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Are Hindus dangerous?

That would be a real shame....ain't it??But it's not something you can achieve very quickly.Like I keep saying,the indoctrination didn't happen in just one day and again the mentality doesn't change that fast.But it's changing,atleast from what I've experienced over the years.
Anyone who speaks with the common public can feel this.Like even 6 months ago,there was virtually no support base for BJP in West Bengal.But now,every news channel is showing that BJP is rapidly increasing its power and support base in various parts of West Bengal and they may secure anywhere from 15% to even 20% upwards of total vote share.So it's changing.
And you also have to remember that Bengal (at least some part of it) has been historically a muslim majority state and their number was about 22+% of total Bengali population during partition.But even now with all these years of muslim appeasement,they are still standing at about 26% as per government stats.So the situation is still not that bad as many believe.But it's getting worsened as speak - that I absolutely believe.
You believe the governmental stats?I would not.Anyways lets hope the awakening happens asap.Why did you people just not move the muslims out of the state during partition like the sikhs???:butcher:
This lie of secularism is what is destroying the country. If you see the statistics, post-Indian independence and accession of all of our states into the Union, all the cultural and religious problems have risen only from the year when secularism term was introduced by Indira in our constitution. Before that, there was no problems for 3 decades.

Today, secularism has become dscriminating Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh etc community while unncessarily pandering to radical mullahs and missionaries. This has created so much bitterness among people that instead of living peacefully, all of the common people are suffering from insecurities.

The rioting of Bangladeshi illegals in bordering states and radicalization of the muslims living in these places is not helping either.

Simply put, social harmony is the responsibility of all people including Muslims and christians and everyone else. It cannot be a burden that only the Hindus or their sister faiths have to bear.

Either accept equality before everyone or buzz off to Saudi or whatever.

I concur.I fully support your view with my life old pal.Jai Hind.
By the way,where do you live in Sikkim??I've been there two times and I still wanna go there - a real paradise on earth it is.You are a realy lucky sob.:)
Presto! You finally admitted it. :D

Appreciate your response. If only others could realize their ways and correct them, entire south asia would be so peaceful.

I just hope that your "kind" India also stop raping. The reason that your "kind" is out and about raping is because your "kind" is involved the genocide of females by taking part in female infanticide by aborting millions of females. There is a systematic genocide going on against females in India, and I implore the UK government to get involved and sort these desperate Indian Men out.
I concur.I fully support your view with my life old pal.Jai Hind.

By the way,where do you live in Sikkim??I've been there two times and I still wanna go there - a real paradise on earth it is.You are a realy lucky sob.:)

It took some time to understand the whole concept of 'secularism' as defined by 'secular' parties, particularly because my community is rather small and that you Hindus always end up facing the heat. From 1947, I prepared a list of riots that took place, under which rule, where and who were caught as initiators. Turns out, you guys have nothing to do with it. It is a lot of data to post on PDF but once I compile it all, I will make it into a zip folder and spread it around, so that even our Pakistani hosts can read this and change their wrong perception about you or us or anyone here.

It really pisses us folks coming from military families because here, we have no concept of hating anyone. I just don't understand what is wrong with the common people and politicians.

Yeah I do live in Sikkim but I shuttle a lot between my home in Delhi and from one relative's house to another across India. Having a big family has its plus points :azn:.

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