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Are there any doctors here in PDF?

hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....

@Emmie @S.U.R.B. @Oscar @Elmo @M.harris
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Any love doctor on PDF? :whistle:

that would be @Hyperion but he is on a break :P

apart from that you could try others with their wacky advice :P

hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....

@danger007 dude no proper doc can diagnose a growth from online...unless you show its pix you already described it...but a pix would help...

THOUGH best thing would be to see a REAL GP and then ask him to recommend the right doc :enjoy:
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that would be @Hyperion but he is on a break :P

apart from that you could try others with their wacky advice :P

@danger007 dude no proper doc can diagnose a growth from online...unless you show its pix you already described it...but a pix would help...

THOUGH best thing would be to see a REAL GP and then ask him to recommend the right doc :enjoy:

What abt u:omghaha::omghaha:
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mbbs student here.....

go to a doc with 500 rupee... Most probably a Sebaceous cyst....

btw tell the girl that not every lump in breast is cancerous....

hii friends i need suggestion... an lump growing on my face( between my left eye and ear) from last one and half year.... it is small until a month ago, but now it growing fast.... when i try to press it, i feel like small ball inside skin... no pain at all.... i want to know is it harmful, is there any medicines for it....

It could be a simple wart. I think its no cancer. May be overgrown sweat gland.visit plastic surgeon. . Heal soon.
Me no doctor.
It's probably nothing but get checked for cancer. Best of luck.
mbbs student here.....

go to a doc with 500 rupee... Most probably a Sebaceous cyst....

btw tell the girl that not every lump in breast is cancerous....


Never guessed that u r actually a Kobiraaz.:)
You could have an abscess or a cyst, I'm thinking from your description a cyst, since you mentioned "ball". I'm guessing the area has harden skin, doesn't necessarily hurt. If it is an infected cyst it could have been caused by an ingrown hair due to shaving.

Though as mentioned by others go see a doctor.
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