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Are there any doctors here in PDF?

Lol don't think so. I'd only find love gurus there. I need a doctor to fix my broken heart :cheesy:

That requires the bottle.

@danger007, it's hard to tell online. I recommend actually seeing a doctor even though it may not be anything serious. Better to be on the safe side.
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mbbs student here.....

go to a doc with 500 rupee... Most probably a Sebaceous cyst....

btw tell the girl that not every lump in breast is cancerous....


omg isnt dis a wart in dis pic?

my cuzin had it once,n she had to get it removed by a skin specialist:what:
hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....

here i am.....it is likely to be a sebacious cyst, mostly benign, but the h/o sudden increase in size is of a bit worry. Anyway, a general surgeon should be consulted immediately for excision and HPE. Superadded infection may complicate the picture.
Yes, there are.......quite a few ( for a defence forum) ;certainly more knowledgeable, experienced and senior to yours truly.
Speaking before listening to their opinion will only be considered as a disrespectful and an impolite deed.
But as they say, i'm a young blood with a low boiling point.Hopefully this mistake will be overshadowed by the thoughts of "my immaturity" in their minds.
I know they do not prefer to induct a blind and an amputated person do such a risky job.So, i may be crossing certain red lines here.

Most respectfully sir, why are you advertising your problems on a forum.That too on a defence forum?
Do you haven't got any feelings for yourself and your body?
People figure out themselves that if their car breaks down on the road they'll find a mechanic to deal with it.For building up a home a shopping mall or a hotel they'll contact an engineer.But when it comes to their lives.
The best idea they can get in their mind is to post it on a forum or find a news paper and post their query there, hoping that someone will read it and provide suggestions for a solution.

I'm not well aware of whom i'm talking to.But, isn't it like your own 6 feet are not important for you?
For me life comes only for once.May be you are certain of getting a successful second life(i may be wrong).Good luck with your experimentation and learning curve.

What if i tell you my opinion ,will you base your progress based upon my notion?
I may be wrong with these limited powers.A sound mind says,this isn't the right way to go for.Certainly not dependable when it comes to issues related to your health.

There are some excellent medical professionals available there in India.
I personally am in contact with few of them.

If you are hesitant or are unable to find one at your place.The most i can do is help you and provide you with a contact.And that will not happen until unless you show your willingness to sort it out with some professional's help.
Have a nice day.

hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....


I'm honored.:)
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hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....

Even a picture can not help on line as the tenderness, consistency etc cant be judged this way. First of all go to a skin specialist, he might refer you to a pathologist or a surgeon if he cant treat it himself
thanks for advice guys..... as i mentioned already, my friend(girl) came to my home yesterday... after dinner she noticed lump.... she is studying medicine now.... she make me tense on that time, told me it might cancerous tumor so and so ..... my god girls are tooo dangerous.... first time i saw cruel smile of girl...... as i can't meet any doc.... just for clarification i asked you guys.... thanks for response... i got appointment with doc at 6.35pm..

once again thank you for response...
If you are serious then DO NOT take it lightly and immediately seek medical advice. Any lump on the face and head should be treated as serious.

hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....
Crazy ppl come here.....some ask for real estate prices, some ask for doctors, some ask for medicines, some ask for smartphones.

Really, is it so difficult to understand the meaning of a website which has "Defence" in its name ?
hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....

Well, without examination it's difficult to make a comment. There are number of causes of facial lump, not necessarily every lump is malignant. Instead of taking history of your complaint I'd recommend you to visit a doctor - GP has nothing to do with your lump, go to a surgeon better if cosmetic/plastic surgeon is consulted (scaring would be minimal if surgical incision is indicated).

Don't panic a lot would have happened by now if the reason behind the lump was malignancy, so cheer up and go to a consultant asap.
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