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are these people loyal to Pakistan or iran

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If we know, you think state is oblivious about recruitment, brainwashing and their other activities? State knows much more and state is allowing it to grow..

Why its allowing to grow? either its in interest of Pakistan? or either the state is hostage?

chose your option.
So you oppress the democratic right of the people..so you are oppressors.

Snake arnt you

pakistan and iran are friendly nations , pakistanis can raise irani flag . both are islamic brother nations. there is no harm.

Iranian flags should be confiscated. We are on the border fighting Iranian proxies, and these traitors are carrying Iranian flags and Sulemani portraits, shame.

so tense ?

Oh pls.

It exists in India too.

Just that there is, thankfully, no violence.

in lucknow , sometimes violence erupts during muharram julus .
pakistan and iran are friendly nations , pakistanis can raise irani flag . both are islamic brother nations. there is no harm.

so tense ?

in lucknow , sometimes violence erupts during muharram julus .
Stop twisting thing like an indian...either talk about democracy or freedom of speech or not..when it come to india you are like a worm slippery.
Pak should limit who goes to iran

They wont allow. You know the mosques were partially closed in (Karachi). Even Jum'a'tul wida gathering in mosque was not allowed in my place (in Karachi) due to Covid 19, but Juloos with Solemani and Khaminei's posters and banners was allowed to march on adjacent road to mosque.

This state is hostage to tiny sect, how hundreds and thousands of people are being recruited to fight in Syria without any consequences? can Bengali recruit a single Pakistan to fight India without coming into notice of Pakistani state apparatus?
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@El Sidd agrees. Thats why like clockwork his is the second post on a thread involving Iran.

Why are you against economic activity in Pakistan?

Someone had to make these flags, placards and other material resulting in the Chakra of economy to spin.

The government has eased the lockdown and people are using it to protest illegal occupation of the Levant and right of self determination by the Palestinians.
Pak should limit who goes to iran

Can't do it, Shia'a hold Powerful positions in Pakistani Govt and Media .. And as many members pointed it out, if Govt take action they will be labelled as Yazeed , Hater or Ali or Aal-e-Muhammad .. These people are exactly Similar to Evangelical Christians , Ask them what comes after A B C D , they will reply the weather is pleasant .
They wont allow. You know the mosques were partially closed in (Karachi). Even Jum'a'tul wida gathering in mosque was not allowed in my place (in Karachi) due to Covid 19, but Juloos with Solemani and Khaminei's posters and banners was allowed to march on adjacent road to mosque.

This state is hostage to tiny sect, how hundreds and thousands of people are being recruited to fight in Syria without any consequences? can Bengali recruit a single Pakistan to fight India without coming into notice of Pakistani state apparatus?

We Pakistani Shia are here to stay, you haters cant touch us.

Can't do it, Shia'a hold Powerful positions in Pakistani Govt and Media .. And as many members pointed it out, if Govt take action they will be labelled as Yazeed , Hater or Ali or Aal-e-Muhammad .. These people are exactly Similar to Evangelical Christians , Ask them what comes after A B C D , they will reply the weather is pleasant .

Keep crying, we are here to stay.
We Pakistani Shia are here to stay, you haters cant touch us.

Keep crying, we are here to stay.

That is great but this is a real problem with Shias in Pakistan, is it not? They love Iran a bit too much. Similarly, I am also aware that there also exists another camp where Saudis are adored just the same. Isn't it about time we stopped caring about those countries and put Pakistan first before it is too late?
Keep crying, we are here to stay.

Yes you are, and thing is live here but bow to Tehran, Honestly I careless for what Shia people do with their Rallies and stuff to me they are cult and a circus . When they pull out circus like this in Pakistan, its Pakistan which lose its Positive Image .
That is great but this is a real problem with Shias in Pakistan, is it not? They love Iran a bit too much. Similarly, I am also aware that there also exists another camp where Saudis are adored just the same. Isn't it about time we stopped caring about those countries and put Pakistan first before it is too late?

Iran is seen as religious, cultural and social part of the Muslims in our region, especially Shia, I and most Shia do differentiate between the govt of Iran and those historical links.
Every once in a while, a sectarian member with known history opens a provoking thread, only to have gullible and emotional people jump on board going hyper nationalistic. This has been going on for years.
Deobandis feel the need to balance out the damage they done to Pakistan by accusing Shia's of similar things since the times they were anti-Pakistan Congressi and more Hindus than the Hindus till now giving Pakistan, Taliban and ISIS supporting ASWJ/Jhangvis. The stigma of being on the wrong side of history drives them to sectarianism.
Yes you are, and thing is live here but bow to Tehran, Honestly I careless for what Shia people do with their Rallies and stuff to me they are cult and a circus . When they pull out circus like this in Pakistan, its Pakistan which lose its Positive Image .

Calling Shia a cult is offensive, do you consider Islam a cult.
Iran is seen as religious, cultural and social part of the Muslims in our region, especially Shia, I and most Shia do differentiate between the govt of Iran and those historical links.
I know it is but because of those religious and historical links, does Iran not groom our young men to fight their battles? If so, then clearly many of our Shias have failed to make that distinction.
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