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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

Because they are away from their religion Islam until them come back to Islam and follow it these things will happen we have to implement Islam to stop these evils

Why don't you??
Why Muslims kill Muslims in the name ethnicity??
Why do these people don't like each other??
And what about killing of Shias in Pakistan are they also ethnic related??

this question is as dumb as you asking "why do brothers fight" while you yourself are fighting with your brother.

Pakistan is going through a war, people are dying
It's sad but that is the reality of war

Let me ask you this, why is it that your history is 99% Hindus fighting Hindus?
Hindus fought each other either on their own or by allying with invaders.
Even now you guys have the red corridor and Khalistan, and God knows how many other groups.
Oh and let's not forget that poor police man who was killed by a mob.

I said this before, only low IQ people will point at others and make noise about something that they themselves are suffering from. They don't realize that if they do that we can do the same to them.

Pakistan has the excuse of a war, what is India's excuse?
However a simple comparison... The per capital income of Muslims in India (despite being lower than that of other minorities and that of Hindus) is better than the average per capita income of Pakistan..

LMAO! Where is the source?
Tells you something now.. doesn't it.. Also this seems like a global phenomenon, not limited to India. Where ever Muslims are not the majority, they tend to lag behind rest of the religious groups in terms of economy.. Or so does the below article says

Islam's Universal Economic Failure
Islamabad freelance columnist: ’800 million Muslims out of 1.4 billion are illiterate’ «


One of your "article" is from an extremely biased anti-Islamic website...(it originally came from that)..the other one of your article is utterly outdated.

Muslims as a group VASTLY outperforms Indians in EVERY parameter. Muslims actually perform BETTER than non-Muslims in same environment..

So lets break it down may be? Region by region where significant populations of Muslims and non-Muslim reside together?...So let the game begin...

In South East-Asia ...

The major successful countries are Islamic nations...Malaysia and Indonesia...now don't pull out "Singapore" please. It is just too small to matter...Philipines , a big "Christian" nation , that also gets alot of aid from the US , is way behind than Indonesia ....even though Indonesia is just bunch of little Islands scattered in a small place...

In Africa ...

North Africa (Muslim Majority) is doing WAY , WAY better than South/Central Africa (Christian Majority). Remember , not all of North Africa has oil..but yet , they surpass the oil rich Christian majority nations like Nigeria (well , a slight Christian majority...but majority!) ..

In East Europe-Asia Minor region

Here again....The Muslim majority Turkey is the economic powerhouse while 'Christian-majority' nations like Greece etc are BROKE! "Muslim Majority" Turkey is the fastest growing economy of the Europe...A Europe which is going bankrupt as we speak! If it was not for Germany/France...Europe would've been exhausted long ago...

So here again...Muslims are vastly superior to their non-Muslim Christian counterparts..

Now these are the regions with significant Muslim and Non-Muslim populations...And it is clearly evident that Muslims outperforms Christians and hence Islam is superior to others...

Now-- I haven't counted in ALL Muslim regions like Middle-East/Central Asia etc..Here Muslims form overwhelming majority so comparison is hard and unfair...

Now West is economically successful. We all know that. Thanks to Industrialization etc.... AND Israel is also WEST! Israelis were EUROPEAN JEWS! Remember? So just because West is ahead...Muslims become some "incapable freaks" ? lol ...But now , it has been established that Muslims are inherently superior to non-Muslims ...See all the regions with significant Muslim and non-Muslim populations...and see the performance..I have already showed you

Now coming to the West... Even in America...American Muslims vastly outperform general American population. American Muslims are more educated and more prosperous than average Americans etc (Source : The Economist) ...... So what exactly do we conclude here?

In "equal" environments : Islam outperforms others globally..isn't it?

See how easy it is to blabber? You Indians are a joke.

BTW, global 'Islamic Economy' is worth more than ~ $7 trillion! at nominal rates, and more than $ 11 trillion at PPP (and before you pull up that same retarded notion again, let me tell you that 'Oil' money constitutes a tiny minority of over-all global Islamic-economy)

So :wave:

And oh btw : Global Halal Industry alone is worth $2.5 trillion, this is more than your WHOLE freakin' economy!!!! and you inferior indians were talking about us, the Muslims? :rofl:
Ahh... Today is also the Birthday of Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji...

I cant say from the Pakistani Point of view ... But from a Indian Point of View ... I sincerely thank God that Pakistan (both West & east ) was created... :pakistan:

Even i think it was the best gift on the day of freedom ,India could have asked for....if only it could have been done without bloodshed..it would have been perfect

As far as Muslim being the next untouchables in India goes..i consider it partially there mistake....
1) they are hardly Interested in education...they still believe in Madrasa education...which is of no use in real world..Most of them End of working in some factories as labour or owning some small shops
2) Ignorance toward Family planning....i have seen a Couple having upto 4-5 children on an average even in city among well educated and well to do ppl...whereas India promoted "Hum do Humare do"
no one cares to think about how to raise them,educate as most of the family have Sole earner as women Are not allowed to work in majority of the cases..
This problem requires a bit practicality then a emotional beliefs based decision

3)All these leads to poor Economic condition ...today majority of ppl in slum are muslims..A hard but a true fact....

they have entrapped themselves in this viscious cycle.....

But stilll Many have made the stride and are improving their condition..Its all about Adjustment of our Outlook toward world And doing the needful to succeed ......
You don't get free lunches anymore ...you want it ,you need to earn it........:cheers:
you gave it?
JOKE :rofl:

You didn't give anything
We took it from the British and the only role you played was to not politically block it, while starting mass murder against the people who were leaving for Pakistan. Of course we reacted in kind ;)

Ok you took it..hurr durr...who gives a tuppeny about that...the end result, our burden was taken off.
^ How many Noble Prize winners, most successful business persons, most successful sportsperson and players ? List goes on and on.
Muslims as a group VASTLY outperforms Indians in EVERY parameter. Muslims actually perform BETTER than non-Muslims in same environment..

I think we have had this talk before..In the same environment in US, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, White Protestants perform way better than Muslims. Infact Muslims are languishing at the bottom of the pile just above some black groups.

Inherently superior..lmao..
Ok you took it..hurr durr...who gives a tuppeny about that...the end result, our burden was taken off.

what burden?
So any sovereign country is now reduced burden on India?
How much reduction in burden did you get when USA became a country?
How about South Africa?
How much of a megalomaniac is India to think that sovereign country are reduced burden on her?
And despite all those countries, she still has the world's largest starving population. :rolleyes:

Looks like she need more reduction in her burden
I think we have had this talk before..In the same environment in US, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, White Protestants perform way better than Muslims. Infact Muslims are languishing at the bottom of the pile just above some black groups.

Inherently superior..lmao..


Awww reality hurts?

Anyways, I'm talking about OVER-ALL globally, and not in U.S alone.

Secondly, you don't have any credible data to back your claims because U.S doesn't even have accurate stats of Muslim population. Some organization say 2.5 million Muslims, while others say 5 million and so on.
what burden?
So any sovereign country is now reduced burden on India?
How much reduction in burden did you get when USA became a country?
How about South Africa?
How much of a megalomaniac is India to think that sovereign country are reduced burden on her?
And despite all those countries, she still has the world's largest starving population. :rolleyes:

Looks like she need more reduction in her burden

hurr durr..how did USA and South africa come into the equation..were they part of the subcontinent ever ? were they involved in the partition ?

lol you paks are a funny lot..you try to insist that Partition was good for you...and when Indians say, true bro, I was good for us too..you get all pissed off and try to make us believe it was not good for us..lol...go drink a cup of lassi..
LMAO! Where is the source?


One of your "article" is from an extremely biased anti-Islamic website...(it originally came from that)..the other one of your article is utterly outdated.

Muslims as a group VASTLY outperforms Indians in EVERY parameter. Muslims actually perform BETTER than non-Muslims in same environment..

So lets break it down may be? Region by region where significant populations of Muslims and non-Muslim reside together?...So let the game begin...

In South East-Asia ...

The major successful countries are Islamic nations...Malaysia and Indonesia...now don't pull out "Singapore" please. It is just too small to matter...Philipines , a big "Christian" nation , that also gets alot of aid from the US , is way behind than Indonesia ....even though Indonesia is just bunch of little Islands scattered in a small place...

In Africa ...

North Africa (Muslim Majority) is doing WAY , WAY better than South/Central Africa (Christian Majority). Remember , not all of North Africa has oil..but yet , they surpass the oil rich Christian majority nations like Nigeria (well , a slight Christian majority...but majority!) ..

In East Europe-Asia Minor region

Here again....The Muslim majority Turkey is the economic powerhouse while 'Christian-majority' nations like Greece etc are BROKE! "Muslim Majority" Turkey is the fastest growing economy of the Europe...A Europe which is going bankrupt as we speak! If it was not for Germany/France...Europe would've been exhausted long ago...

So here again...Muslims are vastly superior to their non-Muslim Christian counterparts..

Now these are the regions with significant Muslim and Non-Muslim populations...And it is clearly evident that Muslims outperforms Christians and hence Islam is superior to others...

Now-- I haven't counted in ALL Muslim regions like Middle-East/Central Asia etc..Here Muslims form overwhelming majority so comparison is hard and unfair...

Now West is economically successful. We all know that. Thanks to Industrialization etc.... AND Israel is also WEST! Israelis were EUROPEAN JEWS! Remember? So just because West is ahead...Muslims become some "incapable freaks" ? lol ...But now , it has been established that Muslims are inherently superior to non-Muslims ...See all the regions with significant Muslim and non-Muslim populations...and see the performance..I have already showed you

Now coming to the West... Even in America...American Muslims vastly outperform general American population. American Muslims are more educated and more prosperous than average Americans etc (Source : The Economist) ...... So what exactly do we conclude here?

In "equal" environments : Islam outperforms others globally..isn't it?

See how easy it is to blabber? You Indians are a joke.

BTW, global 'Islamic Economy' is worth more than ~ $7 trillion! at nominal rates, and more than $ 11 trillion at PPP (and before you pull up that same retarded notion again, let me tell you that 'Oil' money constitutes a tiny minority of over-all global Islamic-economy)

So :wave:


So its true..........Ignorance is the new bliss......

we have Example next door to our nation how well a muslims do in compare with non muslims... Only nation included in list of failed state in whole SouthAsia ... which is majority muslim population founded on the principle of islam

And let me ask you the enlightened one why is that muslim do better in non muslim countries or Enviroment than there own so called majority muslim countries ....take a example like yours

And if you remove the religion spectacles from eyes and look around in the world ..Success is not a servant of religion..its goes to one who deserves it and strives for it.... it not a entitlement you get just coz you are born in a particular religion...

The point is not that there was a Partition. Personally, and most Indians would disagree with me - Jinnah did emerge as the elected leader of the Muslims. So he was well within his rights to guarantee the safeguards of the Muslim population of British India. But when they sat negotiating in the manicured lawns of their mansions in Malabar Hill - did they consider the bloody carnage they unleashed? I doubt it. If there was to be a Partition - it could have been carried out in a better manner. In a phased manner. It is retarded than on the night of 14th/15th August the residents of Lahore did not know whether Lahore was in Pakistan or India. Seriously, wtf.

Awww reality hurts?

Anyways, I'm talking about OVER-ALL globally, and not in U.S alone.

Secondly, you don't have any credible data to back your claims because U.S doesn't even have accurate stats of Muslim population. Some organization say 2.5 million Muslims, while others say 5 million and so on.

Last time I checked US was indeed a part of the global system...now that's reality for you..

Let me see the studies/references from various orgs that prove Muslims are "inherently" superior..

Hindus earn a lot in foreign countries by sucking up... But when going back to their own country they flop hard
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