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Are all terrorists really Muslims?By Aakar Patel

No No No :disagree:
How many times i have to say that Muslims are the most peaceful peoples in the world...Look at the Middle East, African Countries, Some parts of Europe, China, Pakistan how peaceful they are and in India too...
Remember yesterday's incident of stoning and throwing acid on Hindus in Hanuman Jyanti :-)

When and where did it happen? News channels not reporting it. :pop:
The likes of this Patel fellow are literally too dumb to bother with, as are his defenders here and on media, MSM or social. :crazy:

Terrorists are humans, does not mean they are terrorists because they are humans. The salient point is what is driving them to conduct acts of terror, what is the motivation.

To argue that Maoists are driven to such acts in name of Hinduism would be too dumb to comprehend; neither does any Maoist that I have ever heard of make such proclamations. On the other hands, we have Islamic terrorists proclaiming from the roof tops their motivating factor.

Really man, such gutter level propaganda does not fly. Thus the likes of Patel are entirely redundant. :tdown:

This might have been fine a couple of decades ago but you guys need much smarter propagandists to survive nowadays.

When and where did it happen? News channels not reporting it. :pop:

You expect secular media to report secular crimes? :nono:

Anyway, 10 Injured in Stone-Pelting During Hanuman Jayanti Procession in Neemuch
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I won't go into your original statement or its syntax as long as you have understood that correctly. Coming to the other part of your comment:

They want to overthrow the government because they have not got their due in a democracy and they have lost faith in it. My sympathies are with the tribals. Not the ones that grew up in an upper middle class family, went to JNU, thought of himself as some superhero who will liberate the oppressed from the system by waging class warfare. No body likes a cynical hypocrite.

If you look carefully, there is not a single - not one - tribal leader of the Maoists. They are overwhelmingly drawn from lower middle class/ working class/ farming class Hindus, from Bihar, Bengal, Odisha, Chhatisgarh, and overwhelmingly, the former Andhra Pradesh. A significant part of their leadership, and their ideological resources, are drawn precisely from the upper middle class, JNU educated superhero. Their ultimate aim is not distributive justice, but the overthrow of the state.

@Joe Shearer unfortunatle reality is that the terrorists who are muslims commit terrorism in name of Islam. Other terrorists commit terrorism in name of a political ideology or goal. For example Bodo militants commit terrorism to gain Bodoland.

Both are equally condemable. However Bodo terrorists cant be called as christian terrorists because they dont do it in name of christianity. ISIS is rightly labeled as Islamic terrorist because they are doing in name of Islam

that is why the statement is given that terrorists are muslims

Are Bodo terrorists at all terrorists? Yes, or no?
The day maoist's kill while shouting jai shri ram give me that argument.

OTOH the entire Indian mujahideen or SIMI functions are ideologically based on Wahhabism.
For instance the suicide bomb attacks or terrorism carried out by Tamils (who were Hindu) in Srilanka or India were done by 'Tamil terrorists' but those done by Al-Qaeda/TTP/ ISIS whatever, were/are the acts of Muslim terrorists.
Tamil Terrorist were not spreading terror in the name of Hinduism but for Tamil cause so they were called Tamil Terrorist not Hindu Terrorist
but Al-Qaeda/TTP/ ISIS are spreading terror in the name of Islam ....that's why......
Yes Overwhelmingly Yes. You will never find me supporting them or maoists or seperatists of any hue and cry

In that case, what happens to your formulation that terrorists are Muslim? Some terrorists are, but ALL terrorists? Or the typical terrorist? That's why the lead article asked us to check who is guilty of terrorism and why.
The bottom line of the article got lost somehow, I am afraid. Its primary objective was not to show that terrorism based upon Islamic ideologies does not exist at all, but to emphasize on the fact that irreligious political extremism against the democratic institution poses greater threat for its extensiveness in terms of human lives lost which gets quite unnoticed in Indian societies today.
Al-Qaeda/ISIS/TTP all are politically motivated who use the name of a religion to lure people into their ranks and to give or earn legitimacy to their actions. The reason that an overwhelming majority of Muslims living in some 52 countries does not support them albeit of their apparent religious guise is a testament to this fact.
LTTE was also politically motivated but never bring religion or hide behind religion.....
Muslims support them or not but fact wont change
In that case, what happens to your formulation that terrorists are Muslim? Some terrorists are, but ALL terrorists? Or the typical terrorist? That's why the lead article asked us to check who is guilty of terrorism and why.
All religious terrorists are muslims
The bottom line of the article got lost somehow, I am afraid. Its primary objective was not to show that terrorism based upon Islamic ideologies does not exist at all, but to emphasize on the fact that irreligious political extremism against the democratic institution has been far more alarming for its extensiveness in terms of human lives lost which gets quite unnoticed in Indian societies today.

Have you read Akbar S Ahmed's 'The thistle and the drone' - I'd really recommend it. Its a wonderful anthropological genesis of Muslim fanaticism by someone who's served in South Waziristan during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and is an anthropologist and historian by profession. He talks about how this seeping fanaticism is in fact a mutation of tribal Islam in places like Waziristan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia etc. when they came into extreme friction with modern society and how a perversion of tribal codes (some of which are completely un-Islamic) have trumped religious sensibilities because its essentially a reactionary response from the tribes that existed on the peripheries who now feel that they're under siege ideologically, politically, socially and of course militarily.
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