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Are Indians willing let Hindi be imposed relegating their own vernaculars?

Are Indians willing let Hindi be imposed relegating their own vernacular?

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30% of your countrymen speak hindi, according to indian sources (and even some of your people here)
30% could mean that an exclusive few speak only Hindi but otherwise..almost every Indian speaks hindi...may not be fluent though but enough to communicate with others.
30% of your countrymen speak hindi, according to indian sources (and even some of your people here)
Nothing blasphemous about speaking multiple languages in India. How are things in your neck of the woods.? Oh I forgot you are in Maryland not Pakistan.
In fact I would suggest that all parts of India barring south India should have a south Indian language as third language along with the local language and English, Hindi comes naturally in these parts because of the similarities with the other local languages in these parts, and also for Hindi media/films, seperately learning it is overkill. South India is prosperous and their languages are rich in literary value, we will be enriched by learning any of those languages, it will also reduce the language barrier between the two parts.

Similarly south Indians can also learn any of the non-south Indian languages as third language, it need not be Hindi only, someone might choose Marathi for the financial capital status of Mumbai where he/she wants to move, someone might be interested in literature and might want to learn Bengali for its high literary value, it should not be an imposition of a specific third language but free choice.

And third language should be avoided in board exams, our students already have too much load on them. I think it can be a main subject from class 3 to class 8, after that it can be optional.

What do you think? @scorpionx @Bang Galore @SarthakGanguly @nair

Too sensible. Not enough scope for politics. Hence no one will be interested. Sorry.
With all due respect, how hard is it to tamper this census? Just like I said earlier some things don't add up unless mllions upon millions of non-native speakers became native-speakers overnight.
Did millions of Central, East and South Indians start speaking Hindi as first language overnight? Just check the relevant populations of provinces such as UP and others that speak Hindi and the 40+% figure doesn't stand up to scrutiny.
Either way it's a cyclical argument so.
Yes, it is hard to tamper this census and for all practical purposes there is no benefit in tampering the census.
It would not make an iota of difference if Hindi was spoken by 1% of people or 99% of people. The education formula is set - 3 language formula has been decided on decade back.

And yes, almost all of Central Indians and East Indians do speak Hindi or a variation/dialect of Hindi. Just like major numbers of Western Indians and North Indians do.

North East Indians and South Indians do not.
You're talking about tampering census. You guys tamper all of your history. That India had nukes thousands of years ago ROFLMAO:lol:

This is one reason I can't believe this non-sense about 40+% being Hindi speakers unless UP-ite and related folk have really started breeding at an uncontrollable rate :woot::rolleyes:
It seems you are under the assumption that Hindi is only spoken in UP. I see. There really is no point in educating you about it, you seem intent to not learn new facts.
i dont watch bollywood or have experience watching bollywood flicks but my understanding is that many indian films of today - the actors/actresses are speaking in very Urdu-ized hindi. The indians - not the Pakistanis who sometimes are part of the cast in some of them.
I am saddened to inform you then that Urdu is slowly dying/reducing in India.
Today's Bollywood uses half the Urdu that it used decades back. The script and dialogues of actors/actresses today have far far less Urdu than they used to in the Golden Era of Bollywood.

Now, Urdu is changing to Hindi - by that I mean, that Hindi words have started replacing the Persian and Arabic words slowly. And sadly, the Government of India is doing nothing to promote this beautiful language. Whatever money they give as grants is used in corruption.

As I said UP and related areas . Read my post. And how about you practice some civility . Did you see me use these words like 'duffer' and 'loser' .
And Haryana folk speak haryanvi and rajasthanis speak rajasthani etc. etc. Biharis speak Bihari language.

So you guys ARE tampering with the census . Thanks for proving my point. You have changed the very definition of 'Hindi' ROFLMAO.

What was I expecting though? You had nukes afterall thousands of years ago :lol::lol:

Good day to you.
Please know that Bihari and Rajasthani are dialects or offshoots of Hindi. Anyone who speaks Hindi can converse easily. Haryanvi,etc is a 'boli', not a 'bhasha'. Understand the linguistics before trying to score a point (as if that matters on an online forum).
Hindi is a gross acquisition of the Urdu language with Sanskrit nouns thrown in it.

North Indians should realize that they speak the language of their masters
Urdu is ours as well as Hindi is and is a part of Indo-Iranian family originated in Indian subcontinent.
you should realize the meaning of 'Masters'. it means 'Aaka' and not some people who are confused about their identity and begging to everyone to tell them that whether they are Arabi or Persian or Turki or anything else...
It seems you are under the assumption that Hindi is only spoken in UP. I see. There really is no point in educating you about it, you seem intent to not learn new facts.

I'm under absolutely no assumption. Once again read my post. I said UP and related areas. And you are not 'educating' anybody here but deliberately convoluting this entire debate. But at least you did not use words like 'loser' just to make a point so that 's OK.
Now please tell me this, we are talking about HINDI AS FIRST LANGUAGE. In none of these other areas is Hindi the first language FOR THE MAJORITY of the populace. Is it first language for majority of any of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Himachal etc. etc.? Yes, I do know it's spoken there.
Make no mistake, there is absolutely no way that it's spoken as first language by anywhere close to 40%.
That was what the debate was about in the first place. So
I am saddened to inform you then that Urdu is slowly dying/reducing in India.

The problem is in the script it uses. If it used Devanagari , it would have been read far more & be familiar to a lot more people. Common sense would have suggested the popularisation of Urdu (outside of the government's actions) by translation into Devanagari script.
Too sensible. Not enough scope for politics. Hence no one will be interested. Sorry.

I wish I knew at least one south Indian language, I know these four south Indian languages have similarities with each other, learning one in school would have made it easier to learn others in future as per the need/interest. And national integration of languages/culture/people can be achieved in a far better manner in this manner than the one-way traffic that some people suggest.
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