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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

We don't sell out. Not even for sub minimal wages from the west.

Ofcourse you sell out. You sell out to Saudi Arabia and US. Two masters of Pakistan!

Better Call Centers than Madrassa-Jihad factories rightly! And you dont even get paid in the latter case!

Apparently Mushy saab did not hear you when he sold out Afia Siddiqui for pocket change or your Generals when they routinely sell out tribal pakistanis to drones for dollars.

This is RazPak saying he wishes that Pakistan was not a sell out. All the farts that they give, its all that they wish for their country, but frustrated on not being able to do anything about it.

You have to understand, he gives vent to these frustrations when he talks of India. After all, its not Indians being given to US in exchange for money is it.

BTW I totally agree with you. It was good that Pakistan was siphoned off. The tribal areas were cut off from us with a buffer zone - Pakistan.
BTW I totally agree with you. It was good that Pakistan was siphoned off. The tribal areas were cut off from us with a buffer zone - Pakistan.

This is the stuff strategic planners dream off ..and all this was made possible by just one man..wow..
There were 2 areas that should have been with us -
1. Lahore and the Sikh holy places
2. Karachi.

Loss of these productive cities was indeed great. Apart from them, all is well.
LoL, Indians are butt hurt as usual. As if anyone gives a **** about them. Most work or mediocre jobs are done by Hindus where their fellow Hindus dictate their happiness, so of course they will be upset with Pakistan. LOL.

Our people never sell out, as we are not as desperate as the Indian people. You people will sell their country for rupees while our people don't even pay attention to such nonsense. Politicians aside, the Indians would sell their nation, while the Pakistanis would absolutely not.


Indians can continue feeling butt hurt from Jinnah.
^ Same way you work for Christians in US. :D

Selling the nation ?

We are not giving land access and hands to fight other's war for few millions of dollars. First Afghan war and now WoT.

Stop embarrassing your nation by making such comments which can bring such replies.
We never cared for India then, and we do not care now.

Pakistan is a reality. And our founding father's dream has almost come true.

I say almost because there are some issues that plague us, but the main idea of Jinnah was correct and appreciated.

Pakistan Zindabad!

You got hounded out of Jammu by the Dogras after your minions started rampaging in Rawalpindi,

sach maan lete hain,chaudary saab.
You got hounded out of Jammu by the Dogras after your minions started rampaging in Rawalpindi,

sach maan lete hain,chaudary saab.

We raped your crowd gatherers in Kashmir. Your government allowed the hateful crowd of yours into Jammu/Kashmir. And they all got shunned. Nobody in Kashmir likes India. LOL

What else can you guys say?

Talking of rape, well we know who are master in this heinous crime. :whistle:
You Indians are shameless to be truthful. Your people go to Islamic countries for money and also the English to get money.
For Indians there is no self respect, you work for anyone with cash, so i don't know why you are trying to lecture me. :rofl:
Like you work in US that has killed hundreds of children, women and men in your home country. :lol:

Talking of shamelessness.
Politicians are a reflection of the people and the society.

Dont embarrass other Pakistani's further RazPak.
I could not agree more. If Raymond Davis had killed Indian citizens on Indian soil, we would not have acted as honorably as Pakistani politicians, Pakistani courts and the Pakistani public. If an Indian Governor had been assassinated, we not just shower rose petals on him like the Pakistanis - we would probably throw some money too. We of course have never stood up to our Govt. - be it the Emergency, be it the current Delhi rape case. On the other hand Pakistanis have continuously stood up to their rulers - they are the epitome of how the people should conduct themselves - through a civil war, through military coups, through the hanging / judicial murder of an elected Prime Minister. Please give RazPak a hand - for he is the only one here who makes sense - the rest of us need to see a shrink.

1. Bhopal gas tregdy victims and justice still rings a bell.

2. Gandhi was assissinated by Hindu extremists and you Indians still shower praise on likes of Godse and his followers. rather we have seen abuses of most low level against Gandhi. so phaleezz dont tell us about our conduct
1. Bhopal gas tregdy victims and justice still rings a bell.

2. Gandhi was assissinated by Hindu extremists and you Indians still shower praise on likes of Godse and his followers. rather we have seen abuses of most low level against Gandhi. so phaleezz dont tell us about our conduct

1. Bhopal Gas Tragedy was an industrial disaster by a private company - but have the people let the Govt. stay idle? How is this even a comparison to Raymond Davis?

2. Godse always had followed and will always have followers. There are people of all hues of in a society including right wing loonies. The point is that he was hanged. And cursing Gandhi has become the norm - mostly because of ignorance in society than any real grasp of history. But being a fool is not a crime - if it were, most Indian citizens would be in jail.

And no, I was not telling you about your conduct. I was telling RazPak whose delusions of grandeur are in inverse proportion to the facts he spews.
I must say creations of pakistan was important and we all are pleased they left us in 1947.Or Else India would't have been a peaceful country . we are in our own land Where our ansetors belong living without any fear or being bombarded any time of the day.
Secondly stop worrying about Indian Muslims, we are happy in our country and don't need a Pakistani to think about us. Indian Muslims have achieved heights that a Pakistani cannot even dream off, so please stop with all this crap. Sick and tired of Pakistan speaking on our my behalf when we never asked them too.

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