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Are Indians willing let Hindi be imposed relegating their own vernaculars?

Are Indians willing let Hindi be imposed relegating their own vernacular?

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Which Hindi?

Shuddh Hindi
Bojpuri Hindi where V --> B
Bollywood Hindi
Khariboli Hindi
very very few indians actually understand hindi
Over 40% of Indians put Hindi as first language. That's substantial.

plays a role...
In conventional wisdom - Yes, but we are charting a different course by indoctrinating in citizens that Unity is from diversity. So citizens grow up believing that you can be Indian while being different and accepting differences.

Which is why a kannada says he is a staunch Indian but speaks Kannada and will also debate strongly with a Hindi speaker on why Hindi should not be made mandatory!
Neither the Hindi speaker or Kannada speaker will ever say the other one is lacking in patriotism. Its a result of indoctrination from a young age.
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very very few indians actually understand hindi

41% of Indians are NATIVE(first language) speakers.

Among the rest of the population large number of citizens can speak & then understand Hindi in that order.

plays a role...

It might look like language played a role in a country which now exists as 2 countries. However, digging deeper it will be found the issue wasn't language actually, although the division happened on linguistic lines.
How do you relate language to an adjective as 'prestigious', the sole purpose of language is for communication, as i believed.

Some languages are more prestigious than others.

If you need to speak to someone outside of your own country, learn English (I did).

If you need to speak to people from your own country, learn the national dialect (I did).

If you want to speak to your family and close friends, you can use your native dialect. It's simply due to reasons of practicality that some languages are in higher demand for their perceived usefulness.

I could demand they all learn Cantonese to talk to me, but that's not realistic, is it? It makes more sense for me to learn Mandarin, since most Chinese can at least understand it.

Did you actually read that?

It seems to be in agreement:

"In sociolinguistics, prestige is the level of respect accorded to a language or dialect as compared to that of other languages or dialects in a speech community. The concept of prestige in sociolinguistics is closely related to that of prestige or class within a society. Generally, there is positive prestige associated with the language or dialect of the upper classes, and negative prestige with the language or dialect of the lower classes. The concept of prestige is also closely tied to the idea of the standard language, in that the most prestigious dialect is likely to be considered the standard language."
Every educated Indian learns three languages ...
1. His mother tongue(Punjabi, Haryanvi, Rajasthani, Gujrati....and so on.)
2. National Language(Hindi)
3. English(Global Business language)

So I don't get this debate over imposition of any language..... this is a stupid debate.
There is no imposition of Hindi over non Hindi speaking instead non Hindi speaking people created their own linguistic identity which is also good otherwise these dialect or langs would not have survived so far.....
Hindi is a gross acquisition of the Urdu language with Sanskrit nouns thrown in it.

North Indians should realize that they speak the language of their masters, and that the rest of India needs to get in line.
i know 3 languages 8-)8-)8-)
hindi punjabi english:bunny::bunny::bunny:
i can read and write all of these...though my punjabi is not as good as hindi/english
Hindi is a gross acquisition of the Urdu language with Sanskrit nouns thrown in it.

North Indians should realize that they speak the language of their masters, and that the rest of India needs to get in line.

LOL....wrong both Urdu and Hindi originated from Khariboli.... hindi has more Sanskrit words...hence more Hindustani...and Urdu has a mixture of Persian and Arabic words. And the invaders of India were Persians...so by that logic...Urdu speakers are speaking the language of the slaves. The masters spoke Persian....and Indians spoke Hindi...and the poor indentity less slaves URDU.

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