISIS attacked them 2 years ago....killed our brethren in Iraq.....yet at the same time...ISIS was holding 80 Turkish hostages......complicated issues.

Turkey and Iran shouldnt act and behave like bedouin .. the failed coup attempt against Turkey was a wake up call.. I am sure Americans had their Arab partners help in the instigation of this coup hence there was a complete silence and shock when the coup failed. it was a missed opportunity by both Turkey and Iran to mend their diplomatic differences

All I can say is Arabs have conducted themselves just like another Afghanistan without oil. take the oil away they will be chopping each other's head off until the cows come home.
As i follow, relationship between Iran and Turkey is going in the right direction. Major deals being signed, more Turkish companies investing in Iran after the sanctions. Bilateral trade is expected go upwards, despite our different opinions about the region.

Again i remember, Iran was the first country to give their support to legitimate government of Turkey during the coup. While Americans were saying "We hope peace and stability to prevail."....no Turk will forget this.
Turkey and Iran shouldnt act and behave like bedouin .. the failed coup attempt against Turkey was a wake up call.. I am sure Americans had their Arab partners help in the instigation of this coup hence there was a complete silence and shock when the coup failed. it was a missed opportunity by both Turkey and Iran to mend their diplomatic differences

All I can say is Arabs have conducted themselves just like another Afghanistan without oil. take the oil away they will be chopping each other's head off until the cows come home.

Pakistan isn't that advanced either for a country of 160/180 mil, they still rely on US military aid for their equipment, nuclear tech is stolen and its a poor country still dealing with terrorism.
Of course, the statement above is correct...

Yet, as i follow.... Erdoğan never claimed Musul and Kerkuk...... what he was trying to say is "We have obligation for the people of Musul and Kerkük"

You are definitely right, I think Erdogan needs to be more careful with his wording. Erdogan isolated some of his partners in the west because of his Islamism, and now people in the east are getting concerned because of his vague discussions about borders, etc.

Obviously, as an Iranian, this doesn't really affect us that much (since our territories don't conflict with each other), but if Erdogan wants to both act as an Islamist AND remind everyone of the Ottoman empire, it's just going to worry state leaders. Sometimes it seems he is so used to appealing to his voter base, that he forgets that others outside Turkey are listening to him.

As i follow, relationship between Iran and Turkey is going in the right direction. Major deals being signed, more Turkish companies investing in Iran after the sanctions. Bilateral trade is expected go upwards, despite our different opinions about the region.

Again i remember, Iran was the first country to give their support to legitimate government of Turkey during the coup. While Americans were saying "We hope peace and stability to prevail."....no Turk will forget this.

The relationship between Turkey and Iran has been strong and getting stronger by the year. Obviously, there is a huge difference of their approach to regional politics, but it doesn't really effect them that much.
Pakistan isn't that advanced either for a country of 160/180 mil, they still rely on US military aid for their equipment, nuclear tech is stolen and its a poor country still dealing with terrorism.
absolutely true everything you said about us
but its irrelevant to the subject

Of course, the statement above is correct...

Yet, as i follow.... Erdoğan never claimed Musul and Kerkuk...... what he was trying to say is "We have obligation for the people of Musul and Kerkük"

I think, he lost his chance by doing nothing when ISIS attacked them 2 years ago....killed our brethren in Iraq.....yet at the same time...ISIS was holding 80 Turkish hostages......complicated issues.

As i follow, relationship between Iran and Turkey is going in the right direction. Major deals being signed, more Turkish companies investing in Iran after the sanctions. Bilateral trade is expected go upwards, despite our different opinions about the region.

Again i remember, Iran was the first country to give their support to legitimate government of Turkey during the coup. While Americans were saying "We hope peace and stability to prevail."....no Turk will forget this.
both countries are resilient and resourceful .. the resource I am talking about is the people ... I am just discouraged by the hosilities shown by both sides on social media. the mess we find ourselves due to terrorism (ethnic and sectarian) needs to be tackled through smart and practical approach.

one thing I am missing in my every post is that Turkey Iran and Iraq have one thing in common in addition to shared borders and that is the issue of Kurd's and the associated terrorism and its effects on each country.. this is something that will never go away if there is no coordination.. the government in Baghdad is handicapped.. I dont know how much is it the improvement over maliki's government but this is something which no other country can help or care

PKK has sneaked in and conducted terrorism inside Turkey while everyone was busy with Syria and Daesh. this must not be allowed and can be only possible if Iraq is helped to create a government that is representative and not vindictive of its own community.

I really didnt like the hostilities or war of words between Ankara and Baghdad .. it must not escalate into a Damascus situation.
I don't see you obsessing about Iran and Iranians as much as you obsess about Arabs and the Arab world. One just have to read your posts. Pretending otherwise won't work. We have your "track record" here available for all to see.

Anyway I do not care about what you are writing on some Pakistani forum but I will counter it if I feel like it, as I did in post 91 in this thread.

As for the Ottomans, what have they to do with anything? Arabs do not owe Ottomans anything. We Arabs founded the Caliphate and ruled it for 1 millennia from the beginning until 1517. Arab lands and Arab people were the cornerstone of the Ottoman Empire anyway. All Islamic expansions expect for tiny areas in small Balkan happened under previous Arab-ruled Caliphates. As well as the Islamic Golden Age. The Rashidun, Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates were much bigger too, even the Fatimids most of the time, and the Abbasid Caliphate lasted longer too. So using your logic, who "backstabbed" us back in 1517 again? I guess the Muslims in the Balkans and Caucasus did the same, LOL.

As for the rest of your nonsense. The Arab world is the cradle of civilization and was the dominant area of the world for millennia. During the Islamic era alone we were the dominant power of the MENA region and Muslim world for 1000 years.

Our legacy speaks for itself as well and is felt even in non-Muslim majority countries on 3 continents (Europe, Africa and Asia).

Your comparison with Afghanistan whose greatest achievement is some conquest of small areas of neighboring India is laughable and fits your usual disc which is that of utter ignorance on repeat. Speaking about Afghanistan, we conquered and ruled it. However it was of no importance.

Also I have no idea what the hell Pakistan has to do with anything here? Alliance with Israel and TTP (what is that)? Good laugh. You mean unlike other Muslim states who have open relations with Israel, right?:lol:

Maybe you should learn to distinguish between a few regimes/dynasties and 450 million Arabs. Or you have never thought that far before? Would explain a lot if so.

Anyway discussion with you is a waste of time. Continue to obsess about Arabs and good night.
Kurd Ayyubids, Buyid Empire, Fatimids, Qarmatians, Seljuk Empire and Mamluks ruled much before Ottoman Empire.

Do not type stupid historic lies.

Plus Abbadids were in BAGHDAD, IRAQ NOT suadi.
Kurd Ayyubids, Buyid Empire, Fatimids, Qarmatians, Seljuk Empire and Mamluks ruled much before Ottoman Empire.

Do not type funny historical lies.
Kurd Ayyubids?? They were not Kurds you bunch of history thieves lolllll
And what does Seljuk, and Mamluks got to do with Iran?? Hahahahahaha
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